Leaderboard Prizes Going Live!!

Hey there Big Spenders!!

Looks like the final tally and results for the Leaderboards are verified and now the Prizes are rolling on out to the games.

As I was ill and focused more on the Event basics, I did not push to hit the Leaderboards top rankings, so I will not be able to verify in my personal game the stats for the Prizes. I will see what info I can pull and confirm via TinyCo, but please feel free to also share your images in the comments or email them to me as well as the Questlines. familyguyaddicts@gmail.com

Leaderboard Winner Top 3

I did get Chuggs at least and will be compiling all the information for him and have that up tomorrow on the site. Again, feel free to share your information of your prizes.


109 responses to “Leaderboard Prizes Going Live!!

  1. A full week has gone by with no prizes and no responses to my in-game messages (four so far). From reading other people’s comments, I am guessing TinyCo isn’t interested in responding either. If these is solace in not being the only one who is wrongly being accused, then that is all I have to go with. I guess I should have stopped playing before I got 8,000 medals since I got 7,900+ on my second game and got silver prizes in that. All I want is a response and then proof of how I was cheating. An assumption isn’t a very good way to go about their business. Just drawing a line at 8,000 medals and checking for clams spent isn’t a good policy to weed out cheaters. They would know what is in their games and how people can amass medals. I know math is far from their strong suit as evidenced with the poor way they set up challenges/tasks/collections, but I would think they could easily realize that a player could get to these totals without clams or cheating if they would take the time to investigate. Surely if they are accusing people of cheating they are looking at the coding in each person’s game and verifying where the cheating is taking place. It would be easy to verify. So prove it TinyCo!

    Every time I consider making a clam purchase to support them because of how much enjoyment I get out of the game, they do something boneheaded like this. Frustrating and disappointing.


    • Honestly, this is what I would suggest.

      Write to TinyCo. Explain to them EXACTLY how you got to the totals you did. Example: I used x amount of clams earned from **** to level up vehicle to *** to earn me x amount of medals per day. If you used free clams, tell them where those came from.

      Be VERY specific in your response. Essentially, those that seemed to have them withheld show questionable play in their games. As we do not own or make the game, we can’t get involved in the actual “look inside a players game” to assist players better with this, so I am offering what I can to help.

      Seriously, write to them, be kind (I know that is hard, but trust me yelling/swearing/cussing will get you nowhere), be very specific and on point on the “HOW” you got to the level you were. Don’t use the message as a rant or anger post. Just communicate on a business level as you will be talking to a business. Businesses pay attention to stats and numbers very well, so… show them stats and numbers. Break it down. See what happens. 🙂


      • Good to see you bouncing back on here.

        We’ve already written and explained. Those that actually receive a reply have been told the same more than once, that without significant amount of clams it’s not possible to get the numbers we did. Well sure, if someone only logs in a couple times a day they’re gonna have to spend a ton of clams to get anywhere.. but anyone like myself who has the ability to log in for a few minutes once every hour or two will get a lot further ahead than anyone not in the game as much whether they’re spending clams or not. If I or someone else can play more than the next player that’s still fair play. And when people are asking TinyCo to please look at our games – we’re not trying to hide anything.

        We should not have to keep track of every single thing we do in the game. I do take screenshots of any unlocks and definitely take shots of the leaderboard as I progress and at the finish, but it’s not all the time. I’m certainly not keeping a journal of every battle finished and every time I tapped on the buildings that dropped medals, or finished up the side quests that gave out lots of medals.

        They should have all the proof they need to see just by looking at our games. Look at how many battles. Look at the main and side quests completed. Look at the number of times the medal-producing buildings were collected from. This should not be that difficult if they would just look. And if they don’t track these things or have the ability to find these numbers easily they have absolutely no proof or reason they should be calling people cheats.


        • I get all that… I do… I am just looking at this from a business side of things. They are saying it is impossible, well… then show them HOW it is possible. That is what I do anytime I communicate with them. I do not just say “this does not work”, instead I give them very specific details, stats, time tables, etc showing and explaining WHY it will not work as well as offer a solution on how to resolve it.

          All I am saying is if the rewards are really that important to you, then do all you can to show them how you got those prizes fair and square. The more players showing them HOW, it will not only help Players that felt they were wronged in this event, but may also help them to better understand and fine tune their “cheater block” system for future Events too. So this will also help out future play as well. If no one shows them how it is broke, they won’t see how to fix it… if that makes sense. With a million of players, there is no way to pinpoint EXACTLY how you play. The coding only shows them so much, and from what they are seeing and responses I am getting… the game play didn’t add up. So something in there is being missed. This is why I say send details.

          Trust me, this is what I have been doing with this site from day one of this game. I work with a LOT of numbers and stats to present my thoughts, suggestions, and cases to them. With that so much has changed for the better in this game. With even more help from Players like you, those changes can continue.

          Outside of all that, I stick with my first and foremost thought on the Leaderboards, I do not like them. I feel they are more for players to just throw a ton of clams at for a “chance” gamble and nothing more. Yes, they heard me and gave better community prizes to all… but still… they are not something I really care for at all.


          • The biggest problem in my case, and it sounds like in this person’s case, is that they haven’t responded AT ALL. I’m not sure how putting together the detailed stats can even help if they don’t respond at all.

            I’m glad you’re feeling better, I know Alissa suggested that you might be able to have some inside track for talking to them about this, wondering if that is the case, because like I said, they have completely ignored everything I’ve sent so far. And I *did* spend some clams.


            • I spoke with them. This is my suggestion after doing so, regardless if you have seen a response yet or not. Send a new message with the details.


              • Bunny, thank you so much for the response and the suggestion. But Skydude has it correct: I have written to them as nice as possible and told them exactly what you are suggesting — exactly how many medals I got, what I did at the end of the game to get so many so quickly (I ran battles with Kevin/Snake which were 55 every three hours and Quag/Lois every five hours which were 60 for five days once I completed the core of the event plus I got a ton [I don’t know how many] right at the end for using my silver bells on the coin-producing buildings available (the gingerbread items). All they would have to do is look in my town and see five of each of the three of them sitting there. I don’t know what the payout for them was but my total jumped quickly right at the very end because that’s how I used up my silver bells, like I do every event to use up my event currency (a fact that one would see from looking in my town and seeing six Latinum Loans, etc.). If they can’t even recognize that they set the game up for huge rewards by buying the buildings, then what chance do we have? But I can’t even get them to respond that they are getting my messages or even that they have flagged me for cheating and that is why I am not getting the prizes. I have NO IDEA why I haven’t been paid out the prizes because I wouldn’t even consider that they would ban me for cheating because I was on the leaderboard the entire event and only because I read here that others with similar medals totals have been told that they were flagged for cheating would I even come to the possible conclusion that this is what the reason is. I got 7900+ in my backup game and got paid the first night. And got silver prizes to boot when I was only expecting bronze. I mean, what sense does that make? I played the games practically the same amount (a little different because of the glitches that took place, but a lot because it was the holidays and I was off work a lot) so they were almost even in medal counts. One game is flagged for cheating and the other isn’t. I know they don’t know the games are owned by the same player, but if they would review that fact, it would further prove that I didn’t cheat.

                Thanks Bunny, but for them to just toss a net around a group of players because they reached a certain plateau is just very bad business. Is syphoning off my clams next because I have accumulated too many? When does it stop? I am all for them protecting their business and the integrity of the game for other players, but to make this claim without even looking into it? Prove to me that I was cheating before you just make that conclusion based on a number. But first, respond to any of the four kind, polite in-game messages that have gone ignored or a week thus far.


                • Like I said to the others, I get that. I can’t control them as I am not them. I can’t tell them when and how to respond to their Players. All I am doing is offering my support and suggestions from what I have seen. If you already did this, then AWESOME. Wait for a reply as I know they are still going through a lot of them. Sadly there is no way anyone can speed up that response time with them being so terribly a small company and those handling “tech support” replies are few and far between. Nothing like the other massive game houses that outsource customer service to thousands of call centers worldwide. Theirs is all in house and all by their small group of employees on the project.

                  I know it sucks when you don’t hear back. I know it sucks waiting. Just keep in mind that this is ME helping, so you don’t have to vent to me or tell me about that part. I know it. I get it. I see it daily. Like I have told them from day one, this is their main area that is lacking. Their response…If a player needs to contact them, do so… then wait. Wait 5 days, then if no reply (including automated replies) then send another follow up… repeat every 5 days. If there IS an autoreply, reply to it. ANYTHING they send whether it all applies to you or not and your issue is still NOT resolved, reply to it “My issue is still not resolved”. This will keep you in queue with support.

                  If the help I am suggesting does not apply to you, then pass on it and pay it no mind. I am just doing that, trying to help. Explaining to me that it does not apply to you does no one any good. I get the frustrations, but directing that annoyance and anger at me is really unnecessary in anyway. Make sense? 🙂


                  • Can I ask those responding 2 questions?

                    In your games that you DID get rewards in, have you EVER bought clams?

                    In your games that you DID NOT get rewards in, have you EVER bought clams?

                    I ask because I started this event in 2 games with about 250 clams each. Game 1 was leftover paid for clams, game 2 was clams for videos and various rewards. Game 2 still has the “free clams with a coin purchase” mission sitting there.

                    I played each game identically, barring random drops and game 1 taking time to win the challenges. I bought the same clam building to get more loot, I generally played them at the same time to cycle actions and the like. This meant game 2 had a slightly higher medal tally, but both were in the 9500-9800 range, placing them around #500.

                    In game 1 – the paid clam game – I got the top 100 reward for placing around #500. In game 2 – the freemium game – I got squat. If everyone else who got squat has NEVER paid for a clam like my game 2, then it’s clear TinyCo are calling free players cheats. If it’s happened to people who have paid in the past, then why did my lower rank game get the good gear, but my free game didn’t?

                    I’ve been ignored by TinyCo for about 2 weeks now, they have deleted previous messages but never responded. They’re going to lose me as a customer over this. You know, the game I *do* pay for clams in.


                    • Let me explain vaguely and as simplistic as I can how any game coding views game play as a “cheat” and this may help to understand why I feel it’s trapping players unfairly. Both premium and Freemium.

                      The game looks at your “game currency” vs “owned items”. Sadly “game currency” in a lot of games only shows up IF you make an in app purchase, it does not count “freely” earned game currency (say from Jesus). Not sure if this is true or how closely TinyCo models it, but it’s what I’ve seen from experience in past.

                      So if you “own” …let’s say 500 clams worth of Premium characters or buildings, but the system can’t find anywhere how you acquired that “game currency” 500 clams (mostly due to it was earned “freely”.) The game is now confused as to just how you got those items, so it flags you.

                      Since a hack functions similar in that you own a ton of premium with no way to show how you got that game currency to buy it all, you’re now lumped in with the hackers.

                      In the past TinyCo stated they use methods to avoid this scenario, but I want to make sure that no one is still falling through the cracks and still getting caught in that net.

                      I am working on an upcoming post with another reader and want the community involved. Please keep an eye out for it this weekend and participate in the comments of it all you can. I want this fixed and am doing it the best way I know how to. Just need other Players to help back me up too. 🙂


                    • Dr Ulzy, I did not get the prizes and I have never bought clams in that game, so I also still have that free clams with coin purchase quest sitting there.

                      It might be worth noting that I did receive prizes from the previous leaderboards though. During Peter-palooza I even won the second round in my group and was given Bad Trip Stewie. During the mobster event I was banned from the boards for a couple weeks due to a glitch, but once I contacted TinyMatt directly and got them to actually look at my game he said my account was in good standing and they reversed it right away. I made it to the 3rd tier on that one and got my bronze house etc. I’ve had no problems again until now and I wasn’t shown as banned on this leaderboard, just didn’t receive the prizes or an explanation. I think the only difference for me in this event vs previous leaderboards is that I only used 11 clams this event (3 random and 8 for Spy Brian right before the end), whereas the others I had made a couple premium purchases with earned clams.

                      Bunny thanks for your help and for giving us space to discuss this, will be watching for your new post about it.


                  • Hi Bunny, sent you a post which hopefully you can post with exactly what you asked for, hopefully this will help others see what it is you’re asking for. And we can send same info to TinyCo. Keep resting and hope all this doesn’t have you reaching for the loopy pills.


          • Thanks Bunny.

            Unfortunately, providing more details here is difficult if we didn’t log it as we went. The max possible numbers of medals from questlines wouldn’t be hard to pull together, but a lot of the medals came from the battles. With all the different vehicles, with medal payouts varying by the vehicle level along with how many characters were sent on the missions, over the course of 5 weeks; then factor in the disappearing/stuck vehicles glitch and the resetting of their levels etc that a lot of us went through…. in this case it’s not really feasible to do this on our end after it’s done and over. So many variables there that I personally wouldn’t know where to start trying to figure out what was actually the max possible. What I do know is I played the game as-is from the Play store, and I accumulated 9886 medals. And based on what other players here were able to accumulate I know that was not an abnormal number. I don’t know how to provide more details than what they have available to them without having kept a log of it myself. Plus they’ve not even replied to me in the first place. So… I dunno.


            • I know that part my be difficult. I am wondering if as a community we can join together to assist in that. Basically, see if you can remember what levels your Vehicles were on… then Players can help to note how many Medals per battle per Characters that dropped. That can be a start. Then you should be able to see what building you bought or won that dropped medals… there again helping.

              If we work together we can compile an idea at least. It may not be exact, but it may be able to at least help out. I can’t relay my info as the main game I played was all premium and I did NOT focus on the Leaderboard. I ended around 6500 Medals myself.

              Put the details out there, it can’t hurt. I am just trying to help gather the best data and details possible to help you all out the best way I can. Stats and details and “math” will always help. 😉


  2. Still waiting on my prizes, and have received no response whatsoever from Tinyco about it. The event wasn’t particularly glitchy for me, so it’d be a shame for it to end on such a sour note because of something like this.


  3. Well I was just informed that I cheated on the leaderboards because I didn’t spend any money. I had about 9500 medals at the end but was told that was impossible without spending a large amount of money. I have never cheated with this game. But just because I was able to play literally all the time this event I must have cheated.
    Hard Work doesn’t pay off unless you pay them off.

    Anyone else get this many medals and not got their prizes yet this was probably why.


    • Yes I had over 9000 medals from constant play and haven’t received my leaderboard prizes. Didn’t cheat, just played day and night due to sleep disruption.


    • I guess this explains why inhavent gotten any prizes neither, i had almost 10,000 that i earn by playing as well, i thought i was fine, since in the last day it showed me in the leaderboards, and showed i wasnt banned anymore


    • I have not received prizes or a reply yet as to why, but you probably gave me my answer. It was absolutely possible to earn that many medals without spending anything because I did the same. I had just under 9900 medals at the end and didn’t spend a penny during this event or any other. I just play the game – I have never cheated, used a game other than provided by TinyCo via Google Play, or had someone else log in to my game to provide items etc. Only used 3 earned clams during the event, and another 8 earned clams right at the end to finish off the Spy Brian costume. I didn’t even feel like the event required a lot of time in the game… I just kept people on the battles as much as possible and made it to the end to get the two buildings that dropped more medals the last week. I was in the top 500 for the last few days of the event and was still there last I saw.


  4. I sent my in-game message to TinyCo this morning when the leaderboard icon disappeared from my game and no sign of any prizes. I finished with just under 8500 medals and was solidly in the second tier the entire last week. This event ran more smoothly for me than anything since the Comic-Con event. I’m not panicking yet, but it would be a shame to spoil such a positive experience if I can’t receive the distributed prizes that I earned.


    • Same boat here but they just now replied calling me a cheater, had 9346, but said that was impossible if I didn’t spend a large amount of clam


      • Honestly, and I’m sure this is a totally different opinion than Bunny’s, but I feel like they’re taking this cheater thing a little too far. Cheating in games exists, it always has and always will. Heck I used to use cheat codes when I was 8 years old playing Aladdin in Sega (AABBAABBA…still remember it too 😉 ). Yea, prevent people from stealing clams but have proof that they actually padded their account with clams (they can go into anyone’s account and look at their total at any time..). Hearing stuff like this just frustrates me….


        • Wow. May explain things for me. I play two games strictly freemium. On my second game I got 7984 medals and got Chuggs and the building skin right when they started sending out prizes. On my primary game I got 8421 and am still waiting. My second game I was ranked 1200 or so most of the last week. My primary game I was between 1000 and 1100 that same time. I had no aspirations of getting to 1000 (didn’t care about the building that much and care even less so since I found out it is only a skin) so I was just playing it out. My entire goal was to get Chuggs — never even considered the Super Elf because I play freemium. All I wanted in the games was Chuggs so I was comfortable that I would get him based on where I was. When I got the building skin I was surprised and thought they changed the level tiers since there were so many glitches. All I really want is Chuggs. I was running battles right to the end and getting a bunch of medals each time from Kevin/Snake and Quagmire/Lois, like over 50 each time. Plus I spent all my silver bells on the buildings and that jumped my total up a bunch at the end. Perhaps they should do a little more research before accusing people of cheating. If the buildings paid out large numbers of silver bells (which I believe they did), all they have to do is look in my town and see five of each of the three. If I was going to cheat, wouldn’t I cheat to make sure I get comfortably above rank 1,000 instead of hovering under 1,000 all that time. I hope they respond to me with an explanation instead of just leaving me hanging. I think I have a pretty valid case.


        • I know right, I was in a conversation with one person doing my hardest to be civil and explain my case but the said my account was red flagged and it couldn’t be remove after which I made a response and then the entire conversation was gone when I logged back in, no x or check to click saying if I was satisfied just gone. The only clams I get are from Ollie and watching ads which were pretty plentiful during the event like a couple times a day or from gifts from them and from the 2 times I actually bought clams not even this event, so if I actually padded my clams would I not have had to spend them to get medals. Only spent clams this event to get Brian’s coutume for 8clams and 1 or 2 here and there to speed up a 30min or 1hr task. Just frustrating. Anyway messaged them again hope to get someone more helpful.


        • I had over 9000 medals from playing day and night, sleep was little due to my other half being ill, I didn’t cheat just put in more time than others. Didn’t receive my leaderboard prizes, this needs to be addressed as honest players shouldn’t be labelled cheats just because me play more than average freemium player. Can you raise this Matt, Alissa as contacts are going unanswered.


        • Like the others I got around 9500 totally legit and totally free. I was on the early release of FREE CLAMS FOR VIDEOS so I can scrape 3-6 clams per day. That is enough for one or two of the booster buildings per event, so you can keep playing or attacking longer.

          I have not received a response, but still no rewards on my phone game, which had never bought clams.

          On my iPad game I played nearly the same way. Free clams, plus a few from my last purchase. I got LESS medals as I completed the challenges which took time away from farming. Despite placing outside the top 500, I got the top 100 reward. It’s now clear why – TinyCo deemed every FREEMIUM player a “cheat” even if they achieved their totals legitimately.

          Shame on TinyCo.


  5. Face Off pt.4 (Robot Super Elf)

    Have Robot Super Elf say yes to life (2 hr)
    Have Quagmire befriend robots (2 hr)

    And that ends the questline.


  6. Patiently awaiting my leaderboard prizes, great there’s little quest lines for any characters awarded. Hope you’re doing better Bunny.


  7. I play games on two devices and got my prizes in my B game (7200+ medals) right around the time of this original post. Just popped in while I was doing some landscaping in my town. Haven’t seen anything in my A game (8400+ medals). I was having all sorts of crashing issues with that game due to having collected Don Corleone. The prizes went out around the same time as the patches. Is it possible it got fouled up in my game due to its instability? I searched everywhere for Chuggs (he was in the last position of my inventory in my B game) with no success. I see comments where you are stating wait until the weekend, but waiting until then really means Monday afternoon (ET) before a possible response in TinyCo world. The icon with the medal count has disappeared in both games. Does that mean that all the positions have been verified and all prizes have gone out? If for some reason I am being suspected for cheating, will they at least tell me that so I have a chance to defend? I hovered around place 1100 on the leaderboard, so if I was going to cheat I would do a better job than making sure I was 100 places away from the next prize level. Haha.


    • If you do not see the Leaderboards “you won” Pop up, try force closing the app and restarting your device.

      If still none, message them. I stated wait til weekend to allot time enough for ALL prizes to go out.


      • Thanks. Have done that several times. I will continue to wait patiently. Finished Chuggs’ quest line in my B game and was hoping to knock it out in my A game as well before the new content hits. Oh well. With all of the deletions and reinstalls through the game crashing I hope I didn’t mess myself up. If nothing by the weekend I will message them for some assistance. Hopefully there are still prizes to award and I am just toward the bottom of the list.


  8. Not to be the only person taking this negatively… But for the ungodly amount of clams I spent ensuring I was in the top 100 it’s kind of a big screw you to me and the other top 100 when they change it to giving it out to seemingly the top 500.


    • You do realize that’s only an “assumption” Players are making, right?

      No where at all has TinyCo stated they awarded outside the top 100 spots. No where.

      The one thing they DID state is they were going to check the Leaderboards one final time to confirm players were all there fairly. Any abuse found would be pulled… not the first time I’ve seen it happen… nor doubt the last that Players drop like flies for unfair use in last week of Leaderboards.

      Not to mention NO ONE really knew the final numbers. The Leaderboards only updated a few times daily. So the last time you saw the “places” may have been very inaccurate with the final count.

      My earnings for instance. I earned at ton of Snowflake Medals last day… but that total I saw was NOT reflected yet on Leaderboards.

      So as I always say… there’s ALWAYS a bigger picture. Don’t feed the frenzy and jump on the pitchfork committee without actually knowing the facts. 😉


      • Morning all. Another silly question. I know that the leaderboards are being rechecked so that could be a factor but I had a pop up saying I’d won chuggs and the Finland skin. I’ve got the funland skin but can’t find chuggs anywhere. Suggestions or a stern speaking for missing the obvious to would be welcomed. Many thanks questers and bunny 🙂


      • I was firmly in the top 30 for the vast majority of the event until the last week or so. Then I was suddenly dropped to the high 100s. That to me signified that there was a massive amount of cheating going on. Luckily I was rewarded as if I was in the top 100. Thank you TinyCo for weeding out the cheaters!


      • I was just going off the large amount of comments on this post and the last claiming they were much lower than 100 last they checked but still received him. I did contact TinyCo about it and they explained that they did indeed just remove the cheaters. Just shocked that there were so many. I guess I should hold my tongue before complaining next time 😛 Congrats to all that received him and thanks as always for your time Bunny!


  9. I was banned from the leaderboard until the last day. And now the little christmas tab is gone and ive got no price. I had 5.381 medals so I know I should get one!


  10. Face Off pt.2 (Robot Super Elf)

    Have Robot Super Elf get sweet revenge (4 hr?)
    Have Santa refuse gifts to robots (4 hr?)

    Face Off pt.3 (Robot Super Elf)

    Have Robot Super Elf get his face fixed (8 hr)
    Have Jerome refuse drinks to robots (6 hr)


  11. Can we work on the Don after the event or does he disappear?


  12. Justa quick note. I am on part 2 or 3 of Chuggs quest line and it tells me to have lois update her travel blog but it is not an option under any of her costumes or her main character. Reported to tiny co. But wanted to know if anyone else had this problem.


  13. So, I got Chuggs and I am on his character quest Chuggs, Chuggs, Chuggs part 3. It says to have Lois update travel blog. But when I click on it, it takes me to Lois and opens up her tasks but Update Travel Blog is not highlighted at the top. Hm… I must have the needed building stored is what I thought, but usually you will find tasks you cannot perform at the bottom of the list with a padlock on top of the icon and then the reason your character cannot do the task in the description. It could be that it requires a building or a higher level.

    The problem is that I go through all the skins for Lois that I have and none of them have that task listed anywhere.

    Is the task currently not available or is it for a skin that I don’t have or is it a building I need to take out from storage that for some reason in this case stopped it from being listed in the tasks or am I just confused?


    • Looking into it. I am going through his questline as we speak and will update it. 🙂


      • It was a task from the last event that took place in the tent. Snake also has an option for a task that takes place in the tent but of course the tent didn’t come along with the rest of the items from the North Pole. Frustrating the logic of designing a quest line for a character that is intended to be released after the event that includes tasks specific from the event that take place in places that don’t exist in our games any more.


        • The Tent jobs should have moved to the Griffins though. Still messing with it.


          • Strangely, Kevin Swanson’s 16 hour task is in Murder Point, the Halloween building similar to Anal Point. Never had a single character use that building for anything! Actually I like this, they should just randomly assign available buildings to tasks so that they don’t all happen in the Griffin house 🙂


    • Sent all my info to them and they are looking into it. Will update when get word back. Just hang tight in the meantime while I figure out WHERE the task should go. 🙂


  14. Bunny, if you want more screenshots for the rest of SRE’s quest or tasks or outdoor actions, please let me know. I already sent in a bunch. Have all the rest of his questline besides some Facespace levels and a locked task or two available.


  15. Why have I STILL not gotten my prize for the Christmas event. I got 693 medals. Doesn’t that qualify for the lowest prize? How do I get it?


    • Wait. Patience. They drop player by player. Takes time


    • 693 medals isn’t high enough to register on the leaderboard for prizes. Did you ever see yourself on the leaderboard during the event? They only showed the top 5000 medal earners since those were the ones who would get the prizes. Even 3000 medals wasn’t enough to get me in the top 5000 when I checked a few days before the end of the event.

      I wasn’t visible on the leaderboard until the the very last day when I was getting closer to 5000 medals. I was only about 100 places above the bottom of the lowest prize tier, with a starting rank of something like 4900 (the lowest rank to get the third prize Chuggs was 5000). That means about 4900 people had more medals than I did early on the last day of the event. My final number of medals was 5059, so my rank probably just barely managed to stay within the limit, assuming other people were adding medals the last day also. I had to have fewer than 5000 people ahead of me in number of medals to get Chuggs.

      Of course, if TinyCo is feeling guilty enough about the glitches, maybe they will be more generous with the prizes and they will give the third prize Chuggs to more people… That would be nice! But don’t hold your breath.


    • Did you mean rank 693 instead of 693 medals? If so, just wait and you’ll get your prize since I was near the bottom rank and got Chuggs. Your post earlier indicated rank 693 but you said 693 medals here, which wouldn’t place for prizes.


    • Sorry to say but 693 medals would not have gotten you a prize. I was at 4931 and i just made it into the top 5000.
      Only the top 5000 players got prizes.


  16. So how worried should I be that I haven’t received any prizes yet? I’ve closed my game and restarted my device a couple of times, but it’s still showing the medals icon in the corner and haven’t won anything. I can’t be sure since they weren’t updating the leaderboard at ALL the last day of the event, but I believe I finished in the top 1000, so I should be getting Chuggs and possibly the skin for Bob’s Funland.


  17. As per other comments, I gout all three prizes. At close of Raid to the North Pole I was ranked around 515 with 9200ish medals in one game, a little higher in the other. Haven’t got the pop for both yet. Rank 100 needed 24,000 or more medals just before the end.

    Really surprised there would be 400 cheaters ahead of me, so methinks the rules got relaxed some.

    Or bug… 😝


  18. Anyone have a problem unlocking greased up deaf guy? I’ve got all the stuff I need for him but whenever I click the padlock the game freezes!


  19. I got Chuggs! Yay!
    I finished collecting for greasy runner guy! Yay!
    Trying to unlock greasy runner guy crashes my game! Boo!

    Hard quits and powering down didn’t help, game still quits whenever I tap on greasy guys’ checkmark for the last completed collection (grease, of course). No problem with rest of game. (I already have Don Corleone, Death’s mom, and the other two characters so greasy guy was all I was working on). No update in iPhone App Store as of 4am Wednesday. Notified TinyCo inside the game and sent a screenshot to prove the greaser is supposed to be mine….

    Chuggs’ quest line is imaginatively called ” Chuggs, Chuggs, Chuggs!” with subtitle “Robot Super Elf tries to fit in” and Pt 1 has two tasks:

    Have Chuggs chug

    Have Chris party with Chuggs

    Well, now I know why the guy is called Chuggs. He’s pouring beer into his mouth at the moment using a funnel and tubing.

    Have no idea what my rank was on the leaderboard, I just barely got onto it (100 places from bottom) early the last day and it stopped updating the ranks although it updated my medals. Had 5059 medals by end of event (freemium, without toy assembly line).


  20. Funny enough, my last position before the leaderboard ended was somewhere around #400, but I still received all 3 prizes including the robot elf a few minutes ago!!! I’m curious now if they really kicked out at least 300 cheaters ahead of me or something glitched.


  21. Just got Robot Super Elf 🙂 🙂
    Which surprised me a bit as I was about 150th when the leaderboard closed – were there really that many people cheating?
    And what exactly is cheating?!


    • Abusive use and exploitation of a glitch (like if one all of the sudden was getting unlimited Medals from a task, or dropped from somewhere they shouldn’t)

      Altered games. Whether you went to an outside source to get “help” with currency, characters, clams, etc added to your game. ANY deviation from TinyCo’s game is illegal.


  22. I got Chuggs, yeay! 🙂 and he is voiced but God isn’t, that’s weird… I hope they also voice God later on…


  23. Yay! Just got my prize, and I managed to get Robot Super Elf, Chuggs, and the building skin for Bibs Funland I think it’s called. I’ve noticed that Chuggs is voiced, but Robot Super Elf isn’t, not sure if he will be voiced in the future, but if not that’s fine with me. Hope everyone else is happy with what they got. 🙂


  24. Not complaining, but when I was awarded Chuggs, Don Corleone was immediately unlocked. Had 4 hats, 2 rings, and 3 whatever-the-other-thing-was to go. Hey, I’ll take it!

    We’re any of the premium characters part of a set that awarded clams? I picked up 25 each for finishing sets with Mob Wife Bonnie and Detective Scrotes. Wanted to know if I’d be picking anyone else up at a “discount”.


  25. got Greased-Up Deaf Guy unlocked magically even tho i needed a few more items to get him!!! bf’s game as well he got him and Scrotes “magically unlocked” for free and both gotten Son Corleone places in our games already lol they must have added some clams too because i have about 25-30 more than what i started out wit this morning. TOTALLY surprised me 😄


  26. Merry Christmas…
    Yeah it was so a couple of weeks ago, but TC gave me the two characters I was working on, well I had everything for one of them already but the game shut down when I’d try to claim him. Added to the 2 characters I bought, I got 4 on this 2nd chance event, and I got 5 for my wifes game. My guess is they gave the characters because of the glitches being experienced, but whatever the reason I’m happy.

    I can’t add anything about raid to the north pole as I was busy during that and only earned a couple hundred metals and couldn’t figure out how people got so far. But I thank Those that helped earn me the 40 billion prize I think it was lol.


  27. I was nowhere close to being in the top tier, but for whatever reason they awarded me the elf? Maybe it was because of all the glitches and they wanted to show their appreciation for people hanging in there? Anyway, I hope that everybody got the stuff they wanted from the last event, and are enjoying this respite. Now that this is done, I am out until the next thing comes along!


  28. Funny i just unlocked deaths mom and resent characters on tasks to complete GUDG & so routes and when I returned there was a dialogue congratulating me for unlocking all 3?!?!?

    Guess i cant complain about that glitch!


  29. How come my comment didn’t post?


  30. For some reason I got greased up naked guy, deaths mom, the third one can’t remember his name, for free without completeing unlocks. I hadn’t gotten very far in them so I know it was just givin to me. But for some reason the Don corleone guy was free and has a 2 day timer. But I have not gotten anything about my prized for the snowflake medals. I would get lowest rank since I only have 693 but I didn’t get any prize at all yet or quest. Checked everywhere. So why r we getting free characters all of a sudden ?


  31. Mine popped up saying winner winner, but i was in the process of visiting a neighbor and when i got back there was nothing in my inventory. Grr i hope that isn’t going to mess getting the prizes to me.


    • Double check your Characters and All tab. Also check Quahog Streets for a character with lock icon.

      As always… message them if nothing still after restarting device and usual basic troubleshooting


    • I got same message for chuggs when I was in olie land. Closed game down, then went into inventory to characters and scrolled all the way to the right – the last character was chuggs and then I tapped on him to add him in the game


  32. I just logged into my game and TinyCo gave me Don Corleone without having to complete getting all his items, which is a great relief to me since I was behind on getting Movie Tickets with Death’s Mom. I didn’t have to unlock him. He just appeared walking in my game after I clicked on Death’s Mom doing her Movie Tickets task.


  33. Face Off pt.1 (Robot Super Elf)

    Have Robot Super Elf whip it out (12 hr)
    Have Mort refuse service to robots (2 hr)


  34. I can confirm there are questlines for both characters and the silver prize is a skin for Bob’s Funland.


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