Raid to the North Pole… POLL

Hey there Clammers!

While we have a lil down time, and while I am trying to prep for other things, figured it was a good time to reflect on the past Event. Raid to the North Pole.

Raid to the North Pole Icon


Take a peek at all the questions and answer them to your best abilities.


In case the insert does not work, here is a direct link to the Raid to the North Pole Poll.


I will be closing this Raid to the North Pole Poll out Friday January 15th, so please get your responses in before then. Remember to follow Addicts Guidelines when commenting. Make my work easier by not having to edit and/or delete them. 🙂


59 responses to “Raid to the North Pole… POLL

  1. All in all I liked the event though I didn’t do so great. Still, my favourite event was Halloween. My main suggestion is that show characters/outfits should have priority over extra ones like Snake or Avril Lavigne. That’s why Peterpalooza is my least favourite one.

    I don’t mind the leaderboards. I read a lot of complaints about them when I started playing so I expected sth worse. The ones for this event were great imo: you got some prizes as a group and more things if you chose to work harder/pay/whatever. And it didn’t interfere with the quests. Another thing that I liked was that the community prize was more interesting than the individual one, especially the first ones and the top one. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When it comes to the major (5+ wks) Events, I’ve lately adapted a new strategy, due in parts to lack of land, disinterest, and foresight of both glitches and inability to complete the Event. Basically, I wait 1 week into the Event before I start, which allows me to plan ahead (thanks so this site), TC to patch glitches, and allows me to work towards known goals. So in reference to your question regarding timed “Last Page” items (Slasher Cat, Lyle, Skynet Complex, etc.), I much prefer them to remain non-Clam items. I no longer charge full-speed-ahead into these major Events, and therefore don’t expect to complete them, so it is nice having the flexibility towards these timed items imo.

    Just my 2¢


  3. I think it’s was less frustrating than Halloween, because I learned what not to do during that event. It still wasn’t fun, exactly. Lots of repetition, felt like more than usual.


  4. so as someone has already stated the leaderboard rewards are coming out. it looks like the brackets have changed. i was bumped from 95 to 288 in the last 3 hours of the event, but i still recieved robot super elf
    a friend of mine ended up around 300 and he also got robot super elf.


  5. Awesome – I did it!! I just won Robot Super Elf from the leaderboards. I had no idea that I was even in the top 100. The final time that my leaderboard updated (as it was never updated in the final few hours), I was placed about 130 – 140. I did spend some money on clams, though not a great deal (not as much my usual amount anyway). I guess all you really need to do is spend some time with the game. Even though I also did not have as much time as usual in the first week or two (although I still checked as often as I could), it was still enough to be a winner in the end! 🙂


  6. I just received my leaderboard prizes so others should be too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I went to my game one last time and I have Don Corleone wondering about… unlocked.


      • It just happened in my game as well. I was almost done collecting everything for him but still a few items left to go. Next time I was in the game, there he was, just wandering the streets.


      • Same thing happened to me… but with Greased Up Deaf Guy :/ I still needed 4 razors for him.


      • Same here, a little earlier. Hope they don’t take him out, since I have no way of getting him again. Since he’s there, GUDG, Death’s Mom, and Det. Scrotes no longer drop his get items.

        If people in the 200s and 300s are getting an item that was supposed to be cut off at #100, then maybe there’s hope for me to get something out of the Christmas event Leaderboard after all. I was only about 300 or so Medals out of 5000th place last I checked. Chuggs was all I was interested in getting anyway. Looks like they took my suggestion to extend the qualifying positions in response to the glitches having a direct effect on Medal gathering.


  7. It would have been interesting to see a question asking how many spent clams to get Spy Brian as the watch issue hit many. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining as it only cost me 4 clams as I wasn’t in a hurry to have him in my game for the event, but I saw few comments saying folk were boycotting him as felt TinyCo planned it this way, just wondered if they followed through or spent the clams in the end.


  8. I liked the concept of the Christmas event. They did have a lot of bugs, but toward event end, at least they patched up most of them and tried to tweak things to offset the loss.

    My biggest beef was that I collected so many presents and silver bells in hopes that I could use them for something great. … Well, I’ve got a whole gingerbread town from the bells. But 12000 presents and nothing to spend them on. Felt like a wasted effort at the end for presents. You work hard on accumulating, you want to spend the points, you know?


    • I personally aimed for 10K extra for completely arbitrary(sp?) reasons. Ended up with over 16k. Kinda glad I didn’t need them…maniac pope needed a ton a ton. Glad I made it with room this time.


    • wildthornberry88

      Yeah I was expecting another character at the end like hook hand and the pope, so i bought 3 prototypes. Was pretty annoyed to get no characters and a ton of unusable presents XD


  9. I know this isn’t a poll question but have you heard anything on the leaderboard prizes?


  10. An observation regarding the requirement needed to get God.
    Understatement that the 80 billion medals was insanely high. Why was it changed?
    Theory #1. That figure was just a place holder until TinyCo saw how the game was playing.
    This is most likely TinyCo’s response to the question.
    Theory #2. (Mine). TinyCo greatly overestimated the number of people who are still actively playing this game. OR they overestimated the number of people who would be buying clams. OR a combination of these. If this is the case, TinyCo has to rethink their current business model. It appears to me, a mostly freemium player, that, since the Star Trek event, one must use clams to complete an event. Granted, the clams I use are mostly the ones I’ve received thru playing. But, I still feel forced, at times, to use them.


    • From my point of view dealing with Game Houses for years…

      Events are set up months in advance. They use the Player base at THAT time to pre-determine “possible” goals. They also base it off of the set up of earning, battles (including like the boss battle that never hit), etc. Then they make that “approximate” number set on that.

      When the game finally goes live, then they have a more fair and accurate view of how the numbers play out and then adjust from there. EA does this EXACT same thing, so it is not isolated to just TinyCo. I have seen many Game houses do this. A standard model of play. That’s why I said I was never worried we would NOT hit the end goal. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Personaly I liked this event, was it the best event no, but it definitly wasn’t the worst. I know I was lucky with this event, as I wasn’t affected by the glitches, so maybe I would have felt slightly differently if I had of been. This was definitly an improvement over the Haloween event, as even with spending Clams I struggled in the first 3 weeks of that event, where as in this event I was able to be ready for each new Phase by each Monday evening.


  12. Thanks for the poll, Bunny. I like to see how other players feel about an event, compared with my own feelings.

    Would you consider doing an every event poll? Maybe just a letter grade for every event they’ve had. I know the details from older events are no longer fresh in my mind but I remember my basic feeling for every event. Might be interesting to see how each event stacks up from the beginning.

    I know that you’re busy with other things but I think the results could be interesting. 🙂


  13. Only thing I disliked this event were the timed items. I wish instead of being locked out of the item after then 24 hours they just increased the price. So you have the whole event to earn items but if you can do it in 24 hours you get them cheaper and get the benefit of items drop earlier.

    This time I had to miss Lyle because earning presents was hard to begin with but ended to event with over 6000 and nothing to spend them on.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. My game crashed trying to unlock the don tiny co. Fixed it after the timer went out and he was in my inventory sent him on a task now can’t get in .want him from this summer he might not be worth it thanks frank


  15. Thanks Bunny for the poll.

    I did bought Jesus with clams so maybe he should be included with the premium characters too?

    Thank God that we have God. Lol!
    Hopefully he will have voice soon.


  16. I am one who actually enjoyed the leaderboard this time around. At least the best prize (God) was given to all players for working to reach a common goal, instead of the elite few who can spend thousands on clams to speed through everything to get to the top of the leaderboard! I played every 2 hours while awake the entire event and I ended up just short of 4000 snowflake medals at the end of the event. If you noticed, the top 100 had over 3 times that many medals! If they hadn’t made those changes to the leaderboard then 99% of us wouldn’t have God in our games right now. I personally feel this was a much more enjoyable event compared with recent events. I’ve been playing since the beginning so lots to compare with here!


    • Actually God was a community goal. If we didn’t unlock it as a community, no one would have gotten him. The Super Elf Robot character was the one that was based on individual medals.


  17. Fluffy snowglobe? What was that? I knew about every other item released during the event (according to the list), except for this one. I checked the game every day and don’t remember seeing this one at all.


    • The Polar bear in a snow globe. An item from last year’s winter event


      • Strange, I never saw that? Maybe I missed it but I thought I saw everything that was available. I guess I didn’t..


        • It was only available if you went into decorations in Quahog. It didn’t show up at the North Pole.


          • Oh, I think that explains it then. I remember looking (for the final week) through those items (which you could trade for silver bells) at the North Pole. I think most other “silver bell” items were able to be placed there. It never occurred to me to do the smart thing and also look whilst in my Quahog. I think this should teach me a valuable lesson for future events.. 😉


        • I think this was a coding error on the part of TinyCo. I noticed that if you opened the shopping cart in the North Pole, the Fluffy Snow Globe didn’t show up. It was only if you opened the cart back in Quahog that it was available for purchase. So if you never saw it, my guess would be that you just didn’t scroll through the decorations in the shopping cart while in Quahog, and instead only looked at the decorations available for purchase while in the North Pole.


          • I saw it in both places, but had to scroll.


            • Our experiences differ then. It didn’t show up at the North Pole for me. Although I will note, the gingerbreasd shacks and trailers at first only showed at the North Pole for me, and at some time during the event, they were available in Quahog.

              On a complete side note, do you know what I’d love to see from them in upcoming events? A return to American Dad stuff. They put the Smith family in and could always expand upon it to add additional characters.


  18. “Don’t like timed items, prefer them listed as premium.”

    That would piss off people more.
    Logic it out with me:
    If that item was free WITH a huge amount required to get it; it would be illogical to make that once free item with a huge amount needed to turn into a premium just like that. There was enough premium content as usual, and maybe a bit too much. You don’t need to do that to a once free character, just like with other once free characters nos becoming premium. Like Jesus, and the rest of these Best of Vol. 1-??? Boxes (which could’ve honestly turned into a fun event if they did this a different way.

    Bottom line is, I don’t want to see something once free into premium. Just keep it as a ‘last moment’ reward like what they did with Greased Up Deaf Guy or even Fight Promoter Cleveland.


    • I don’t think you understood the meaning. Those last items on each page were EXTREMELY difficult to unlock and the amount required made them more obtainable only for those spending clams… thus making them a “premium” item under guise of freemium. It already “pissed people off”

      So my thoughts, I’d rather they just be labeled or presented as such.

      It has nothing to do with changing an item for re-release.


      • I agree Bunny, just put them as premium and let the events flow without these “hard” items. I didn’t get Lyle because of a timer glitch, if he had premium could just clam bought him as for some reason I really liked the little guy, maybe because we have same colour of hair.


      • Even for those of us who had the building/raid glitch, Lyle and the Toy Assembly Line were both reasonable to unlock without spending Clams. Just needed a little planning and patience. With Lyle, the number required was low enough that it could be picked up in an extra day or so, so waiting until you had (or were close to having) enough for both Lyle and the previous item was an option, and with the Toy Assembly Line, the options for getting Presents were plentiful enough by then that the same option was available (in theory*). The other end-page items? Oh, yeah. Total Clam bait.

        *I just wish that one last timer glitch hadn’t robbed me of my chance to get the Toy Assembly Line. I had enough Presents within 24hr of snagging the previous item to get it, but it had expired in less than 4.

        BTW, is there a known “issue” where Don Corleone mysteriously becomes accessible? I’ve still got Death’s Mom, Det Scrotes, and GUDG pulling items for him (and had received one each of the former two’s items), but when I just logged in, Don Corleone was walking around like he’s always been there. The three characters no longer show the tasks as dropping items for him, so it’s just like I got him successfully. Any thoughts? Last time they “fixed” an issue for me it broke something else, so I’m afraid to contact them, but I also don’t want to get to the end of this mini event and have them decide, “Oh, you didn’t get this character properly, so we’re removing him” (with there now being no way for me to get him properly).


      • No I understood, I just don’t agree with the system. Those extremely difficult prizes can, once again, be like Fight Promoter Cleveland. They were difficult, at least how many cookies were needed or boxing gloves? I don’t remember. But they were there all the time for the player to unlock at last week. That’s exactly what should’ve been for specifically Lyle. The others, just like the Halloween event, shouldn’t be a one day difficult item. I’ve been a premium player Bunny, and I still am. My money goes for the love of the character, the Family Guy series, and to support Tiny Co to improve. While I’m not too bothered, the only reason why I’m not as bothered about these, are the fact the 24 day items were just items or buildings, not characters. Characters are a different story by itself.

        No mybsecond half had to do with this event going on right now. Once freemium characters should stay freemium compared to premium staying premium. Which means most of everyone in the mystery boxes should have some fun thing like the portal in the latest district. Like for example: Stewie and Brian accidentally forgot something in the past, and in order to retrieve it before 2016 becomes altered from how it should’ve been, they need to go on a hunt to retrieve those items. Insert a new story line, and you need specific items to send in the time traveling machine Stewie has, to bring back characters.


        • Lol. I get that. Hence why I was asking about their placement.

          As to rest, I was wanting info for the Raid to the North Pole Event itself, not the current sale. That’s another discussion for some other time. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • Oh yeah lol, okay, yeah now I understand a bit better.

            I know you were talking about the Raid to the North Pole which is why I said in the main first comment that it was a completely different topic XDD


    • One thing to take into consideration is that this site here, is not a Tinyco site nor is it in the game (help center) this is a privately run site by two very dedicated fans of the game.
      Imagine if you were playing the game and you did not know about this site (many players do not) and so you send a character on a 12 hour task then a character finishes a task has a “!” over his/her head and then BAMB a 24 hour task pops up needing that character you just sent on a 12 hour task, and that character needs to do a 6 hour task 3 times in a 24 hour period.
      Without this site those 24 hour tasks would be a complete surprise to anyone playing the game and it would make many of them impossible to do without spending clams, without this site many people would not even play this game because they would be so “Pissed”
      Tinyco really takes advantage of this site, because without it most players would switch to being a freemium player do to their disgust with always being surprised by these 24 challenges and feel like they are being forced into spending clams to complete those “Surprise challenges.
      I switched to being a freemium player for many other reasons (other things Tinyco does that I don’t like)
      But this site makes those 24 hr challenges at least doable for freemium players.


      • I’ve been on this site for an entire year m8, I know this is not a tinyco site. It’s a fan site. As you stated, without this site, not many players would have a clue how to deal with the 24 challenges. That’s my point. Without. I’m not saying this site is bad, it is amazing thanks to Bunny and everyone involved. But that’s the thing. Those ‘challenges’ shouldn’t be that hard where you need to look at a guide or at least be aware of one, in order to play properly and make sure you don’t miss out. If you really need to go that far, then it’s not the player’s fault, it’s the way the design of how to handle the situation was dealt with. Which is why I said, that if these events are created months before; before moving onto planning a new event, leave a few team members to edit and polish up the event you finished planning so that way there wouldn’t be needs of extra help. It’s like if a test has the same question with a good majority of the class failing that one question; then it’s not the students issue with understanding the question, it’s the question itself. This site has helped me through constantly and even all previous events. Those big challenges shouldn’t be impossible. While this site does, once again, offer great service of help, if, persay, someone does not know about this, then they’re being ripped off and being played unfair for while still making sure they have time to continue to the next week. I’ve played with multiple events here, I’ve found out that the moment I’m a day off for a next phase, I’m done. There is no way to fully complete.


  19. Nothing to do with poll, sorry, but since today my game keeps crashing when I try to open it. I can re-install and open it on level one, but as soon as I log in with my user it crashes again. Am I the only one? And has anyone any clue what to do? Thanks!


  20. Hmmm… I didn’t check that I got Santa this Event since I had him fro last Christmas event. That may skew your poll results some. Other than that, really good poll Bunny. I REALLY enjoy these polls and their eventual results. Keeps my perspective of this game in context in a good way. 🙂

    I just want to share one comment though. WITHOUT spending a bajillion Clams, the vehicles really should have been fully possible to upgrade fully by the end of the Event. This was flat out impossible without


  21. i liked the poll, maybe if enough people say how much they dislike the leaderboards they will finally get a clue, and stop doing them.
    if i thought they would actually listen to a petition i would of done one a long ago to end the leaderboards.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I got all the free characters, but I didn’t check off Santa since I got him last Christmas event. I got lyle too, but he was more free than premium since he was bought with presents.


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