Tag Archives: Talosian Stewie

Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Replicator Phase 2

Hey there Tribblemakers!

TinyCo has decided to change the access to the Replicator to all Players. I wanted to go over the “New” Prizes you can Craft from materials in the Replicator aboard the Enterprise in Phase 2 as well as the Latinum Payouts.
Replicator Ice Cream

Let’s take a look at the items inside the Replicator. Continue reading

Star Trek Enterprise: Replicator (Phase 4 & 5)

Hey there Tribblemakers!

By now you are all pretty well aware of the Replicator and just what you can do within it. Recreate some interesting items. But just WHAT items were recently added? .Replicator Ice Cream

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Star Trek Glitches & Clarifications (Part 3) UPDATED

UPDATE iOS 4/22: Per TinyCo, patch is in final stages (gotta love App Market approvals). Hopefully out soon. 

UPDATE iOS: Just a quick FYI for those of you on iOS 6 or earlier, if you can update your iOS device to a higher version, I would suggest doing so and it may just alleviate the issues at hand. For the older devices, I know that may not be possible, but for those that can… it will help. 😉 

UPDATE WARBIRD: I am seeing more growing reports of players not able to update having issues with the PeterCraft showing up again. This is causing the Warbird to not Phase in n out like it is supposed to every 5 to 10 seconds. This issue has been reported, feel free to do so as well from your game. In the meantime, force closing and at time restarting device will bring back the Warbird. ONLY fire on the Warbird if you choose this method. 

UPDATE IOS: TinyCo has narrowed the glitch to mainly devices running iOS 6 or earlier. A patch is still in the works so hang in there while they work to resolve it. 

Hey there Tribblemakers!

We are now well into Warp Core Level 5 with lots going on and lots of changes. I am seeing a lot of repetitive comments all over, so wanted to help by putting the main ones here.

The Holodeck Unlocked

Let’s jump in and take a look at some of the main questions we are seeing and the answers we have so far on them.

For Part 1, see post HERE. 

For Part 2, see post HERE

There will be more to this post, but I wanted to get this out right away due to iOS concerns


I have seen reports growing of iOS players locked out of there games after upgrading to the latest game patch in the App Market. There are looking into it already and I am still waiting word back on it. In the meantime, please email them if you are having the issue to help isolate it a lil better. Email help@tinyco.com

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Warp Core 5/ Phase 5 Delayed

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Bouncing by really quick to let you know there will be a lil delay on the New Warp Core Level 5. There is not really a way to change the timer clock in the game, so we wanted to get the word out in advance. So what to do while we wait? Holodeck Unlock

You can prepare your game for the New items. If you are not quite there yet, no worries. It doesn’t hurt to wait just a bit. See how everything plays out before jumping into it all.

Send Characters on short 1-2 hr tasks to earn Energy if possible (Transporter/ Life/ Phaser). This will also keep the Main Characters available for when it does arrive.

Make sure you have the correct Level of Starfleet XP (8) & Life Support Energy (80). Warp Core Level 5

For now hang tight. We will post as soon as we see it go live and have the basic rundown you are used to.
