Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Replicator Phase 2

Hey there Tribblemakers!

TinyCo has decided to change the access to the Replicator to all Players. I wanted to go over the “New” Prizes you can Craft from materials in the Replicator aboard the Enterprise in Phase 2 as well as the Latinum Payouts.
Replicator Ice Cream

Let’s take a look at the items inside the Replicator.

For information on the items released in Phase 1, go HERE.

For more information on the Event, see the Event Page HERE. 


FYI… this content went active with PHASE 2, so if you are not fully in Phase 2 content you will not be able to see many of these items listed. Also, in regards to Jean-Luc Picard (as noted in the Main Phase 2 Post) you MUST have Locutus unlocked in order to be able to see him as Picard is a Costume for Locutus. Then there is the other usual item, you can only “Create” ONE Costume at a time in Al’s. So if one is in there timing down to “Create” you must wait until that timer is done and you pull the Costume out. While this is happening, other Costumes may “Lock” to avoid double trying to be made.

Several items are a ONE TIME ONLY ITEM, so if you do not see it in the Replicator… it is a good chance you already made it last year (or are not in Phase 2 fully).



Here is a quick glance over the items themselves. Again, since I have these all already from the last Event… the drops I am seeing are those available to me in the game. Let me know if you see something different.

SIDE NOTE: Outside the Borg Cube and Neighborhood Phaser Tag Arena, the other Payouts I see are based off the items I got LAST YEAR during the Event in 2015. Let me know if you make them brand new this Event and see something different. Also because of this, I may not see some of the Material Drops. Let me know if you see something missing.

Item   Type Payout Material Drop
Ferengi Billboard  Ferengi Billboard 1 Decoration * *
Romulan Warbird  Romulan Warbird Decoration * *
Earl’s Grey Hawt Tea  Earl Grey's Hawt Tea Building 30Anti Matter & 20xp every 4hrs
Vulcan Symbol Statue  Vulcan Symbol Statue Decoration * *
Romulan Ale Bar  Romulan Ale Bar Building 70 Anti Matter& 45xp every 4hrs
Geordi’s Visor Hut  Geordi's VISOR Hut Building 10Anti Matter & 5xp every 1hr
Latinum Loans  Latinum Loans Building 80Anti Matter & 55xp every 20hrs
Vasquez Rocks  Vasquez Rocks Decoration * *
Borg Cube 63697 (NEW)  Borg Cube Building 2Anti Matter & 15xp every 2hrs 1 Gamma Ray
Borg Cube 63697 (2015)  Borg Cube Building 60Anti Matter & 40xp every 12hrs
Casket Ejector  Casket Ejector 5000 Decoration * *
Enterprise Replica  Enterprise Decoration * *
Armillary Sphere  Armillery Statue Decoration * *
Fartonic Tree  Fartonic Tree Decoration * *
Giant Satellite Dish  Giant Satellite Dish Decoration * *
Neighborhood Phaser Tag  Phaser Tag Building 10Anti Matter & 5xp every 1hr
Iconian Probe  Iconian Probe Decoration * *
Planet M113 Ruins  Planet M113 Ruins Decoration * *
The Game  The Game Decoration * *
Silver Borg Bertram Statue  Silver Borg Bertram Statue Decoration * *
Gold Borg Bertram Statue Gold Borg Bertram Statue Decoration * *
Captain Pike Joe  Captain Pike Joe Image Character Costume * Helps with Away Missions
Picard  Captain Jean-Luc Picard Character Costume * Helps with Borg Bertram
Ferengi Mort Ferengi Mort Character Costume * Helps with Away Missions
Talosian Stewie  Talosian Stewie Character Costume * Helps with Borg Bertram




Each item has a set amount of Event Material you will need to collect in order to be able to “CREATE” that said item. Here is a breakdown of the current ones.

Item Anti-Matter Red Matter Borg Bits Tachyon Particle Omega Molecules Transparent Aluminum
 Anti Matter  Red Matter  Borg Bits  Tachyon Particles  Omega Molecule  Transparent Aluminum
Ferengi Billboard 50 * * * 7 *
Romulan Warbird 120 75 * * * *
Earl’s Grey Hawt Tea 175 * * * * 65
Vulcan Symbol Statue * * * * 25 *
Romulan Ale Station * 120 * * * *
Geordi’s Visor Hut * * * * 16 45
Latinum Loans * * * 10 * 30
Vasquez Rocks 100 * * * * *
Borg Cube * * 13 * 30 *
Casket Ejector * * * * * 55
Enterprise Replica * * * * 28 *
Armillary Sphere 175 * * * * *
Alien Tree * * * 18 16 *
Giant Satellite Dish * * * * 10 *
Neighborhood Phaser Tag * * 41 * * 100
Iconian Probe * 125 * * * *
Planet M113 Ruins * 100 * * * 80
The Game * * 29 * * *
Silver Borg Bertram Statue * * 37 * * 200
Gold Borg Bertram Statue * * * 13 * 250
Captain Pike Joe * * * 9 35 150
Picard 320 * * * 23 60
Ferengi Mort 350 * * 15 30 *
Talosian Stewie 300 * * 10 * 110

***If you are able to make more than one of an item, you will just see the image of the item in the Replicator and a check mark over it. Tapping on it will allow you to see the Material Cost and let you make another if you have them.



When you complete creating an Item in the Replicator, you will receive a Latinum Payout upon it’s completion. The following is the Latinum Payout you will get one time from the items made in the Replicator.

Item Latinum PayoutLatinum
Ferengi Billboard 15
Romulan Warbird 22
Earl’s Grey Hawt Tea 20
Vulcan Symbol Statue 18
Romulan Ale Station 18
Geordi’s Visor Hut 16
Latinum Loans 15
Vasquez Rocks 12
Borg Cube 18
Casket Ejector 12
Enterprise Replica 12
Armillary Sphere 6
Fartonic Tree 16
Giant Satellite Dish 12
Neighborhood Phaser Tag 12
Iconian Probe 15
Planet M113 Ruins 22
The Game 15
Silver Borg Bertram Statue 8
Gold Borg Bertram Statue 8
Captain Pike Joe 10
Picard 10
Ferengi Mort 10
Talosian Stewie 10



The Materials are all over the Event from Tasks, to Missions, to Buildings. Here is the lists I have compiled so far. Let me know if you notice a location I have missed (outside Anti-Matter).

Anti MatterAnti-Matter (Always): Clear Borgs OR Clear Tribbles OR Dilithium Mine OR Dilithium Refinery OR Dilithium Lab OR Borg Cube OR Starfleet Academy OR Starfleet Medical Center OR Starfleet Research Facility OR Misc Star Trek Characters (List to Come) OR Misc Questlines OR Enterprise “Rooms” OR Previous Star Trek Buildings (List to Come)

***Basically, if you open your game you will find Anti-Matter. 

Red MatterRed Matter (Uncommon): Deanna Troi Scour Through Wardrobe OR Edo Hebert Be Carefree OR Seven of Nine Be Condescending OR Data Embrace Childlike Wonder OR Klingon Meg Beauty Regimen

Borg BitsBorg Bits (Rare): Clear Borg Kitten OR Clear Borg OR Clear Borg Puppy OR Away Missions OR Mystery Box OR Shooting Gallery OR Seven of Nine Appeal to Key Demographics

Tachyon ParticlesTachyon Particle (Uncommon): Shooting Gallery OR Away Missions OR Scotty Read Ship Schematics

Omega MoleculeOmega Molecules(Always): Kirk Philander OR Clear Borg Puppy OR Mystery Box

Transparent AluminumTransparent Aluminum (Rare): Knock Out Clawed Borg Bertram OR Spock Play Galactic Lottery OR Mystery Box



Basically all items created for the Event are going to be tucked into a really cool spot in your Inventory Menu. One notated by a Star Trek Icon Tab. Making it very easy to find all items event related.

Even cooler, when you first return to Quahog from the Enterprise, journey over to the Shuttle in the “Event” area. In the past you would see your item in a Storage Container sitting next to the Shuttle just beamed down. Tapping on the Storage Container will take you to Inventory Storage and right to your items. The Storage Container doesn’t show this Event, however just tapping on the White Base by it still does the trick. Once you tap on the White Base, you will be taken to the Event Items in the Inventory Storage. A great shortcut to use anytime you need to access your items for the Event. Shuttle in Quahog with Replicator Empty


There you have it, the remaining items now added for the Last Week of Star Trek: Second Contact and access to all Players to create them.

What do you think of the Replicator items? Did you make any yet? Do you have them all already? Any favorites? Any tips for fellow Players on best use of Materials? Let us know.


90 responses to “Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Replicator Phase 2

  1. Bunny can you not do anymore than 1248 podplants as it won’t let me anymore, its disappeared.


  2. Bunny, please help me. I have just accumulated enough items to replicate Joe Pike and it granted me the award…then error came up. I sent to TinyCo, but I am turning to you for an answer. I went back in to get the materials again, but the Omega Molecules that drop from the puppies didn’t drop the 2nd time around and now I am short 2 of them. Is this a known issue?


    • Did your game freeze up? Like did you get a Consuela disconnect error? What error popped up? Or did you just lose connection and dropped out of the App?

      In cases like this… if the game did not sync your game play, it is all up to TinyCo on how they proceed. Do you have more bones to try again? Or would you need to make more Away Missions for them? I ask as you may want to relay that bit too when communicating with them.


    • Hi Bunny, I replicated Talosian Stewie but I haven’t unlocked real Stewie yet? I saw him for a second when I replicated him, he floated up to the progress bar in the top right corner, but now he is nowhere to be found. Do I have to unlock real Stewie before the game ends tomorrow or will Talosian Stewie eventually show up when I unlock real Stewie in a few days?


  3. Question. I’m not showing qualified next to my name in the leader boards. I have made many pod plants but no more degree than the next and I don’t farm items. I can legitimately account for all my game actions. Should I be worried? If I were banned would they notify me or just let me discover no prize awarded? I’m trying to get an answer now before the event ends. I’ve purposely tried to craft every item in the replicator as to spread evenly my use of acquired items. In addition I’m building a nest-egg of antimatter again. Seems pointless to use of it’s banning behavior. Just curious where it looks like I stand. To reach out or not to reach out?


    • If you were banned, you wouldn’t be able to see ANY placement details or info… just the message along the lines of “banned” popping up in the middle where the Player stats would be.

      Keep in mind you’re not the only one flooding the boards and they do not update instantly… takes a bit to sync all the progress going on hourly. So you may not show just yet on the board until the next update on it.


  4. Are there any plans by TC for Characters to help with more Replicator materials (ie.Omega Molecules), as at the moment Characters help with Borg Parts, Red Matter but only Consuela helps with this (6 hour away missions to get bones that don’t always drop is getting a bit of a drag)! Thanks 🤗


  5. So infinitely replicating the pod plant is the best way to go for raw platinum output?

    Also very disappointed with the red matter output. I bought seven of nine just for that and been pretty much spamming everyone who can get it and still only got a total of about 100. I got the Romulan Warbird and it looks like I’ll be lucky to get anything else with Red Matter at this point. Already dropped way too much money on this event and won’t walk away with much, again, lucky if I end up in the 2nd tier of the leaderboard.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi, I have also got a ‘pod plant’ available in my inventory which cost 50 anti-matter and pays out 32 Latinum! There is no limit on the amount of plants in my game. I have a lot of Romulan ale bars and was at an amount of 34000 anti-matter when I discovered this :D. That’s like 21760 Latinum :O


    • This is list #2 (Phase 2). There’s a little link up top for list #1 (Phase 1) items. Tap on it to see Pod Plants and lots more with their payouts. 😉


    • I used the Romulan Ale Bar strategy on the first contact event too. I am currently sitting around 200 with zero clams spent. This is only because I spent every last dime I had on Ale Bars on the first StarTrek event. It has taken me 3 days to cash in all my Anti Matter. I don’t know how many other leader board members lucked out but this is definately luck and not strategy on my part. I have a ridiculous amount of Romulan Ale bars.


  7. Why is the Ferengi Billboard gone from my Replicator? When Week 2 went live, it was available for me to craft. However, sometime between then and now, it has disappeared. I know I haven’t crafted it yet… it just disappeared from my Replicator options altogether. What gives?


  8. Maybe I missed this, but in quahog, in the shopping cart, are items such as the Enterprise that, when you click on them, take you to the ship. Once I get to the ship, those items are not available anywhere I can see. The replicator stops about halfway thru the items I see in the cart in quahog. What am I doing wrong??


    • Are you fully in Phase 2 Content? Started Keep on Trekking? Etc?


      • TC has definitely taken some of the items out of the replicator. Before when I entered the menu for it, I would swipe over three times to get to the pod plants. Now I only have to swipe over a little over one time. Items that cost low amounts of omega molecules are gone now, too.


  9. I convert my pods around once a day; the first time I discovered the pods I converted like a man man I think from like 15,000 down. I saw Bunny’s comment you get more leeway if you spent clams and I accidentally spent 175 clams on the 25 clam box (it seemed so cheap at the time and I figured with 7 goes I’d at least get one of Cupid or Meg; NOPE!). I’ve been converting once a day usually around 4000 or so, I’ll try to convert more often so I don’t accidentally get flagged. I usually check this site during event, but since I was so far down the leaderboards until I converted the pod plants; I didn’t bother until I discovered that function. That first day got to 106, have slid down to 510 now, but gone as low as 1010 since I’ve been converting daily.

    Bergtram is my main staple for staying in the 1000’s, I most of the previous characters and sent them on item actions and/or 4 to 8 hour actions, anyone have any advice on other ways of obtaining latinum? Also what is more worth getting? The bones have been pretty hard to collect (2/6 successful away missions for it so far), so is getting Joe or Picard more worth it? Thanks 😊


    • Borg Cubes in Phaser Battles drop 30 each… but you do have to take it out with 3 Photon Torpedoes. So there’s that option if you have a surplus on Torpedoes.

      Hmmmm… I would have to say me personally… I have enjoyed Picard more in the long run in my game then Joe. Joe is a main Character and I rarely ever see that Costume out.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Bunny. I don’t have Stewie in my game yet, I’m still working on collecting the items for him. But I do have Talosian Stewie in my replicator. Do you happen to know what will happen if I try to create him? I was hoping maybe it would save the skin for when I do unlock Stewie, which would be great, but I’m nervous it will just take my materials and give me nothing.


  11. Here’s a question I haven’t seen addressed that affects players who played this event the first time around ……

    Since the limits for purchasing/replicating have been lifted, why can’t we have access to items that have been left out of our replicators because we purchased them the first time we played? Players who are playing for the first time can craft an infinite number of any replicator item since they have access to everything, but those who played the first time have only been given access to selected items in our replicators. This is not intended negatively, but the leaderboards are a farce at this point so why not just let people replicate what they want? The limits for replicating only one of an item per player have been lifted, so we should be able to have access to everything available and not have something removed from purchase just because we bought it the first time around.

    And, yes, I would in-game message them this thought but I am still waiting a resolution to the emails and in-game messages from being caught in the Christmas leaderboard “net” and remain banned from this event. This is a “thought” where the Christmas leaderboard item is an “issue” and I would rather have them deal with my issue and return my game to good standing than have them change focus on my game.


    • You are saying you REALLY would want multiples of a certain Building? For me, I just find it wasteful personally. My town is so stuffed to the limits. I only want small items for decoration for me.

      I do get what you are saying, I think this is a way of them still letting us have the access if we played last time but to only items we never got. It may be something linked in the coding between events. I will ask, but the final decision is up to them. 🙂


      • I get this although I don’t have a strong opinion either way. It was nice to have three of a lot of the buildings from last year to help with badges and anti-matter. Plus, a building can generate coins so there is some useful value to it after the event as opposed to a decoration that is nothing more than something to look at. And a building continues to work toward that coin generating when your game is closed as opposed to a decoration that does nothing when your game is closed (insert “tree fall in the woods” paradox here). Long ago my town became a coin farm with all decorations in inventory because there was no way to display everything, so I guess I would rather buy something that has some “benefit” as opposed to something that will sit in storage and be of no benefit.


  12. they need to make red matter more easier to get as we need like 100 for for most the items


  13. PEOPLE, before you post another dumb comment about how the pod plants are not listed in this PHASE 2 post read on. POD PLANTS ARE IN PHASE 1 POST!!!
    This link:

    Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Replicator Phase 1

    Yup this one:

    Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Replicator Phase 1

    This same link Miss Bunny has mentioned dozens of times.

    And in case you forgot already:

    Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Replicator Phase 1

    Thank you Bunny and the others for all you do on this site. Some people just don’t have the patients to actually READ before their fingers start a tapping. Hope you are well.


    • Lol. I think many assume since just seeing it now that it was only “available” Phase 2 and should be here. They tend to forget they did exist with the payout for many players prior to the new release, so players saw it as of Phase 1 and it’s a Phase 1 item.

      Regardless, I just want to make sure people see both posts as Pod Plants, though the cheapest, are not the only Phase 1 released item paying out a large Latinum amount for creating. Many options to pick from now in both Phase 1 & 2. 😉


  14. I am loving this event. I had the Bertram battling characters already from the first time around, so I am racking up those invisible thingies like mad. It’s nice to know the mechanics of an event and not have to stress out over how to maximize completing something. I thought I won a bronze Bertram last event or bought one, but I can’t find him and actually don’t care. I think I have enough materials to craft all three colors now if I want.


  15. Disappointing event. I have all of the freemium previous characters from last year, so there was no need to get everyone, except for items. I would have liked it if TinyCo used Last Year’s Premium characters as unlockable Freemium characters for this year’s event instead of gambling with Mystery Boxes and released new characters like Sulu, Doctor Mccoy, and Wesley.


    • I tell you my thoughts I pass on to others…

      “I said this at beginning… it fits the two main wants of Player Requests.
      #1 Bring back previous event
      #2 Give Players a break from grind.

      So take a break and coast along. 🙂 “

      Liked by 1 person

    • I completely agree. Would love to have been able to add more Star Trek characters to my game this event. We didn’t know for sure that nothing new was going to be released until phase 2, so it was prudent to play along with phase 1 as best we could. Now there’s only the leaderboard to play for but they’ve trashed it anyway by making the only challenge how many items you dare to replicate without getting banned; other game play has become pointless.


  16. TinyCo made the cost for getting items I want from the Replicator way too expensive with Red Matter. There’s stuff I want, but there’s no way I can get them with me needing 100 each. It took me almost a week to get 100 Red Matter just to get the Giant Brown Tribble, so how do they expect players to get everything out of the Replicator? This is why players are going crazy buying Pod Plants with it being the only thing they can afford to get Latinum.


  17. Not which exact post this might fall best under but I just wanted to say that I think this event has been pointless, at least for me. I can understand why tiny co did it for people who weren’t playing when they did this the first time and I think it’s great but I feel they should have done something extra for those of us that had most everything from the first time around. The only thing that I got this time that I didn’t get then is edo Herbert. I feel like they should have given tasks to achieve some of the premium characters rather than have to pay clams for them.

    I generally like the game aside from the fact that I think tiny co makes things difficult for people who won’t pay money and can’t play nonstop. And I always appreciate the heads up on quest lines that I read on this site.

    Anyway, just my two cents on the event.


    • I get it. I said this at beginning… it fits the two main wants of Player Requests.
      #1 Bring back previous event
      #2 Give Players a break from grind.

      So take a break and coast along. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Same for me. Edo Herbert was about the only thing I didn’t have. The difference for me is I’m retired and suffer from insomnia, so I used to play all day and all night. Downside is before this event I was using my free clams to speed up tasks so I always scored high in the leadboards. Because of this I got banned. Since I don’t expect to ever get unbanned, I’m playing this event less frequently and not at all worrying about the leaderboard. I’m still enjoying the event if it’s only working through the questlines and picking up a couple things I didn’t already have from last year. And I still enjoy coming to this site frequently to read about how others are doing and picking up on all the helpful information that is posted here.


      • Out of curiosity… have you tried contact again via the help posts we put up? If not, try if you’d like.

        Star Trek Second Contact Leaderboards


        • Yes I tried that and everything else short of filing a lawsuit. I am one of your biggest fans as I read every post and every comment on your site. I visit your site several times a day. I don’t make it through all the events but often I do. But I couldn’t do it without your site so thank you and know that I respect all you do and appreciate all your hard work.


  18. You forgot about the pod people…

    NM, spotted ’em.


  19. Does anyone know exactly how many pod plants can be crafted without getting banned from the Leaderboard? Will crafting multiples of other replicator items (other than the pod plant)also get you banned? If Tiny CO didn’t want us to craft 100s of pod plants for the Latium, why isn’t there a limit?


    • There does seem to be a limit. I got 1,250 pod plants and only 5 chompy alien plants before they each disappeared as an option in the replicator.

      Anyone else found the same?


      • They banned me way before that – after only around 500 pod plants replicated and still nearly 30,000 latinum unspent. I sent a message of complaint to TinyCo straight away but since I don’t buy clams expect to be ignored as always.


      • Yep, same numbers for me.


        • Same EXACT number limit for me as well. 1,250 Pod plants and 5 Chompy Alien plants replicated and then the option completely vanished. 😦


      • Were you banned from replicating 1,250 pod plants or did the option to replicate more just simply disappear? Just curious. How could they and/or why would they ban players from smartly utilizing materials earned and spent during the event? If a company errs, it should always be to the benefit of the consumer not to their detriment, right?? 🙂


        • It’s the “Net”, not like something is going in there manually and banning everyone. The “Net” is set to catch cheaters and hackers by seeing spikes in Material collection that are not “normal play”. For this Event, the “Net” is confused. It is seeing MASSIVE spikes. Just think at 32 Latinum a piece times 1250 how much of a spike that would create. “Net” is flagging it due to that

          TinyCo is doing what they can to find a way around it to help Normal Players and NOT allow those actual Cheaters & Hackers back into the system at the same time (think day one of the Leaderboards).


          • So, if we slowly buy the pod plants in smaller groups would this “net” be less likely to catch us? I have ~14,000 anti matter and may just risk getting banned. I was only able to craft 5 choppy plants and 4 Vasquez rocks like other players


          • Okay, but is it any particular players fault for using all their event currency to replicate an item on which TC never set a limit? I mean, that would/should just be considered smart gameplay to maximize efficiency within an event which isn’t ACTUALLY cheating or hacking. It’s not like a player has changed anything in the game, we are just going along with whatever is available to us. Idk how to cheat or hack and think it’s ridiculous people do that anyway, lol. So is replicating a thousand pod plants not considered ‘normal play’ if the developers never set item limits within their coding? I mean, I really feel it’s not any players fault for the company’s mistake, ya know? It would just make them more aware of restrictive coding and how to better prepare for future events. No need to punish us for their learning curve, lol.


            • There again though people are assuming “punishment”. It’s not that… just a flag in place to hold “potential” abuse at bay. A code that existed long BEFORE this Event and Phase 2. What happened wasn’t predictable. It does take time to adjust coding, not just a “flip of a switch”. They’re working at a solution. 🙂

              “Punishment” would be them saying “Oh well, not our fault they had 40 grand in Anti-Matter and spent it, we ain’t gonna fix it” … which is NOT the case here. All I’m saying is be patient and wait… stop panicking… when I get more details I will share and update. Until then be cautious of the system already in place that needs to be or Players, like we saw when Leaderboards launched and it wasn’t on, would be let in. Try going up against Players in the millions of Latinum. 🙂


          • Just to be clear, I’m not using all of my anti-matter at once. I am using it whenever I earn more from buildings and Bertram battles. Max used at once is around the two thousand range…?


            • Hard to say as Freemiums show different than Premium Players (Clam spending gives you more wiggle room for a jump). All I can suggest is go slow.


              • Okay, I understand what all you are saying. Thank you SSSSOOOOOOOO much for bearing with me and explaining everything you know for me. I do now and always have greatly appreciated all your VERY helpful posts/information. You’re the BEST! 😄😃😄


      • Yes my limit is 1248 for pod plants


    • No one should be getting banned for this! It’s in the game. I was wondering why I couldn’t get anywhere near the top 5000 as i normally finish around middle ground on the leaderboards, knew there was something i was missing and now i know what it is.


      • Agreed. It’s like if a store advertises for 90% off of merchandise and then when someone buys something and it’s only 20% off them the manager says….oh, I’m sorry the sign is wrong, bc it’s supposed to say UP TO 90% off. Not the customer’s fault, so the store should still honor that price bc their signage was wrong/misleading. If it’s an aspect that is part of the game and not a detriment, but a help for players then no one using it should be banned. Simple customer service ethics, lol.


        • In this case it is NOT the “Manager” it is the “Store’s computer system” causing the issue (going off your example). So the “Manager” is working to try to find a way around the “store computer system” to force it to accept what is happening.


          • Well, I was meaning that the signage was made by hand, not automated by a computer and therefore a person made a mistake and needed to honor the customer by erring in their favour. I guess I was trying to compare that to a human writing the coding that is within the game and if the code is not 1000% correct and functioning with 1000% accuracy, then the players shouldn’t be punished for utilizing the coding in their favour. Does that make any sense? Lol….sorry for the odd comparison! :/


            • It does 🙂

              I’ve seen that exact “net” coding keep hackers out for a while now and appreciate it so I don’t want it removed or Leaderboards will be insane. Lol


              • Yeah, I hear ya! 🙂


              • I can see what you’re saying, but here we are on the 25th, and like a few others mentioned above, I’ve hit the 1,250 mark on the pod plants, and it disappeared from the replicator. Seems to me they haven’t come up with the so-called workaround yet, and I find that to be a problem. So while others can continue to replicate and move up the leaderboard, I’m now stuck. My event currency is obtained legitimately, and I still have quite a bit. However it has now become relatively worthless. Thank you TinyCo.


  20. still, none the wiser Bunny, your lil cute link says zilch payout from Pod Plant and no mention of said Pod Plant in Phase 2, I don’t care anyway, it’s only a game lol, but I do struggle using the Search function on this website to check if somethings been asked before. no worries


    • Ummm… then was is that huge section labeled “LATINUM FROM REPLICATOR?” In the link? 😉 😛

      Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Replicator Phase 1

      Just letting you know it is there. As some may struggle on the “Search” it’s why I put links too up top to make sure info that is released in Phases are linked together for easier finding. Keep an eye out for them in posts and hopefully that will help you better navigate. Otherwise, just ask and I can post the link if you can’t find it. 🙂


      • It isn’t there. Please check your links. Payout for pod plants is blank in your link.


        • You’re joking, right? Tell me, did you just not scroll down to the exact same titled section I already commented? “LATINUM IN REPLICATOR”. I assume not as if you had, you’d see how wrong your comment is. You should probably check the link again yourself.

          Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Replicator Phase 1

          And I quote…


          UPDATED 2/16- When you complete creating an Item in the Replicator, you will receive a Latinum Payout upon it’s completion. The following is the Latinum Payout you will get one time from the items made in the Replicator.

          ***Latinum Phase 1 Payout Table***


          Just in case you have any questions, the EXACT same table posted same day and time to the OTHER post during Phase 1 where Players asked the Latinum Payouts for Phase 1….

          Star Trek 2nd Contact: Known Issues (Part 2) UPDATED!!

          And I quote…


          ***Climb the Leaderboard Latinum Replicator image***

          Under the “Earn Latinum” in the Climb the Leaderboard Pop Up, it said that Latinum can be gathered through the Replicator. I have not as of yet found anything that drops it, unless it won’t be released until Phase 2. I asked TinyCo for clarification on this if it is available and will update once I get the details. Otherwise I will see what Phase 2 offers.

          UPDATE 2/16– Here is the complete list of HOW Latinum drops in the Replicator. Essentially this is what you will have paid out when you complete creating the items. Note: items are a one time thing this Event.

          ***Latinum Phase 1 Payout Table***

          Thanks, but my information and comments stand. 🙂


  21. Yup, Pod Plant needs a mention on Phase 2 – It still works, If they ban any of us for this, I will quit lol, otherwise we have a few days as Free players to get into the 5000 mark for a prize. Remember, as Free players, we will most likely not, there are a few more days left in this Star Trek event and the ones paying with real hard cash will more than likely deplete our tricks. The scoreboards are normally only filled with hardcore players like our lil Bunny keeps stressin’ x


    • Oh man. This is the 3rd comment with the 3rd same answer. Please read the post. 😉

      There’s a really cute link right up top…and I quote…

      “Let’s take a look at the items inside the Replicator.

      For information on the items released in Phase 1, go HERE.”

      Remember this is Phase 2… there’s a WHOLE LOT MORE released last week… including the Pod Plant. Lots n lots more. Take a look. 😉


      • I think a lot of us are probably only seeing the pod plant for the first time during this event in phase 2 since we owned it from the previous event and duplicates weren’t available during phase 1. My replicator previously only contained vulcan floor, giant tribble and bat’leth arena.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I know, but now with them all sparking many see lots more than Pod Plants. It is technically still a Phase 1 item. 😉

          I just want people to see both lists. It’s way too much for one post. Lots of goodies with high Latinum payout 🙂


  22. You’re missing that the Pod Plant costs 50 Anti-Matter and pays out 32 Latinum Bars.


  23. Pod Plant for 50 event currency to get 50 latinum not in your list?

    Also, I wanted to share, TinyCo seems to have significantly upped latinum from Borg ships. You now get 50 latinum per 3 phaser shotted borg ship. Guess my gfs hoarding of these til late event payed off! 😛


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