Tag Archives: Trick or Treating Addicts



After a month or more of thrills and chills in our games, Halloween is finally here. It’s trick or treat time and I hope many of you will be spending the evening either giving out or gathering candy. Although I wouldn’t recommend going to the extremes Stewie does to get your sugar fix.


Halloween is the one day that Bunny is allowed to leave the basement to chase a trail of candy, just hope she doesn’t end up in the crate next to James Woods at that secret government warehouse. Guess we will need to wait until sunrise to find out if she’s back where she belongs.

So whether you celebrate Halloween or not we wish you all a truly frightful day, but in a fun way of course.

~ Russian Tigger, Bunny & Lotty



How are all of you doing today? I know what I am going to be up to, no good what so ever! Muahahahahahaha.

Per Alissa this is MY Christmas! Lol.

Alissa Shadowed Halloween

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween and all the fun and mischief I can get into during the Holiday. I have worked for along with designing and creating the Year’s Theme for National Haunted Houses in the past. Used to go around and do free special effects and makeup for Kids and Teens for their Costumes. Of course all the tricks I love to set up with my friends to try and catch each other of guard. Can’t forget the candy either. I usually end of giving every last bit I get to some kids, but I still have fun going door to door in neighborhoods. Met a lot of really cool people that way. Got some pretty cool “treats” too from other amused Adults.


So with it being the Holiday and I will pretty much not be around at all, I just wanted to set this up as more of an Open Thread and share your Halloween stories kind of thing.

Even if you don’t celebrate it, celebrate it differently, or go all out… I would LOVE to know what mayhem you get up to on Night’s like Halloween. Feel free to fill up the comments with pics and stories of YOUR Halloween fun (just make sure you are OK with sharing that with the world as a LOT of people, including strangers, will see.)

SO SHOW ME! Your Favorite costumes? Your Favorite Decorations? A Neighbor’s House that looks AWESOME!? Some silly stories from past Halloweens? Some scary stories to share with the crowd? Just keep to the Addicts Guidelines when doing so and HAVE FUN!!

Catch you at Sunrise!


Halloween Addicts Image Bunny Halloween Addicts Image Stuffed Bunny