Tag Archives: USA

Family Guy Addicts Remember: September 11th Fourteen Years Later

First let me start this with a little disclaimer. I know this is a blog about The Quest For Stuff and I also know that this is a blog read by more than just Americans. However, all of the Addicts writers are from America and we feel as though it just wouldn’t be right to let today pass with out something. This post will remain our top post until after the moments of silence, and we will return to our regular TQFS posts shortly after. Thank you for your understanding and respect.

Today is September 11th 2015, the 14th anniversary of the attacks on America, where 2,977 innocent people were killed while just going about their everyday. Today Bunny and I would like to take a moment to honor all those innocent lives that were lost in New York City, Shanksville PA, and Washington DC.

We ask you, the readers of this blog, to take a moment today to reflect on that day and honor those who lost their lives.

911 Memorial Sandy Utah 2 Continue reading

Family Guy Addicts Remember: September 11th, 2001

First let me start this with a little disclaimer. I know this is a blog about The Quest For Stuff and I also know that this is a blog read by more than just Americans. However, all of the Addicts writers are from America and we feel as though it just wouldn’t be right to let today pass with out something. This post will remain our top post until after the moments of silence, and we will return to our regular TQFS posts shortly after. Thank you for your understanding and respect.

Today is September 11th 2014, the 13th anniversary of the attacks on America, where 2,977 innocent people were killed while just going about their everyday. Today Bunny and I would like to take a moment to honor all those innocent lives that were lost in New York City, Shanksville PA, and Washington DC.

We ask you, the readers of this blog, to take a moment today to reflect on that day and honor those who lost their lives.

911 Memorial Sandy Utah 2

On a personal note, 9-11 has never been easy for me.  Growing up as close to NYC as I did I had many family members that would travel in and out of the city for work on a daily basis.

Including one, my aunt, who worked in the North Tower.   Continue reading