Tag Archives: Vodka

Rocky Times in Quahog 101: Heavyweight Boxers

Hey there Addicts!!!

Put em up! Put em up! Oh, don’t panic, I don’t mean your fists readers, I mean your feet, sit back and put them up whilst I take you through clearing Heavyweight Boxers.

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Rocky Times In Quahog 101: Boss Battle – Ivan Drago Phase 3 Rewards

Hey there fellow Family Guy Fighters!

With Rocky Times In Quahog underway there’s a new Big Boxer Boss to defeat, Ivan Drago. However now we’re in Phase 3 his rewards have changed a little so here’s the latest on the not so greatest.

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Rocky Times In Quahog Character Questline – Blunderlips Chris

Someone’s lips a quivering!!!

Yes Blunderlips Chris has come to Quahog to show us when it comes to throwing in the towel no one does it better.

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Rocky Times in Quahog Character Profile: Blunderlips Chris

Hello there Addicts, looks like Chris is getting into the ring, and yes I think that is fear we smell.

Yes with the new Rocky Times In Quahog event, we’re getting some new Characters Costumes and one of them just happens to be Blunderlips Chris.

Let’s throw you some information on what Blunderlips Chris can do in our silly lil games.

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Rocky Times in Quahog Premium Character Profile: Boxer Stewie

Hello there Addicts, loops like Stewie’s throwing his toys in the ring.

Yes with the new Rocky Times In Quahog event, we’re getting some new Characters Costumes and one of them just happens to be Boxer Stewie.

Let’s throw you some information on what Boxer Stewie can do in our silly lil games.

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Rocky Times In Quahog Premium Character Profile: Clubber Lang

Ok Addicts, let’s all get punch drunk and spend some clams. 

Yes, with the new Rocky Times In Quahog event, we are getting a new Premium Character in the form of Clubber Lang.

Let’s take a look at what Clubber Lang can do in our silly lil games.

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Rocky Times In Quahog 101: Boss Battle – Ivan Drago

Hey there fellow Family Guy Fighters!

With Rocky Times In Quahog phase 2 underway there’s a new Big Boxer Boss to defeat, Ivan Drago.

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Do I Want That? Clubber Lang

5/4 UPDATE: It looks like TinyCo have removed Clubber Lang’s task to Clear Middleweight boxers, trying to get verification of what’s happening, but my advice if you bought him for this reason is please message TinyCo. Also note they’ve sorted Clubber Lang’s Vodka drop, he now drops 2 Vodkas always!!!

So you think you’re as rich at Carter Pewterschmidt? Own a fancy house like Buzz Killington? You sure gotta lot of clams there, whatcha gonna do with them?



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