Tag Archives: Wookiee Corp

Special Guest Post: Diary of A Non-Fan

Hello There Clammers!

Happy Monday my friends!  We decided after a long weekend of blam! snatching, nerd zapping & mutant blasting it’d be fun to take a step back from the game and see it from a newbie’s perspective.  This newbie is special to Bunny & I…since it’s the one, the only Wookiee!

For those of you that follow us both on this site & our sister site (TSTO Addicts) you’re all aware of just who Wookiee is & his resistance to all things Family Guy…but for those of you that don’t know him, here’s a brief explanation of just who Wookiee is.

On our Simpsons site (TSTOAddicts) we have a 3rd Blogger in our Addicts family (besides Bunny & I)…his name is Wookie.  He loves all things Simpsons and Cheetos…and most importantly he completes our TSTO family.  (much like Cybersilly completes our TQFS family)
Wookiee has been against TQFS from the start.  He wanted no part with this new site (no matter how many cheetos we tried to bribe him with) and it was only because he doesn’t like Family Guy (he’s not a fan of the potty humor).  While he told Bunny & I numerous times over, he’d do anything to support us…he just couldn’t get into a game about a show he just doesn’t like.
ANYWAY, short story long….he FINALLY downloaded the game and started playing it.  Of course being the awesome blogger that he is…he complied his thoughts into a guest post for this site!  What happened on Wookiee’s adventure into Quahog?  Did he venture over to “the darkside” for good?  Or will he delete the game before he barely gets into it?    You’ll have to continue reading to find out…..

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