Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Afternoon all. Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Predator and Alien Fetch 1

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Bored at home and just wanna chat?

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want. Venting goes to the What The Hell posts. Not here. So keep them out or we will. ; )

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

Did YOU watch the New Family Guy Episode? If so, what did YOU think of it? 

Did you go Trick or Treating or to a Halloween Party? If so, how was it? 

What did YOU think of the latest Dr. Who? 

Did you catch all the new MARVEL Movies coming? DC too??

Anyone seen my Frakkin Toaster? I think someone took it. 😦


There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yappa yapp yapp away.


144 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. I’m sorry if this is the wrong place but I just had a message saying I’ve violated terms of use but i haven’t done anything wrong,all I’ve done is play along like normal, any advice? Thank you!


  2. Anyone else getting errors when trying to buy the Frankenstein mystery box? Also, if you try to scroll through the available prizes, the game reboots.


  3. Just checked the FGTQFS Facebook page and it says that they have one final surprise for this event, really glad I held onto my 144,115 Vials now, would love a new Vial Mystery Box that has the cool Brian and Stewie Statues and some other cool stuff, but whatever it is I’m sure it’ll be awesome!


  4. So I’ve unlocked the character skins for the Halloween event but they have locks over them?


  5. I have enough clams for Jason OR Predator, but not both. What do you guys recommend?


  6. Is there still any way to unlock Red Brian? He’s the only thing I’m missing from Halloween. I don’t think I ever saw any related quests or anything, presumably because I hadn’t yet unlocked Brian until after Halloween started. (Haven’t unlocked Stewie yet either but I was able to get his Halloween skin.)


  7. I’m not sure what to do here. I have all the characters, the outfits, the Dia de los Muertos Consuela, brewed everything in the cauldron, have the Alien Queen, Stay Puft, and Slimer decorations, the Nostromo, RedRum Hotel, Predator’s ship…and yet I still have 86,000 vials. Makes me feel like I’ve forgotten to do something.


  8. Is it still possible to get 15000 Vials for Mr Weed?


    • TinyCo just 4 more days so please give us more Spirit Vials or a lot of people will miss much of stuff 😦


    • Depends on how many rockets you get and how many 25x hits you can make on stay puft.


    • sure. you just need to keep hitting stay puft. sometimes it’s best not to use the rockets until the end of each 24 hour period so you have time to build up more before the next stage of attack. don’t just jump on him every time the hour is up if you don’t have a stockpile of rockets to keep the attacks going. i have most everything at this point in the witch’s pot. if you play it right you can make around 3,000-4,000 every day in vials easy. i should have it all done in the remaining days and i will say i haven’t spent any money speeding things along so it can be done.


  9. I have about 4 days left and need 18,600 vials to get Slimer. Going to be close, but unlikely to make it. Have everything else. Stay Puft apparently hates me, he picks the one bomb I am out of for the final level.


  10. I’ve really enjoyed this event. I’ve managed to brew every item and won all the prizes for completing challenges. (Okay, I could have done without the trick-or-treaters–they remind me of little bugs running around.) I did get a little cranky (first time I was annoyed by this game in a year), when it seemed that rocket drops weren’t really random. In fact, my 24 hour timer will expire in a couple of hours and my streak will end because gasoline rockets seem to drop so rarely.

    But, the two question is this…why do I care at this point? Seriously, I have everything all ready! I think I may need a 12-step program.


  11. These pretzels are making me thirsty!


  12. Are all the marshmallow and candy corn gonna play into the game after nov 1st?


  13. AAAAHH! Apparently today wasn’t already awesome enough as it was (seahawks won, teams I don’t care for didn’t, found a store that sells my Tazo black tea once again…), and when I bought my first Day of the Dead box Consuela’s costume was inside. XD


  14. You know what really grinds my gears? Getting sugar skulls 8 times in a row! Where’s my dia de los muertos Consuela dammit?!?!


    • I know your pain 😦 Still no Consuela outfit and planty of useless Sculls. Now I might loose a chance to get Mr Weed. Just 4 days and 15000 Vial to rase to get him 😦 TinyCo wanted to make it way more hard than ComicCon and Vials are dropping in mediocre amounts 😦


  15. So what’s everyone’s opinion of the Cookie Monster? I just googled is the Cookie Monster scary and saw his true form.


  16. Personally I just have to say this event was overall great I loved the new character skins and the decorations. At this point even though I don’t have mr weed I am going to save my clams for the next event as I finally have enough for to purchase something come the American dad event coming up. I also wanted to say thanks to you girls for having this site as it has helped out tremendously. 🙂


  17. Not to bad mouth the advertisers on this fine site, but the “Smarter American” ad purporting to hold the secrets to reducing your home loan by 75% might appear more credible if they didn’t misspell the word mortgage.


  18. Is it weird that the first thing I downloaded when I got my new phone yesterday was TQFS? Lololol


  19. Is it bad I’m not finishing the Nightmare on Spooner Street Questline cause I don’t want Freddy? xD


  20. Big Bang Theory and Two broke girls…who are the people that find these shows funny..I think Kat Dennings is hot..still can’t watch it..too painful. I understand everyone has their own taste and respect it…I just don’t understand it. Funniest show I have watched in the last few years was a BBC show “The Inbetweeners”..painfully funny and waaay edgier than American comedies. Just saying if your show has a laugh track…odds are its not funny


  21. Not to kiss b**t, but ya’ll are awesome! Question: If I wanted to bug tinyco about Blue Harvest or Kisstock would it better I email them or use the in-game support?


  22. Does anyone know how I can get the lyrics to the songs on the 11/2/2014 episode of Family Guy?


  23. Gato


  24. Freddy and Jason joint task


  25. What’s with the Golden Suit Peter character? It’s showing up on the iPhone but not on the android… is this an error? The quest line has already started for this new outfit.


  26. is brian dead again? er why is vinny here?


  27. Well les’see… I have all the characters, maxed out the fp, brewed everything, finished all the quest lines ‘cept for Consuela’s, yet I keep logging in as often as possible to collect vials for some unknown reason. What am I gonna do? Buy 20,000 vials worth of electric balls or unruly bushes? What is wrong with me?


  28. I have really enjoyed this event and I love the game. I have no real “gripes” but… I own every single thing we could brew or buy for the event… I still have 77 bones, 205 banshee tears, 255 claws, 517 candy corns, 132 marshmallow jars, 54,000 spirit vials and maxed out on fright points. I don’t have many rockets saved up. Questions are: 1.) should I continue getting rockets to destroy stay puft just to get more marshmallow goo? 2.) do you think they will let us trade this stuff in at the end of the event or give use more stuff to buy?

    I’ve stopped collecting rockets for now and finished up other event quest lines but now I’m not sure what to do next.


  29. Decided Slime was more important than Consuela, so I have only opened 2 boxes. Got the fountain and taco truck.

    Not watching Family Guy until Walking Dead is done.

    Took both kids Trick or Treating, they cleaned up (people love seeing younger kids doing it.) I was exhausted by the end of th night.


  30. I’m enjoying the new Constantine show. But Gotham is still my favorite new show this year.


  31. In order to get everything I want… I need 4162 spirit vials. I managed to get Consuela’s outfit yesterday and of course the one Day of the Dead deco I want (Death’s Dog) was the last one to come out after everything and surprisingly only four sugar skulls. I am REALLY bummed that there is no Pinhead…. can the cenobites come of Quahog next year, TinyCo or at least the actors who played Pinhead and his friends?


  32. Hell yeah….did anyone saw the way tom Brady and the patriot kick Peyton manning and the broncos collective @$$? Woohoo…number one seed….so far. That was some good old fashion **** kicking.

    P.s……giant suck!


  33. – Hate those damn Sugar Skulls!!! I curse the TinyCo employee with a pox that thought it was a good idea to make it multiple.

    – Bummed that TinyCo didn’t make Dana’s apartment building an actual building. Sure it a part of a diarama with SPMM, but it would have been better separate, so you can place it next to your SPMM deco.

    – I’m disappointed what Disney did with Big Hero 6. They turned a Marvel super team movie into a Baymax and Hiro movie. Their ad campaign focusing on just those 2 has made me hate Baymax to no end. I can’t stand him!

    – I’m also sad that Turner stopped airing Cartoon Network on Dish because they want more money. Now I have no late night fix of Family Guy, American Dad or Cleveland Show. I’m also missing out on the second season of Black Dynamite. I got the first episode before CN disappeared. 😦



    Liked by 1 person

  35. In order to get everything I want, I need 21k vials. I already got mr weed


  36. …Gozer… The Nightmare on Elm Street house… An actual Camp Crystal Lake… Stewie and Brian box statues. I want all of these!!
    With that said, this event was friggin awesome! The folks at TinyCo and of course the addicts crew for all they do = Amazing. If I’m anywhere near any of you; the booze is on me (not literally, you cheeky monkeys).


  37. im looking forward to a freddy nd jason joint task. them fighting each other or sumthing like from freddy vs. jason cause that would be awesome!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • considering they did the fetch task for Predator and Alien, if they were to stick with the funny thing…. i think having Freddy and Jason walk around holding hands would be good and fitting in with that idea. lol or if they wanna keep the alpha dog dynamic like where Predator is the owner of Alien…then maybe have Freddy spanking Jason for being bad. lol


  38. so where is the Elm Street house? can’t believe they have Freddy but not the house? i’d argue WB wanted them to stick with the remake since they had to use that voice but they have the car from Part 1 so yes….i want the house, it be a nice gift once you complete the Nightmare questline or just throw it in because i’m so gosh darn loveable!!!!


  39. Yeah, so, Doctor Who.
    Peter C is brilliant. The whole new Doctor being very alien and saying slightly unusual things and being unnerved by humans and not being superman and knowing everything, all really fantastic and well done.
    The stories? D-, boys, a poor D-.


    • I agree 100% ..not knocking on ten or eleven but it was pretty cool to have a Doctor that is more alien (to be fair Matt Smith was at the beginning). And finally get back to the adventures that is Doctor Who and not the relationships that is one life to live. The first episode was brilliant and showed so much potential….and then they made it all about Clara..not viewing the adventures through her life but about her..and brought an actor in about her age for more one life to live. This season’s surprise was surprisingly unsurprising. .Maybe Moffat will break out his other crutch in the second episode with more weeping angels? Grade F…I put the American movie in front of it..aweful writing


    • I agree with the too much about Clara. I don’t much like her actually or PE Pink for that matter. They act as if they believe the universe would be better off without the Doctor & Clara having the nerve to throw away the keys to the TARDIS because she hasn’t the life skills to cope with loss. Maybe the Mistress will sentence them 10-20 years of hard labor under the cyber men while the Doctor is stuck in limbo somewhere. That would learn those snooty starstruck livers a thing or two.


  40. Is anyone else having ZERO luck getting Consuela with the box? If I get another sugar skull, I’m throwing my device across the room.


    • Consuela was easy to get for me. I got everything except for Death’s dog. Now I just keep getting the skulls, so I feel your pain.


  41. I’ll say that this was probably the funniest and best event ever in family guy. BUT I’m bit disappointed I thought for sure that the original Ghostbusters would be unlockable characters.. or at least the actors playing them(maybe not Harold Ramis).

    Liked by 1 person

    • GHOST HAROLD RAMIS!!!!!! But seriously, how cool would it be if he was a ghost assassin or something? I would definitely get him.


  42. As a huge Ghostbusters fan this event has been awesome. But I feel like Peter and what really grinds my gears is when you turn Stay Puft or the NY skyline his hat moves to the wrong side of his head. My OCD won’t let me turn him that way because of it. Otherwise this has been fun, I can’t wait to see what happens for Christmas.


  43. Did YOU watch the New Family Guy Episode? If so, what did YOU think of it?
    – Not in America so I couldn’t see it

    Did you go Trick or Treating or to a Halloween Party? If so, how was it?
    – I stayed in and ignored the hyped up teens that were the only trick or treaters down my street.

    What did YOU think of the latest Dr. Who?
    – I don’t know I’m not to fond of the latest doctor, but I’ve gotta say I didn’t see the ending coming, I guessed the Cybermen but I didn’t guess that [spoiler removed by poster, just in case], oh and please don’t let Clara leave…

    Did you catch all the new MARVEL Movies coming? DC too??
    – The cinemas might as well just take my pay check at the moment (at least the part that doesn’t go to clams, Civil War, Infinity War, Ragnarok… I Cant Wait

    Anyone seen my Frakkin Toaster? I think someone took it. 😦
    – Did you try looking in the oven? It could’ve been cold.


  44. *** sorry to rant but these damn rubbish sugar skulls I want the conseula outfit not 7 of you decos!!! :(((


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