What the Hell?!

Happy Friday Clammers!

Well, we’ve all made it through another “work week” (kinda, sorta, almost) and the weekend looms large up ahead. All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game (Was it even possible to get beards for Bitch Stewie?!) and we wanted to give you (and us) a fun new way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to What the Hell?!

-Getting REALLY annoyed that you’re still unlocking Adam West?
-Annoyed that only 3 characters unlock other characters ?
-Someone cut you off on your commute this morning?

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not.  Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…What the Hell?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂
Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language.  

Here’s my What the Hell?! For this week:

-Bitch Stewie…What the hell?!  What a Royal B!

– Carl doesn’t leave my game and it annoys the heck outta me!  What the hell?! No videos left to watch…yet every time I log into my Tiny Quahog there he is, waving at me.  So annoying! Go away Carl and come back when you have some clams to give me!

-And finally…while I don’t live there….78″ of snow (and then some) in Buffalo!  Seriously?!  It’s only November 21st…that’s  little much!  What the hell is going on?!

Now it’s YOUR turn…give us your What the hell?! moments from the past week!  Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂


55 responses to “What the Hell?!

  1. I’m so over these “limited time” characters that are impossible to unlock in time. Or you get all but one item and then it disappears. Also was not aware that intimate Peter was limited time!!! Where was the timer or the stupid constant reminder during log in that they’ve had we all the other limited time items?? TinyCo is making it very hard to play freenium

    Also does anyone else have issues with the support being automated and not like an actual person? Anytime I have a problem it just looks for keyword and gives me a generic answer instead of actually answering my question. How is that helpful??

    Sorry just really irritated that I’ve missed both intimate peter and bitch Stevie by one item. And don’t even get me started about Halloween! Uuugghhhhh


  2. I keep getting a data error on start up and can’t play the game? What Do I do


  3. Why does Francine have a task to help unlock Fat Lois?! I think TinyCo knows a majority of people do not have Francine anywhere near unlocked at this point, why would they give her a task to “help” unlock Fat Lois when most of us won’t be able to make use of it? What the Hell?!


  4. I had no trouble unlocking bitch Stewie. I’m not usually that lucky. I’ve been really irritated with the move feature of the game though. It took me several minutes to place the CIA building, and I’m tired of trying to scroll and picking up a character instead. Small problems overall though; I love the game!


  5. What the hell is with the drag and drop feature? Dragging and dropping characters that aren’t busy doing jobs is very unnecessary. It really pisses me of when I’m busy trying to clear a buch of stuff on the board. Can’t we just do away with this feature?


  6. My WTH’s
    1. Unlocking Francine– Only 2 tasks both 10 hour. I still hasn’t got a single one. I would buy the muffin stand if it was maybe 25 clams
    2. New Peter skin– Having only 3 tasks to unlock bars, and they HAD to make one share with unlocking Francine. I have everything to unlock this skin except for 5 bars.
    3. Land– Only have free stuff and I am really out of land. Plus my first major event was comic con. I feel bad for premium players.
    4. Lack of creativity in town creation– TSTO you can make cool towns and 2d 3d art and landscape.
    5. Special characters/buildings– (like winnable characters in events) don’t do anything once the event they are from is done. It does look like TinyCo is trying to remedy this a little, keep going.


  7. Carl hasn’t been to my town yet will it ever work on a kindle fire hd 7?


  8. Why cant Alien amd Predator have something to do with American Dad? Like a quest or something? Thatvwould be pretty awesome.


  9. I was just Lucky on Bitch Stewie getting the last item one hour before the end of the event (would have spend 13 shells for it otherwise) though I’m not a Pay2Play player,.

    What bothers me is that I unlocked District 8 during the Halloween event, because of all the events since I’m just close to unlocking carter and Stewie is not even close with pretty much all blueprints left and more then 50% of the plutonium.. thank god I got the banana suit almost complete but all together it’s freeking annoying because I hardly progress xD


    • U & I are about at the same spot. Only I just unlocked Peters Falcon suit and need banana’s still for Brian’s suit.u Feeling busy enough too?


  10. Alright I’m alil annoyed that I was just a couple notepads off from unlocking Bitch Stewie, last week? All that work for nothing. This was not the first time that’s happened. Come close to completely unlocking a character before my time ran out. I understand I wasent quick enough. But what about rewarding the player for investing their time. Like for example ingame cash for each items they collected? Sounds fair don’t it? By the way I live in Maine. What Buffalo saw, we get regularly. 😉


  11. Anything new about Android 5.0? The game crashes constantly, I assume, when it’s synchronizing the actions. With cellular network it’s unplayable, in wifi the crashes are moderate but happening.


  12. my list of WTH?

    1) quit telling me about “pesky wrinkles and droopage” each time a character levels up. It was mildly humerous once. Not every damn time, however.
    2) in the same vein, stop with the cofee comment each time Bitch Stewie’s timer bubble is tapped. It is beyond annoying to have to clear that pop-up every time.
    3) why do some characters stop at Level 15 (and read “MAX”, while other characters keep going? I asked TinyCo this question, and they responded with “because”. Seriously. Another example of TnyCo’s fine customer service.
    4) can we get rid of XP please? They serve no purpose, especially iafter you have played the game for a while. When you max out on XP, how about just removing them from the game? They aren’t needed, and they just create more crap for the TinyCo servers to manage.
    5) wouldn’t it be nice if TinyCo would actually, you know, TEST their releases before dumping them out to the world?
    6) It would also be nice if there was something other than the one road type to put down. The actual roads are ok, but I have removed them permanently because it makes it much easier to manage the game when you know where the characters are and where new spawed characters are going to show up.
    7) it would also be fantastic if TinyCo would give us a break once in a while. Their entire mission is to keep people chasing crap constantly so they will spend money. But because of this, people have no time to arramge their towns properly.
    8) like everyone else, I would like to see more land. I don’t have every item, yet my town is polluted with stuff and I have to either store things I have worked to earn, or shove items into any open space.

    I think that is enough for now….. Sadly, I have more.


  13. Maybe this’ll make me unpopular, or at least fall on unsympathetic ears, but I’m getting a bit fed up of how many tasks recently seem to involve characters getting high. I’ve never been keen on that kind of thing, and every time it happens now I just roll my eyes and stifle a grimace. It’s just crass. I mean, I’m aware that it’s probably one of the less offensive things the game does, but it really grinds my gears…


  14. What ever happened to the missing plutonium?


  15. big-Bruizzer (psn)

    You know what REALLY annoys me? The whole “they’re listening” malarki! the fact that can be said or typed without gagging amazes me. It’s the reason I rarely visit this site anymore. That and not posting up the truth when it’s said. If there isn’t gross love for TinyCo it’s not let through the “filter”. Keep ignoring it


    • That’s funny. All the changes made in the game. All the items brought in or improved. All the new features. I guess they didn’t listen one bit. Nope. Not one single bit.

      For a site full of details and facts…oh darn…guess no truth there.

      If you don’t like it here, you have no obligation to come back. Just sayin.

      Have a fantastic day! 🙂


  16. It just struck me while having to put my Toyfactory in my inventory to place the CIA HQ, that I no longer have anything from the Halloween event, and almost norhing from the Comic con event in my Quahog. I understand that they can’t make it so that I can place everything, but when I see how much space people have with a game as the Simpsons, it ticks me off. What the hell TinyCo?! Figure it out already. We need more room and fast. Especially if you keep adding so much cool content


  17. WTH PEOPLE STOP asking for more land when a MILLION probably a BILLION other people have already been asking for the past 2 months! i’m so tired of reading those comments EVERYWHERE!
    I’m pretty sure TinyCo. ALREADY KNOWS THIS!!! 🙂


  18. Two weeks in a row, a limited weekend long event… what the hell? At least I managed to get lucky with the Bitch Stewie event and got all the bubble beards and note pads in time (I literally do nothing over the weekend) and NOW they’re bringing use to old buildings from past events. I now have almost all of the designer dolls and XXX garters from the comic con buildings. S&M&More is a life saver! Also… it looks like we might have to rush and get Francine and Rodger in ONE WEEK! (dies). What the hell…? I hope EVERY CHARACTER will have a stuff collecting task in future events including the event characters we have spent many hours or paid for.


  19. A cross-dressing fat man in various states of undress. How many different ways are there to show that? And moreover, who really wants to see that? At least it’s a cartoon cause floppy man boobs are fairly gross when viewed in real life. What the hell?!?!?!

    So I learned recently the cinema in my town was too cheap to upgrade to digital projectors & they have not been getting all the new releases. I fear they won’t get the new Hobbit movie when it comes out & I will never know how it ends. Oh yeah, the greedy dwarves die hoarding their treasure & the valiant hobbit gets to return to the Shire unless of course Peter Jackson has decided to change that like he did so much else in the classic JRR Tolkien tale. What the hell Chakeres Cinemas & what the hell Peter Jackson?!??!?


  20. What the hell Buffalo, quit complaining about the snow. You are not the only place that got dumped on. Granted you doubled what we got but snow is fun. There is so much you can be doing, like trying to make the worlds largest snowman(make the Family Guy characters 15-20 ft tall and see if they sue) or turn the roads into a snowmobile raceway. When I was a kid I lived near Rochester and we had the same thing happen and loved it.
    WTH TC, I never had any problems with bitch Stewie or Haley. In fact I almost finished her before Steve. My WTH is for the censor bars. I have one. One a day is not a good rate for an uncommon item. Even the two rare items are one away from being done.


    • I grew up next to some major ski resorts. I remember being buried in my house. LITERALLY. It was up over our roof. BEST WINTER EVER!! SOOOOOOoooo many cool igloos and underground network of snow villages for us. LOVED IT!!


  21. Hi so I wrote my old 32 digit code for my old quahog on paper I was wondering if I could go back to that one :). Here the story I meant to in my old quahog to blow my town up and store all my stuff in my inventory because at first I thought you were suppose to unstall then reinstall in order for all to be in my inventory apparenty not which sucks so I got my 32 digit code just in case of it possible to go back thanks 🙂


  22. Not really a What the Hell, but did anyone else notice that the Hovering Ghost from the Halloween event now has animation? And it’s pretty cool. It’s worth digging him out of mothballs and putting him out in your Quahog to admire for a while. Personally, I have a little cemetery with some graves and flowers (because every town needs a cemetery), and Hovering Ghost hangs out there, scary wraith style.


  23. Bitch Stewie was so annoying. Like everyone else I couldn’t get enough beards even though I was playing regularly all waking hours of the day. I guess I should have set the alarm. Also do we really need Peter’s coffee pot comment EVERY SINGLE TIME you collect from the clone machine?

    And while we’re b*tching, how about giving every character a 24 hour job? I don’t need Vinnie running around all the time – give him something longer to do. And like others have said, it would be nice if more than 3 characters did tasks. I understand that not everyone may have Stewie so don’t give him tasks, but for those of us who do, it would be great to have him possibly do something helpful – maybe another character for those extra rare tasks just to help.

    Doesn’t keep me from playing regularly, though, does it? 🙂


  24. Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom… Sorry, I mean West Coast Canada, it’s raining. No snow, all rain. Kinda making me sad… And my what the hell was the bitch beards, like what the fudge?! Got everything but needed 12 for 3 days in a row and nothing! Oh, and Carl should be an actual character, not “Hey, watch and earn some clams!”. Need Jon’s voice in my game all the time, TinyCo! Come on!


  25. All these shows on demand lately that don’t let you fast forward what the hell.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I’m at level 50 and not enough space to place more items. I had invested a bit of money in this game, and I love it! I wish they give us more land expansion. Also I wish they didn’t make long tasks with so little time to complete when items aren’t dropping as they should. Now with the new Peter skin going on……WTH!


  27. What the deuce? ANOTHER unrelated limited-time event dropped into the limited-time American Dad event? Is TinyCo hinting that they need a calendar for Xmas?


  28. My WTH moment is realizing that the quests require your characters to level up first. First it was Mayor West whom I finally unlocked this week for his ribbon cutting and now its Steve with his clam shucking task. I honestly hope I don’t need to have the Scout’s Honor quest-line finished in order to work on Francine. Otherwise I had a pretty good week.


  29. i have no complaints. all good comments lovng the gAme. hit level 50 the other day just got the monopoly. money. thinghave unlocked every character. so far except. haley almost have her done about half way through the new peter skin. loving the game cant wait until they unlock roger


  30. Getting the megaphone for hayley. So d*** difficult. Only two characters can earn them and they are 8 hour tasks. I’ve been doing this since she was introduced, and only have 4 megaphone. Why is this so difficult? Please allow more characters to earn megaphones or shorten the task to 6 hours.


  31. This game has gotten… “meh” for me, which is depressing. I haven’t lost hope yet since I’ve spent nearly 200 dollars and I’m hoping I’m impressed with Christmas, but it’s only lately that I’m feeling that money was wasted.

    I’m not all that interested in American Dad, so I’m sort of playing very casually for now. The main issue for me is still land. With so many people complaining about the lack of space, shouldn’t that be a priority? I mean they generally accommodate everyone with minor issues like the trick or treaters thing this Halloween. I didn’t find that task too difficult and honestly it was a bit frustrating when I’d play regularly to get something done only to have them make it easier after I’ve completed it. So if they can do that, why not make some more land? Change the zoom level? Make it so you can’t see as much going on in the town at once so there’s not quite as much load on the processor? Ugh.

    I won’t quit playing just yet as I have too much invested in the game, but I definitely won’t be spending any more money until I can use the things I buy. It’s that simple.


    Anywho, rant over. It’s nice having this place to complain. 🙂


  32. How the hell hard is it to get the ONE LAST MEGAPHONE I need? Been trying for days, and now one of my two characters is running tasks for the new Peter skin… WTH?


  33. I find it annoying how bascially every American Dad item cost clams. And also, to get Bitch Stewie, u basically HAD to spend clams because those beard thing never popped up. Its kind of like if u dont have clams you might as well not play IMO.


  34. What happens once u reach level 50 which is max and u have all land expantions?


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