Love or Hate: Affection Prize Analysis

Update: Of course the always changing TinyCo decided to release Prize 3 now…SO prize 3 is live my friends.  Joe’s prize!  This time you’ll get the building on the Hate side and the deco on the Love side.  I’ll have an analysis of what each prize does up shortly.  75 Hearts is the required number this time around…

Hello There Clammers!

It’s Valentine’s Day in our Tiny Quahogs and with this event TinyCo is trying something new…either or prize scenarios.

Within the Affection Meter you’ll find the main prizes for this event.  These are prizes you can collect after clearing PDA Couples & earning either Broken Hearts or Love Hearts.  Bunny did a great job of breaking down the how-to on the Affection Meter, but many of you are still asking “which prize is right for me?”   So now let’s breakdown the prizes so you can choose which one is right for you…

Enamored Couples Angry Couple

First, let’s do a quick recap of the Affection Meter.  Remember, Bunny broke it all down in detail here but for those of you that are still confused (or just don’t like to read) here’s a quick recap…

Affection Meter


-Collect hearts from Couples to determine which prize you want.

Love Heart = Love Prizes.  Hate Heart = Hate Prizes.

– If you collect a Love Heart and then a Hate Heart, they’ll cancel each other out.  Giving you a net of 0.  So try to only collect the hearts for the prizes you’re going for.  (For example if you collect 10 Love Heart and then 5 Hate Heart, you’ll only have a net gain of 5 Love Heart, even though you collected 10.  Make sense?)

-You can only collect one prize for each character.  Some of you are still getting confused with this.  Once you claim a prize for a character you cannot go back and get the other prize.  It’s a 1 shot deal.  So choose wisely!

-After you’ve collected enough hearts for a prize and claimed it, your heart counter will reset back to 0.  So you’ll have to start collecting for the next prize starting at 0.  (so don’t start collecting a ton of hearts now thinking you’ll be able to use them for Hot Meg.  Each time you claim a prize (and it will automatically claim it for you once you reach enough hearts) your counter will reset.)


Ok, so now that we’ve recapped the basics let’s FINALLY break down all the prizes!

Let’s get things rolling with Quagmire and the first set of prizes…


To earn either prize for Quagmire you’ll need a net of 15 hearts.  Let’s start with the Hate prize.

Crimes of Passion Archery Set Crimes of Passion Archery Set- Net 15 Hate Heart.

What does it do?
It’s a decoration for your Quahog.  No characters will use it and it’s fairly small.  Good prize if you like decorations and/or are into archery.

Love Prize:

Clammy Secrets Clammy Secrets- Net 15 Love Heart

What does it do?
It’s a building for your Quahog.  While no characters will interact with it, it will earn you additional Valentines.  How many Valentines?  It’ll earn 8 Valentines and 20xp every 8hrs.

Clammy Secrets will also occasionally drop Hormone Pills for Ida… Hormone Pills


The Verdict/Which Did I Choose?
For this round I went with Clammy Secrets.  The bonus of the Valentines plus the chance to drop more Hormone Pills far outweighed the Archery Set for this round in my opinion.
Of course that doesn’t mean choosing the Archery Set was a bad call.  It’s your decision which path you want to take, we can only suggest based on what we would do…and in this situation I choose Clammy Secrets.


Now let’s take a look at Peter’s prizes…

peter prizes

To earn either prize for Peter you’ll need a net of 50 hearts.  Let’s start with the Hate prize.

hottub Cool Your Jets Hot Tub- Net 50 Hate Heart.

What does it do?
It’s a decoration for your Quahog.  No characters will use it but it is animated (it will bubble like an actual Hot Tub).  Good prize to fit in someone’s backyard.

Love Prize:

wickedcocoa Wicked Cocoa Chocolatier- Net 50 Love Heart

What does it do?
It’s a building for your Quahog.  While no characters will interact with it, it will earn you additional Valentines.  How many Valentines?  It’ll earn 8 Valentines and 20xp every 8hrs.

The Verdict/Which Did I Choose?
For this round I went with the Cool Your Jets Hot Tub.  Personally I wanted the Hot Tub for the look of it & right now it’s in Peter’s Backyard.  I wanted to mix it up a bit, instead of just collecting buildings, and I thought this was a good prize to break it up with.
Of course that doesn’t mean choosing the Wicked Cocoa building was a bad call.  It’s your decision which path you want to take, we can only suggest based on what we would do…and in this situation I choose the hot tub.

So what’s next?
Well, at this point only 2 rounds of prizes have been released.  So you cannot progress any further than those two rounds.

2015-02-06 02.17.14


So if you see locks past Peter, don’t freak out.  It does not mean your game is broken.  EVERYONE is seeing those same locks.  They won’t be removed until TinyCo introduces more character prizes.  And based on the number of locks/levels it looks like there will be 2 prizes per phase.  So when phase 2 hits, which will happen on Thursday February 12th, two more prizes should open up.

And yes….we know Hot Meg is there, but you can’t get to her yet.  It’s TinyCo’s way of giving you a little teaser about what’s to come when the event ends…


What Should I Do While Waiting?
It’s really up to you if you want to continue to collect Hearts in-between the rounds.

Here’s my suggestion….think about what prize track you think you’ll want to continue on for the next prize and collect hearts for that track.  However, I wouldn’t collect more than 70-74 hearts of that color.  My guess is the next prize will cost a net of 75-100 hearts, so if you collect between 70 and 80 that will keep you close to the next prize, but still give you the choice when they appear to choose between which one you’d want.

Remember if you go over that number just collect the opposite hearts (broken for love or love for broken) to bring the count back down.

Note: There’s a chance that the heart counts could reset when Phase 2 comes out (much like the reset back to 0 in-between each character).  I’m waiting (and hoping) for confirmation from TinyCo to see if this will happen or if hearts collected in-between phases will count for the 3rd prize.  Once I receive word back I will update this post with it.  But until then, collect at your own risk and know that it’s possible the counter could reset back to 0 before the 3rd prize is released. Just received word back from TinyCo that it will NOT reset once the next phase hits.  So any hearts you collect between Prize 2 and Prize 3 will be able to go towards Prize 3 once that phase hits.  However, I cannot stress this enough…DO NOT GO ABOVE 70-74 HEARTS.  This will ensure you’ll still get a choice when the new prize is released, so you can still decide between love/hate.   More details will be coming about this shortly.

Why isn’t my meter moving in either direction?
If you’ve collected both prizes and are collecting hearts in anticipation of the 3rd prize your meter will not move until that prize is released.  Why?  Because there’s no goal there yet.  So the meter has no idea how many hearts the end goal is so it can’t rise or fall based on it.  Instead it’ll just stay stagnant in the middle until the next prize is released.

Are you sure I can’t go back and collect the other prize after I’ve already collected them?
Yes, I’m sure.  You can only choose 1 prize per character.  Once you choose and you’ve claimed that prize you cannot go back and get the other prize.  So if you chose Clammy Secrets for Quagmire you cannot go back and get the archery set.

So what my friends wraps up the finer details of the first two Affection prizes!

Which prize(s) did you choose?  Why?  What do you think the next prize will be?  Are you planning on staying on one path all the way down or will you mix and match depending on the prize?  Where have you placed the prizes in your Quahog?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!



168 responses to “Love or Hate: Affection Prize Analysis

  1. I unlock all of them but I didn’t build them all cuz I don’t have them in the game to build what should I do


  2. I keep getting an error could not find close button ‘button_close’ please help


  3. When will the 5th love/hate prize unlock?? THANK YOU!!


  4. after joe, is Louis in the love hate affection meter. i picked love… and yes, kool aid mans girlfriend moves and walks around and stuff..


  5. What’s the deal with the repeated use of the Brookfield Asylum as a prize, when it was available earlier? I didn’t even realize I already had the building until my wife pointed it out to me.


    • They rend to reuse buildings from past help both older and newer players. Older if it has an item drop and you don’t have to pick between two. Newer so they have a chance to get one if they want.


  6. I know you guys are busy but are we getting an update to the affection meter now that the rest are showing?


  7. I asked Tinyco (through the game) and they said that Kool Aid Man’s Girlfirend is indeed an Animated Deco.


  8. Not sure if it is a bug but i can see all the prizes 🙂


  9. Question for my lovely tappers that’s probably posted someplace. Do each of the affection meter prizes jump up 25 hearts on each prize?? That make since?? 25-50-75-100-125-150. I hope I’m right on thinking that bc I really would like to get the insane asylum after koolaid mans girl. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP & POSTS!!!

    When will the koolaid mans girl unlock?? Thanks again 😊😊


    • We won’t know what the counts are until they’re unlocked. The first prize was 15, the second was 50 and the 3rd was 75. My guess is the 4th will be 100…but we can’t be 100% certain on that until it’s unlocked.


  10. I took the fact that when you claim all the red hearts the people go away but don’t the other way (from what I understand) to mean things would continue to lean the red heart way. Guess I was wrong. Now I have a useless deco that I don’t really have land for anyway. Oh well, I just hope the liquor store doesn’t help unlock someone – then I’ll be upset.


  11. Ugh! I too assumed that buildings would be love side and have been collecting those exclusively. I dislike the fact you can’t get both prizes somehow… It really irks the collector in me.


  12. I’m so annoyed with tiny co right now, personally anyone who has a damn bumpercar deco should be given the option for a liquor store. I had well over 150+ heart valentines and I get stuck with a deco I never, repeat NEVER would had gone for. I want A. MY liquor store B. Want my love HV’s that I collected well over 150 C. To know in advance what the prizes are. Sloppy sloppy sloppy. I’m ANGRY!


  13. I’m so disappointed that TinyCo didn’t warn us of what each prize was before it was given to us. I had collected roughly 80 hearts and if I had known that the hate prize was a building I would have cancelled out the hearts I had. Such a shame.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Wish they had notified us. I opened game, clicked a few couples and got the decoration. I would not have chosen it.
    If they had posted a note that the next prize was available, I could have had a choice.
    I always check here when I know something is coming up, but wasn’t expecting next items till the 12th.
    Maybe just a bad mood today, but it would be kind of nice to have a game that could be played without visiting here every time we plan to log on.
    (Thank goodness “here” exists on the meantime)


  15. This sucks… I collected from my characters… One being Arnold, and it forced me into that stupid decoration. Very unhappy about the way they handled this… I’ve had every building til now….

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pretty sure it resets your total down to 74 if you have more so that you have a chance to chose. However I didn’t notice knew prizes had appeared and accidentally collected one more love heart which triggered the bumper cars prize. Sorry but this is a badly thought out aspect of the event. Should be able to see what the next prize is or not not be able to collect hearts until you can see.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. wildthornberry88

    And this is exactly why I didn’t purposefully collect hearts since i soon the chocolatier, so I wouldn’t have to minus them in case it was broken hearts 🙂 no-one ever said the love prize would be a building so there’s literally no reason for people to be annoyed! I’ve got 2 hate towards the liquor store so far 🙂


  18. I just got the next one. Joe. Bumper Buddies Bumper Cars for love. Liquid Sorrow Liquor Store for hate.

    I had been collecting the love hearts without knowing what was going to happen. As soon as they opened it I got the prize.


  19. Ugh. I didn’t see any in-game warning that they’d added the third prize and that tapping a single PDA couple would collect it. I wish they had come up with a better way to handle this.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Switching the building to the Hate side after the first two were on the Love side is absurd. I now need to spend the next fifteen hours collecting broken hearts just to get back to the starting point where I can then spend the next two days collecting more broken hearts to get the building. I was lucky since I “only” had 48 hearts when Joe’s prizes showed up. Basically TinyCo just gave a Hate prize to all players of the game. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I’m just collecting all red hearts so I have even a slight advantage to hot meg

    RED ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!


  22. Really don’t like the crappy bumper car decoration. Doesn’t look very cool, and it takes up a lot of space. Would have been nice if they stuck with what they were doing with the decorations on hate side and buildings on love side. Guess I’ll be waiting until they release the next ones before I collect anymore hearts now.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. BAD BAD BAD. I was randomly collecting hearts just to pass time, and hoping that the buildings(I love the buildings) would stand in the love side, and now I enter the game and find that i won. Surprise, i won a decoration, and a pretty ugly and enourmous at that. Now I don’t know what to collect. Up to now a bad designed event.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Well that’s what I get for assuming the trend would continue and the love prizes would be the best. So I am at 74 love (was at 89, but it shifted down, which…was a good idea I think). So that’s 149 hate to get, since I’d prefer that prize. Which is 19 sets of lovers getting all or almost all of them. So several days. Dedication.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Wish I would have came to the site earlier and read the update. Inadvertantly got the deco when I would have much preferred the building. 😦


  26. Not happy with how this was handled. It shouldn’t have been possible to gather hearts before the next prize was listed. Then there was no in-game announcement that the next prize was unlocked, or that they reduced the hearts so there was still a chance to get either prize. Ended up with a prize I don’t want before I even knew there was a new prize to get.

    Best handling would have just been to disable the couples until the next prize was available. If not that, then display an in-game announcement of the next prize unlocking, and convert all interim-collected hearts to valentines (resetting the heart meter to 0).

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Boo it should have reset with the new prize. I’m at 71 heart. Of course what the hate prize. Now need 146 hates. Will take 55 hours and that’s if I get all 8 hates each time they show up.


  28. Ugh, I knew I shouldn’t have collected hearts during this. I want the hate prize, but I’ve been collecting love hearts while waiting. Oh well, I guess this means I will have to do double the work now.


  29. TinyCo just gotta be the biggest trolls right now and pull that switcharoo.
    I had over 150 hearts before this was revealed and collected another heart and got the love prize 😥
    I really wanted the buildings. It seems that if you go over, it will reset to 1 less than the goal. Unfortunately I got the deco so I’ll hold off on collecting for the 4th prize until it’s revealed. TinyCo will probably troll again.


  30. Joe’s love prize sucks with it being a deco. Something that huge should always give rent. Characters better have tasks to use it during the event, because after its over its going into storage.


  31. i have that bumper car deco and deco is all it is!
    it is huge too!
    i had no idea i was so close to nailing it and i wish i couldve gotten the liquor store!
    i am a productive tapper and these decos just dont cut it for me! IMO!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. I’ve been worrying whether or not I should keep collecting hearts I’m now really glad I stopped at 10 love it should be easy to swap to the hate side. It’s just ironic that I’ve been ignoreing couples and wishing they’d disappear now I’m waiting desperately for them to reappear.


  33. ok, so here is my dilemma. What if to get sexy Meg you have to only get the Heart side prizes. I mean why tease it at all, and not the other side. I am leaning towards just doing the heart side prizes.


  34. I had over 130 hearts banked and they have been cut to 74. I want the liquor store, so I have to gather 74 broken hearts to get to zero, then another 75 to get the store? Wow, this sucks


  35. Already had almost 100 love today and when I opened my game I was automatically given Joe’s love prize without ever seeing what it was. I hadn’t read any of the updated to this post about not going over a certain limit and foolishly assumed the love prizes were all the beneficial ones. His live prize is a number car deco that does nothing while his hate prize is a liquor store that I don’t know what possibly drops. Kind of sore about how this was setup allowing collection and automatic “win” before the prizes were even released. I guess that’s just what I get for routinely popping people every time I see them.


    • *bumper car deco
      Damn autocorrect…


    • Details are here

      TQFS Back to Basics: Account Setup

      you must have collected 1 love heart when you opened your game which triggered you to get Joe’s Love prize. The counters were all reset to 74 if you were over 75 hearts…as a result you had a 1 heart buffer to choose when the next prize hit.


      • Thank you, but this was poorly executed on their part. Maybe it’s just me, but this event seems a bit rushed. Christmas snd even New Year’s had all sorts of splash screens telling us what was coming soon or to say, “Hey that next part is here now!” This event is missing a lot those opportunities that it previously capitalized on and was very helpful. Hopefully they learn and take notes from the general unhappiness I’ve seen from the players in this situation. You guys are doing a great job keeping on top of their updates, I just don’t think to check it every time before going in to my game to see if there have been any magical or unforeseen changes.


  36. Such crap. Love is a decoration and hate is a building. With 72 loves. Would of been nice if they reset it back to 0 but meh. Thats my vent.


  37. I havent claimed my 3rd prize. Is it possible to switch from love to hate ?


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