Star Trek Poll: Buildings

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Over the next little while, we will be putting out various polls for a few Events. Star Trek being the first one. Please take a look at the polls and answer all the questions you can that apply.

Helpful Tips: In the Comments portions if the polls, be constructive in your responses as it will help us all overall as Players. Don’t just say something is wrong, explain WHY you personally feel it is wrong and WHAT you personally feel will make it better. What can they change and HOW. Keep it on point. Keep to the Addicts Guidelines. (Think of it as writing a letter to your boss.) We will be forwarding all those directly to TinyCo. As a Community, we can continue to work together to let our voices and thoughts be heard. 😉

Borg Cube T'Plana Hath Starfleet Academy

This Poll will be specifically for the Star Trek Buildings. So focus on those. Then watch for more Polls to come on other items.


If you have not yet participated and want to for the Star Trek Characters, see the post on them HERE. We will be closing that poll soon.

Have fun and enjoy. 😉


13 responses to “Star Trek Poll: Buildings

  1. I preferred the replicated buildings. Maybe because it took more work to get them? 🙂 Just seemed like they made the nicer ones have to be made.

    Just wish there was more interaction with them


  2. What is the next event? I have unlocked olivia and the cow.


  3. I don’t even remember the Phaser Tag Building.


  4. I am kind of disappointed TinyCo no longer adds unique sayings to buildings when you click on them. They all now just say “collecting rent”.


    • There’s a few of them that do recently. I think they still will make those phrases soon. My favorite is from the valentine benches, “being a bench.”
      As for the buildings this time around I just thought they looked really cool, were on the smaller side which is good with little space, and they all fit together so I could make a star trek corner to my Quahog (which ended up being the entire size of the fine arts district). No complaints for the buildings.


  5. Isn’t the galaxy of forever (is that what it’s called, the giant cheerio?) a decoration?
    I actually liked the buildings this time around. There weren’t too much of them, they were smaller, fit the theme which means they don’t look boring or old, and most were easy to get. Only one I don’t like is that Vulcan High Command.


  6. Kinda wished that the star trek enterprise rooms didnt translate back into just mere clunky decorations. It felt as if they should have been actual buildings, and i was kinda irritated that theyvharged clams for some of them only to turn them into decos we dont uave all that much room for


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