Hey there Tribblemakers!
With the last Phase of the Event about upon us, figured we would give you a lil peek of one of the last Enterprise Rooms that will be entering our silly lil games. The Brig Spoiler

All I know is every time I look at this… all I can say… errrr… scream is “KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!”

What do you think of the detail and design on this room? Pretty true to the Star Trek Series? Does it make YOU think of him? Let us know.


84 responses to “Star Trek: SPOILER ALERT!!!

  1. Scotty was shown in his TV costume at one point in the game. Will he have this skin or just the one from the movies?


    • Skin he is in. They just have other images now and then to toss into the mix. Like Data all blown up or Riker beat up while he first talked. Along with many of the other ones. Just more variety in the dialogs. Many were just icons that fit, but the actual Character progressed to the version now.


  2. So I have 3500 crystals – and I still need joe pike and Kirk – freemium player.. Should I just keep collecting and try to get Kirk first? I actually just got Picard this morning and got about 4000 crystals today – the constant 1 hr trip to the Borg helps a lot – hit the 500 lot at least 3 times plus the 5 clams twice. I can’t see any benefit of getting joe first – figure I’ll try my best for Kirk and if I get him then try for the rest.


    • Myself, I go for Character over Costume… but that is my taste. Go for the one you want first. Borg Bertram will help you reload the items needed.


  3. If I let the timer start to restart Bertram and the update isn’t ready it will start at level 3 again, right?


  4. Tiny co posted on FB 30mins ago ” the upgrade will be ready in a few hours” ,delayed again!!!!


  5. Whats the deal with upgrading the warp core im lvl 10 and the timers counted down but still not upgrading :/ ???


      • Of course it is….when isnt it!

        And i guarantee you the finish won’t be delayed so i hope they make the final weeks task a bit easier to compensate.

        Also when this is over im hoping for a break (let district 11 people catch up) before doing another theme.


  6. *Spoiler Alert* Another update not on time…. Well, I guess that’s not really a spoiler considering were only hitting about 20% success on them for the whole event timing…


  7. I haven’t seen any Borg or Red Shirts spawn on the Enterprise,mand I just got to the Sick Bay…


  8. Lol. When I first got Spock I had seen the Facespace collection show up and saw it said ‘The Originals’ and noticed a tall long haired silhouette and for a brief moment I was thinking it was another member of KISS and then thought ‘is that Khan from ST2 WoK?’ I then went into Facebook and clicked on the silhouette and sure enough it said Khan. What I think is a bit ironic is that three of the four of ‘The Originals’ are deceased and (other than Spock) couldn’t put in the characters that the people are still alive? Sulu and McCoy comes to mind.


  9. Just hope the update will go smoothly this time around. Just like last week I will not be in a good service area for my cell but I am looking forward to it. I only have data quest to finish up.


  10. i want this event 1 or 2 weeks longer.


  11. Very concerned about the next update. I’ve been playing since last June and have always been ready when an update came. Only a third of the way thru level 9, have about 2800 crystals, and still need to get Data, Kirk, Guardian of Forever, Vulcan High Command and whatever else is in store for the rest of the event. Have taken all of your suggestions to increase level and crystals. Much appreciated. As a fan of the original series, I will be extremely disappointed if I do not get Kirk. Here’s hoping for a big finish.

    Once again, thank you ladies for all you do.


  12. Has there been anything to indicate that we might see Wesley Crusher before this event is over?


  13. Three words: Rich Corinthian Leather!


  14. Can’t wait for the update. Anyone else have their “Old World Leader” quest line disappear? And only need 56 more dark matter and Kirk is mine. Gonna hold off defeating Bertram until the update so I can get to his next level rather than beating this current top level again.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Could you give me advice on bertrum. I only have 5 hit points left and will get him the next time I click the characters. Plenty of time on clock to wait for next upgrade. Should I wait until the upgrade is live and wait 4 hours to the next bertum or make him hybernate a little bit before the next upgrade might go live?


  16. If they didnt make Picard a skin for Patric Stewart there is no way Khan is a skin for Cumberlain.


  17. I have head we do not get to keep the enterprise, but do we get to keep the rooms that we purchase?


  18. Also a couple days ago I noticed they added pictures of the final two replicator prizes. Everything looks awesome. Hope brig isn’t premium.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Now the only wonder is if these characters are going to be fremium or clams?…. Guess we got to wait a few hours for that.
    Probably doesn’t matter, I’ll likely get them either way 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Which Khan does it look like TOS or Wrath? I have a preference for both for different reasons. Ricardo was awesome, too bad any speech he will have has to be canned as I don’t believe his two appearances on Family Guy or American Dad will be have many Khan references.


  21. i heard people saying that the sound quality of Kirk is terrible, i hope Khan and Scotty have good sound quality


  22. Please don’t let it be a skin for Benedict Cumberbatch 😦 I don’t see why people are getting all giggity over him?? Sorry to offend, but he really isn’t all that special in my mind.


  23. ah..and we have the! since there is Spock and Kirk and the original Khan is coming, it would be cool to include the room where Spock died in Part 2!


  24. You know if you go to facespace you can see Khan and Scotty as characters available in the game under the originals.
    Beam me up Scotty??


  25. I am eagerly awaiting His Royal Hotness’ presence. 🙂 IDC if he costs clams; I have some stashed aside just in case they are required to have him, and for any other last minute must have’s that TinyCo may pop out. I am not spending any clams on rooms though, because it goes over my budget of what I am willing to spend on the game. Now if they let us keep the ship for clams, I would go over my budget! 😛


  26. A Ricardo Montalbán character would be better though :p


  27. A ‘Khaaaaaaaan’ skin for Benedict?
    That’s the only premium character I haven’t purchased since FG:QFS began

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me either. During the Valentine’s event I opted out. I regarded him as more ‘ornamental’ than functional. If Khan is a skin for him, I’m sunk. I am thinking Khan is his own character, though because of the face space placement.


    • Benedict’s character purchase is one of my most regrettable purchases in the game. Such a waste.


      • Not for me. Ive got a lot of mileage out of him. My wife looses it everytime he says the line “my voice just made you pregnant.” Thankfully at our age it is not a self fullfilling prophecy…lol


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