Mobsters Weekend Update: Mr. Miyagi & Gangster School Girl Tricia

Hey there Mafioso!

In true TinyCo fashion, a VERY late night drop into the games has brought some additional fun into our Mobsters Event.

Mr. Miyagi & Gangster School Girl Tricia have just been added into our silly lil games.

Mr Miyagi Gangster School Girl Tricia

More Details Coming….

TinyCo just added a Premium and Freemium Style Character/Costume to our games. Now just what are they here for? Let’s take a look.


Mr. Miyagi

This awesome guy, sadly has passed on in the real world, but has a fond place in my heart. So of course I bought him right up.

Just what do you get for 200 Clams? Well you do get a fully tasked Character with a Questline, Sweep the Leg, to help with Mob Rep and Cookies but there is more….

Sweep the Leg Part 1

As soon as you buy Mr Miyagi, two things happen…

Senior Gurl ScoutGinger Haired Senior Gurl Scouts appear in your town hauling a wagon of cookies. (More details below)

Italian Assassin ShootingA NEW Italian Assassin Goon Appears in Copahavana. He will be used to get rid of the Senior Gurl Scouts. (More details below)

He is Voiced. Currently, it sounds like clips from Karate Kid. He also will help drop Tommy Guns for the Itallian Assassins (Always), Skirts for Tricia (Rare), Tape of Mr Sulu Show (Rare). ALL his tasks were instantly ready to use. No leveling up needed for any of them.

Tommy GunSkirtTape of Mr Sulu Show



Gangster School Girl Tricia

This sassy chick now comes complete with a new outfit. It’s about time. Now just what do you need to create her Costume?

Gurl Scout Cookies20,000 Gurl Scout Cookies

Meteor Hammer5 Meteor Hammer (Extra Rare): Joe Raid Personal Weapons Stash OR Meg Practice Bird Calls OR Police Department

Skirt18 Skirt (Rare): Brian Sneak a Drink OR Yacht Club OR Mr. Miyagi Practice Crane Kick OR Clearing Senior Gurl Scout

Jacket15 Jacket (Rare): Dr. Hartman Test Experimental Drugs OR Seamus Emerge from the Shadows OR James Woods High



Italian Assassin and Senior Gurl Scout

After buying Mr. Miyagi, you will see the Ginger Haired Gurl Scouts **Poof** onto your Quahog Streets. Each one will Require One Italian Assassin Goon to take them out. The Reward will be Cookies and a Chance at Skirts for Gangster School Girl Tricia.

How do you Hire an Italian Assassin Goon in Copahavana? Each one requires ONE Tommy Gun.

Tommy GunTommy Guns (ALWAYS): The Fatfather Fire Tommy Gun OR Mr. Miyagi Catch Flies with Chopsticks OR Cleveland Jr Beat It

Italian AssassinEach Italian Assassin Goon  takes to 1hr 30mins “HIRE” in Copahavana

Find a Ginger Haired Senior Gurl Scout in town, tap on her, and start the “RAID”. If you do not have one ready, it will tell you to go “HIRE” one.

Clear Senior Gurl Scout

Pay Outs varied of +50 Mob Rep & Skirt, +50 Mob Rep & 40 Cookies

Fedora Mob RepSkirtGurl Scout Cookie and Fedora Mob Rep



Side Note: You CAN use the Italian Assassin in Fort Nox. He will do Damage of 15 and Payout 30 Mob Rep per Assassin.

Fort Nox Goons


Still working out a few more details, but there are the basics of it. What do you think? Are you going to add Tricia of your list of “To Do” by the end of the Event? Did you pick up Mr. Miyagi? Do you have a sudden urge to go wax some classic cars? WAX ON! WAX OFF!! Let us know


146 responses to “Mobsters Weekend Update: Mr. Miyagi & Gangster School Girl Tricia

  1. Can you ladies direct me to a list of all the characters that have cookie dropping actions? I try to read every post, but missed it if there is one. Thanks!


  2. Is 20,000 cookies going to even be achievable???


    • I think so. It just depends on how you play and how often you play


      • I play a lot!! And am having trouble keeping up with the event as it is….I hope we can trade in extra masks/guns and high heels for cookies at the end, also thanks for everything you ladies do here as always!!!!


    • I did buy 2 of the 700 Clam cookie machines day 1 of the event and did get the Premium Brian Box Belt the day it came out as well. As of this week, I had 36,000+ cookies. After buying 3 Golden Cranes ( I want 6 for Chinese luck…), that dropped me to 21,000+ cookies. I am now back up to 33,000+ Cookies right now just 3 days after that. A chunk of which came from Nox. 🙂

      I don’t see Tricia so much as a “right now” character (though her item drops have been SUPERB for me) for most people though. I see her as being like Kirk from the Star Trek Event. Something to get gradually. The 20K cookies is a lot, but it is definitely attainable as a “final” prize. Just like the Cleveland skin. 🙂


    • More achievable than 20 Tubas thats for sure.


  3. Man, I really want Miyagi but, I refuse to hand over any more money during this fiasco of an event. Kinda bummed since I’m a child of the 80’s. Alissa is he as awesome as he seems?


  4. did anyone have issue for purchasing bamboo bunches? I am unable to purchase it anymore. (I only have 1 bamboo bunches). I can’t complete good to be gangster quest


    • You can only buy one the first time but you can buy more close the buy window then open it again and it will be in the decorations tab and you can buy all you want


    • I had that happen to me, where the bamboo disappeared, but if you go under the main decorations tab, not the event tab, that is where I found them.


  5. Salty balls (that's what Tinyco named me!)

    This event has obviously been effective for Tinyco to earn extra cash, judging by the amount of commenters going premium. I’m always premium and even with the big cookie machine, Tyson, and Miyagi I haven’t been able to consistently stay in the top 5k nor have I gotten Cleveland Jr, Tricia, or Washee. I love a challenge and I’m going with the motto that persistence will pay off in the end, although I’m $50 into this thing already and that seems a bit high considering we’re only halfway through!


  6. I thought Consuela and Cleveland fight promoter were the ultimate goals. I try to play as often as I can, but I feel really far behind! I am happy to be in the top 50k but I hope we can get Don Corleone’s cat!!

    Is Fort Nox necessary or worth buying? I need so many cookies for other characters like Cleveland Jr, Tricia (don’t think I’d ever get that many cookies) and the Chinese guy. Not sure if it is a good investment or if it will prevent me from more items down the road.


    • Cleveland got easier. Gold Trucks started coming in masses. Consuela still IS the last of the Personal Prizes. That hasn’t changed.

      Fort Nox is really a side investment. Running the questline for it will take a LOT of Goons. You can use it as an alternate source if you want to. But only if that is not pulling away from your main goals.


  7. I’m torn on Miyagi. One of my favorite movies and Pat Morita was awesome in general. I like that the character does something completely different and creates a new twist. But I wish he or the goons he unlocks helped the current tasks more. I still have five tubas for cleveland jr, 75 gloves for cleveland, and now all the showgirls i have to make for the takanawa estate. Since copahavana only holds six goons at a time and each takes at least 45″ without rushing, how am I supposed to fit these new goons in? I’m really starting to miss the comic con event from last year… Oh well, since miyagi doesn’t seem to help the current situation much, I guess I’ll wait a bit to see what else they have to sell and then maybe buy him next week.


  8. I wrote to TinyCo yesterday in-game regarding lack of tubas. I requested they make them an „Always“ drop at this point. I mentioned that the drops do not seem to have gotten better even though I re-started my game. I received this canned response, which addresses a different complaint:

    „Thanks for reporting this! Tubas and/or Shirts not appearing as a possible drop from Gurl Scouts is a known issue we are currently looking into. If you do not see anything as a possible drop – do not waste your Goons! I’ve passed your information on to the engineering team, and we hope to have a fix soon. We will reply to this message once a fix is available. Thanks for your patience in the meantime!“

    In fact, Tubas do still drop, even though nothing appears as a possible drop anymore. A Tuba dropped right after I sent the message to TinyCo! 🙂 Nevertheless, I am now holding off and using my Goons for Fort Nox, etc. Just like in real life 🙂


  9. Anyone having problems with the itallian goon. I created one tonight using one of my tommy guns and when he was done he never appeared. Ive contacted tinyco but they havent responded to me since star trek and that was after the event. Ive messaged them like 10 times about various issues in this event and no word from them. So not sure if i should continue to create more if they never appear. I was hoping to use them for fort knox. Anyone else not able to create the otallian goon and use him


  10. I feel like I’m missing something.. How are we supposed to get the slippers for the showgirls?


  11. I just realized that I had to take the Borg Skin OFF James Wood High to get the jacket drop. Holy Crap! If FGAddicts haven’t posted about this yet (I’m sure you have), here is the PSA: TAKE THE BORG SKINN OFF JAMES WOOD HIGH IF YOU WANT THE JACKET DROP. YOU WILL NOT GET IT, OTHERWISE. Thanks! 🙂


  12. Bunny, Alissa, anybody else I’m missing… I’m guessing one of you may have clammed Tricia, no? If not ignore please, but any chance she “does” anything? Like Item drop help or some such?

    Debating if I want to let her ride the event or just Clam her… those Italian goons and their guns take a good chunk of time…. The 13 showgirl showdown is so slowing me down as is. 🙂 ;-/


  13. This guy seems much more worth it than Tyson, and for 60 clams less. Plus I actually like Mr. Myagi. Ughh, I bought the wrong character. I might buy some clams then. But I would say Tyson is pretty much worthless since there’s so many ways to earn those always drop masks.


  14. Why is fort Knox not completing…it won’t check off part 1…send wise guy to attack…I have attacked 4 or 5 times now…still on part 1


  15. Random question…I play on my iPhone, can I switch it to my iPad without messing anything up? I know this game can be “touchy”.


  16. Aw, I remember when this game was fun 😦


  17. Clevelandgrab

    Tricia is not in mine. Also can’t unlock the mansion .


  18. Does anyone else feel like there is too much going on at once? I got screwed out of two golden cookie trucks so TC owes me those boxing gloves. There’s too many tasks. I’ve been under 10,000 in the rankings but never rated Stewie and Don, only Stewie, so they owe me Don too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • YES. I spent $50 on clams last weekend and have already burned thru half of them just trying to keep up. I’m all for lots of content, but gurl scouts, two different cookie trucks, fort nox, clearing the casino, etc… It’s just overwhelming.


  19. 20,000? She/he has over 200,000. I’m over 20,000 mob rep and currently only ranked in the mid 100’s.


  20. zombiepanda2007

    Never mind, I forgot that by hiring goons it cost 15 cookies each.


  21. Bunny or Alissa how are you managing the gangsters for hire? Are you doing two of each: gangsters, Mexicans, girls or something else?


  22. zombiepanda2007

    Bunny I’ve noticed that my cookie count instead of increasing its going down! I haven’t bought anything today, so I really don’t know why is doing that. Is this another of the many glitches?


  23. Still can’t get Cleveland Jr. These tubas (or lack there of) are killing me! Since I bought Mr Miyagi, no tubas have dropped. I went though 6 goons and nothing. Very annoying.


    • I have a cheat for you. Its a 100% Tuba drop rate cheat

      Follow this guide

      Have your 2 luchadors hired and ready to attack.
      Turn off your wifi and quickly attack the cookie delivery girl.
      During the animation it will say “connection lost, retry”
      Watch the top right hand corner and see if you drop a tuba in the background. (remember the animation and the pickup can take 20 seconds)
      If you DO get a Tuba, simply turn the wifi back on and reconnect.
      If you DO NOT get a tuba or you get a shirt drop, Close the game. Close the game in the background. Clear your cache and ram. Turn the wifi on, open family guy, start again from the begining of the guide as you still have the 2 luchadors.

      Happy tuba hunting 😀


  24. I’m a freemium player whose been saving up clams. I have slightly more than 200. Do you think I should get Mr Miyagi or keep saving to get Cleveland?


  25. Ah come on tinyco another clash with pawtucket brewery? now with meg’s task, sort it out. Any chance of something for the other 60+ characters in my game to contribute would be nice to see.

    Great job girls on getting all this info out my pawtucket pixies 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  26. anyone else having trouble getting into the game? I did the update (Android) and I cannot get in! I’ve emailed TinyCo but I’m sure being Saturday I’ll have no response until Monday at the earliest… really disappointed since I was going to use this weekend to start playing catch up, since I cannot really play at work anymore! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had an issue last Saturday and I did a chat and spoke to someone who was able to help. I got to it via the link from the post about the jimbo issues last weekend? HTH 😊❗


    • I was getting “there was a problem loading your game” message on android. uninstall then reinstall fixed this


  27. How in gods name is #1 leaderboard guy (gal) have 20,000 mob rep? I like the 20k challenge, i just wish the “build time for gangsters” wasn’t so long or the drop rates were always.

    Liked by 2 people

  28. This event is starting to turn to extremely boring with these tubas as nothing else can be done, all I am making are week 2 goons and in my last 10 attempts ive had 0 tubas!!! Come on TinyCo I can’t get on with week 3 as I need Cleveland Jr and goons for everything, they really haven’t thought this through, can’t do quests, can’t do fort, can’t do raid, can’t do much with washee as most of the items need goon attacks!!!

    Liked by 5 people

    • TinyCo: You don’t pay Don’t play.


    • I’m giving up on Gurl Scouts and low tuba yield for a while until I get word about any changes, and am just sending luchadores to the fort. It’s fun to see it slowly crumble…. I’m going back to raiding gold trucks with the simpler goons to get fedoras and cookies. Should finally have access to the showgirls and their buildings in a few hours when I finish the first raid on the safehouse. Do we absolutely have to do the second and third raids on the safehouse to advance next week? I also can’t get through part 1 of Corleone’s main quest without unlocking Junior. Will we be able to work on the outfits for Lois, Brian, and Bonnie without Junior? Or are they going to be like Tricia, basically premium because of the boatload of cookies needed?


  29. I’m in Mr. Miyagi let’s go to work. Sounds like fun.

    Liked by 3 people

  30. I’m so happy to see Mr. Miyagi! I know just what to do with my iTunes gift cards that are on the way. BTW, did you notice that the fake gondola ride is slightly animated now? 😎🐬🌊


  31. What???? No cookies or mob rep for Tanaka items. Bad!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Do you know what happened to the Shady RV that cost 2500 cookies it was supposed to unlock after (The Cookie Crumbles Part 8) but with the start of week three it has been missing from the shopping cart, any idea if they will bring it back?


  33. Kruisselbrink

    I either get no drops or shirts instead of tubas. And I rarely get a golf ball. Why do they feel they need to make this soo hard? I’ve got Tyson and myagi but they can’t help withy what I need them for. I’m so behind, never been like this before with any other event.


  34. I love that they are making an homage to Kill Bill with Gangster School Girl Tricia with her meteor hammer, and the school girl outfit. I would like to get her, and I am glad that most of the tasks to get her involve characters that are not already in use, as well as buildings already in town, so hopefully, she will be obtainable without too much of a grind.


  35. Do you think having the Borg-Assimilated skin on James Woods High would prevent the jackets from dropping at all? Just wondering since of course during past events, certain building skins would have an effect on drops.


  36. I really want to get the new cookie machine from the Brian mystery box, but it would probably cost a lot to get it. I will probably add some clams later, I wanted to wait for a deal, I expected we would get one to help with the cookies for Tricia, but I doubt it as we had one last week. I imagine I may end up buying Mr Miyagi, and maybe another cookie machine as I expect there will be lots of items to buy with cookies that will require a lot. :/


    • It’s completely random, I’ve read that some people got it on they’re first try, but for me it took more Clams than I’d like to admit, but with these boxes it’s always a gamble, but I’m more than happy with what I got out of it, especially now that they’ve added an outfit that needs 20,000 Cookies as I got a LOT of cookies trying to get that machine. If you do have a go I hope you get something good out of it.


      • Thanks, I found with the final Star Trek one that I got all of items(well, maybe except one or two) before I got any currency or clams, afterwards I got some clams and a few bits of Dark Matter which helped. I like some of the items in this, the clams are always nice and the cookies are good, would be nice if you got a bit more, I’m not too fussed about Floyd, I like some NPCs, but I have some that don’t do anything. The sign would be nice, but I’m not sure I would be too happy to have spent 100 clams on it. I would like the fountain, I would be happier having spent clams on it, provided it didn’t take too many. I really just want the cookie machine, I like the animations and the payout would be a huge help in the event.


    • Well I added some, I bought Mr. Miyagi, I like that all of his tasks are unlocked from the start, it’s great as he can start earning items straight away. I opened a few mystery boxes(I must admit, my control on those was quite bad, I should have probably stopped earlier), I got the Fountains, the casino sign, the conveyor belt, 125 clams 2 or 3 times and both cookies. I was going to stop after getting my second lot of cookies, but I wanted that machine. Didn’t get Floyd but I wasn’t too keen on him, wouldn’t be happy to have paid that much for an NPC that I didn’t really like. I wanted the casino based items and the belt so I was happy. I wish I hadn’t had the cookies though, at least not twice. The only reason being(well, I suppose a larger amount also would have been good) that I ended up being unable to afford another cookie belt. I won’t buy the cheaper ones, I’ll wait and I can buy/speed up other things with the event, or add a small amount later and buy one. I keep saying it but I shouldn’t really add more clams, so maybe this will be better as I can buy the next premium character/skin without having to add more clams. I only really wanted the extra belt for the cookies, I’ll probably be fine with what I have and would be better off saving the clams.


    • Thinking about it, I would probably be better off keeping the clams, I can always buy things like the Japanese Arcade as it could help me with Mr. Washee Washee. I will need the goons to help take down the raids, earn items for characters and skins, attack Fort Nox and attack the Golden trucks to get Fight Promoter Cleveland. I may spend a day when I don’t really need goons to attack the trucks. I already have almost half of what I need for him, I want to stay ahead so I guarantee getting him(once a day will give me 2 or 3 days spare) and hopefully, use him in the event. I hope he will be able to earn more, or be very useful at the end. He seems to require a bit more effort than others, so it would be nice for some sort of bonus from him.


  37. I missed getting Seamus firefighter costume during the mini event, I will not miss this one for Tricia. 😦


  38. I was thinking it, but the morning star drop confirms it- Tricia’s skin HAS to be a reference to Gogo from Kill Bill.


  39. Just what we need – more goons to produce and more people to take down… This event has way to much stuff going on. I would prefer Tinyco ironing out the kinks from the stuff we already have rather than distract us with shiny new things.


  40. Wax on…….Wax off…….Wax on……Wax off! Daniel San! Just woke up and gone on the game….I was born in the 80’s and loved Karate Kid…No brainer purchase! The extra stuff he brings to the event are a huge bonus too but I bought him for the sheer nostalgia factor! Happy with this Tiny Co. ….keep up the good work too ladies!


  41. I have 3 tubas after nearly a week of trying. I’m not even gonna start on this outfit.


  42. im seeing mr. miyagi but no gangster school girl tricia…what should i do?


  43. The problem is that now i’m getting skirts instead of the precious tubas.


  44. Glad a Tricia skin is the “ultimate prize” so I don’t need to try to get her. I could care less about this “prize” so I won’t be saving cookies for her unless they become super abundant.


  45. Pam Path Howard



  46. I’m 8 clams short to buy MR. Miyagi 😦
    I guess it’s time to go stalk & rob some neighbors gangster style


  47. I think they changed Tricia to 5000 and not 20000


  48. 20000 cookies? Are these people insane?


  49. are they for real with the 20,000 cookies? lol. not even gonna try. maybe they should wait for everyone to catch up a little bit from the tubas and people were locked out of their game.


  50. I know it’s late night but I’m sure she seems imposible!! 20000 cookies really? ;~;


    • Last Character to achieve


      • Not so sure about that; we still have lois, brian, and bonnie skins. Who knows how many cookies those will need? And other characters may still pop up.


        • 20k Cookies. Extra rare and rare items. She seems Takei and Kirk level to me.

          Most Characters up to this point were less needed and under 1000 Clam buy out. She was a 2500 Clam buy out. That’s usually reserved for “last resort” Characters. At least from our experiences. 😉


          • Yep, the only items she has are rare and extra rare, so it is obvious that this is supposed to be a character that you work for during the remainder of the event and 2 days before the end of the event, you still don’t know if you will be able to get without spending clams! I have not even been playing that long, although it seems longer, and I am starting to recognize common themes.


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