Mob Rep Prizes: Breaking Down the Gurl Scout HQ

Hello There Clammers!

How are my favorite mobsters doing today?  Everyone working on racking up as much Mob Rep as you can?  (amidst all the crashes..which hopefully will be ending VERY soon)  So as we’re in the full swing of the event, everyone should be earning Mob Rep at a decent rate.  So whatcha gonna do with all that Mob Rep you’re collecting?  Unlock really cool prizes of course!

While we’ve taken break in recent events from the prize chart, it’s nice to see TinyCo going back to it for the Mobster Event!  Of course it’ll take some work to unlock all of the prizes, but hey you have a month to do it!  So let’s take a look at the fourth “real” prize of the Mob Event…the Gurl Scout HQ …

Fedoras Mob RepFedoras Mob Rep

There are a total of 10 Mob Rep Prizes ranging in cost from 100 Fedora Mob Rep 1 up to 17,500 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  The Gurl Scout HQ is actually the 8th prize awarded, and you’ll earn it once you reach 12,500 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  We’ve broken down prizes 1 through 4 on our Gondola Ride post here, prizes 5 and 6 here, and the Security Octopus here.  So now let’s take a look at the 8th prize….

The fourth “real” prize for the event…the Gurl Scout Headquarters.  Only natural we’d have a cookie HQ arrive in Quahog…

Gurl Scout Headquarters

Prize: Gurl Scout Headquarters
Unlock Point: 8th Prize unlocked at 12,500 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Size:  4×5
Does it Do Anything?: A building for Quahog.  Will earn you Mob Rep and Cookies.  Earns 10 Gurl Scout Cookie, 1 Fedora Mob Rep 1/4hrs.  Also takes 10hrs to build. 
Personal Thought: 
This one is not bad.  At least it’ll earn you some extra cookies and Mob rep, and after the event should earn you cash and xp.  So not a bad little prize…

When unlocking the prizes you’ll have to claim them from the prize group in order to get them in your Quahog.  Once you’ve earned enough Fedora Mob Rep 1 to unlock the prize you’ll see this popup:

2015-06-19 12.54.30

You’ll still have to go to the individual prize page and tap “Claim” in order to get it in your town (this goes for the Cookies and Clams too…if you don’t tap claim you won’t see them).

2015-06-19 12.54.36

And that my friends covers the details behind Cookie Empire.

What are your thoughts on the Gurl Scout HQ?  How close are you to earning it?  How much Mob Rep have you earned so far?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

9 responses to “Mob Rep Prizes: Breaking Down the Gurl Scout HQ

  1. Was instant build for me too 😀


  2. Hi


  3. I am not sure if you have completed these tasks or not but if you have could you post what the rewards are for completing the tasks
    “The Best Around Part 2″
    “Become the Best part 6″

    “The best Around part 2″ I am making real headway on, only about a 1/3 the way through “Become the Best”
    The reason I ask is because I want to know if the rewards are worth completing them in a timely fashion, or are they something that can wait as they are not critical to moving forward in the event.
    Thanks for any help clarifying.


  4. Amazingly, soon after placing the headquarters I got the next one, the mob guys at the dinner table (which is animated), which is sitting next to a restaurant at the moment. Kingpin Consuela is in sight! Sort of. Not sure how I’m picking up all those fedoras, haven’t destroyed the fort that often. Did notice that Geronimo’s palace, while still on the new 4 hr schedule, now gives 9 fedoras. Not as good as initially when it was won, but better than when they first switched its schedule from hourly.


  5. I’m actually getting close to this one. Been a bit behind and only Just got Mr Washee Washee. Now maybe I can upgrade the mansion and get Lois’s skin. All I really want left is that and Zoot Suit Stewie. I just gotta stay on the upside of 50k ranking. I keep scooting back and forth during the day! Ugh

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Just got this prize and it was instant build for me and not 10 hr. build time. TinyCo may have changed it since you got the prize.


  7. It was instant build for me.


  8. I just earned this today. Makes me happy cause I’m at least still on track to get Kingpin Consuela. I’m also miles away from 20k cookies for Tricia, so anything this thing drops is a bonus.


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