Death At The Drive-In Premium Walkthrough: Meal, Interrupted

Hey there Psychos!!

And then there were TWO…

Phase 4 is in our games, which leaves us one more after this. So what goodies and new STUFF has TinyCo dropped into our silly lil games? More Friends, More Killers, More Ghosts, More… CAN’T SLEEP CRAZY CLOWNS WILL KILL ME!!!  hack hack hack hack chop chop chop chop kill kill kill kill….

With this New Phase 4 for the Event, comes many New Questlines. Even Side Questlines that come with Premium Characters, like Ghostface. 

GhostfaceLet’s take a look at Meal, Interrupted and all you will encounter along the way. 

For more info on the Event, go to the MAIN PAGE HERE!

For Week 4 Main Questline, go HERE

The following is how the Questlines played out in MY Game. Yours may vary slightly. 

After Purchasing Ghostface
Meal, Interrupted Part 1
Ghostface Starts

Have Ghostface Get Down to Business4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Quagmire Drink at the Clam– 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp

Completed Task Earns 2Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses 3D Glasses


Meal, Interrupted Part 2
Ghostface Starts

Have Ghostface Write a Letter2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 3Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses 3D Glasses


Meal, Interrupted Part 3
Ghostface Starts

Have Ghostface Send a Fax6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp
Have Slasher Bait Lois Underage Drink6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 1Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses 3D Glasses


Meal, Interrupted Part 4
Ghostface Starts

Have Ghostface Page His Victim10hrs, Earns 90Family Guy Coin, 59xp

Completed Task Earns 3Scream PointScream Point, 23D Glasses 3D Glasses


There you have it. The Side Questline for our Death at the Drive-In Event Premium Character, Ghostface. WAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPP!!!! 😛

What do you think of the Questline? Did you splurge and get Ghostface? Let us know.


One response to “Death At The Drive-In Premium Walkthrough: Meal, Interrupted

  1. I just had to get him. His questline is a real scream. 😉


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