Star Trek: Second Contact Clarifications

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Bouncing by to answer some more questions, not necessarily technical just more inquiries, that I am seeing all over the site. Take a look below and see if it helps you out.

***Sorry for delay in posts, long day and got stuck at doctor’s office for 3hrs***




First up the main thing I am seeing asked, “WHERE’S RIKER??” Last Event he is the Character that started it all off. This Event, it was Peter, and Riker hasn’t come back yet. I have relayed the want to have him in the game and am “assuming” they may still dump an “Event Currency” Mystery Box on us with him or something else. As there is still some items they haven’t brought back left.

All I can say is wait… see what else they have up their sleeves. He is afterall the last guy in the Character Clam group for the Next Generation.



Vulcan Floor

As I highly suspected, it is just like the Lava Floor from the Kingdom of Full Moon Event (one of the first Events in the game). It works exactly like it and looks very similar (Red Lava vs Brown Dirt inside).

I did tell TinyCo I would prefer this particular item, as well as other Players, to stay AFTER the Event and be more something we can get with coin instead of Materials. I would love to get at least 100+ of them. They look and work great for “corralling” Characters and add cool looks to roadways.

Here is what it looks like in my game next to one of the Lava Floor.

Vulcan Floor & Lava Floor

To give you an idea what I mean (as I am NOT gonna spend anymore Clams for Red Matter) here is what the Lava Floor looks like in large amounts. You can make straight lines, add to it, and make it look like a river or a lake depending on how you stack it close together. Vulcan Floor would do the same.

Vulcan Floor & Lava Floor 2




Few different things here going on, so let’s go over them.

ITEMS: If you do not see a particular item, check the following

  • Do I already own it? If you do, you may not be able to get more or hit a MAX.
  • Am I in Phase 2 Content fully? Are you to Keep on Trekking Part 1 & 2 at least? Are you on 1.18.5 Version of the app? If no, to either… you may not see full content
  • Did it move? Some of the items “shuffle” and may not be in the same spot, so scroll slowly through it all to make sure it just wasn’t moved to another spot.

CHARACTER COSTUMES: If you do not see a Costume, check the following

  • Do I own the Character the Costume goes on? Some Costumes require the actual Character (like Locutus required for Picard Costume) so if you do not own that Character yet, the Costume will not appear.
  • Am I looking in the right place? The Costumes can show up in Al’s in Quahog, Harrington’s on Enterprise, and Replicator on Enterprise. Check all locations.
  • Am I fully in Phase 2 Content? Are you to Keep on Trekking Part 1 & 2 at least? Are you on 1.18.5 Version of the app? If no, to either… you may not see full content
  • Is another Costume “Creating” in Al’s? You can ONLY make one at a time, so if another one is timing down to complete creating, wait. The Costumes should return once it is done.

If everything is checked off and you still do NOT see an item, please let me know the exact name of the item and also message TinyCo from your game. This way I can track it. (I already reported some with Ferengi Billboard missing.)



Anti Matter

With the insane amounts in the game, I really do hope they do drop one in the game for us. Until then, all we can do is wait and see.




I will say this quick and be done. I will NOT allow this post to turn into Leaderboard rant, so please don’t bother commenting if that is your intentions. It will just be moderated.

In short, IF you are banned still from the Leaderboards from the HUGE amounts of Anti-Matter in your game (mine is insane) and Pod Plant purchases in massive large quantities… message them. Whether in game or email. Note your current amount of Pod Plants you bought, current Anti-Matter & possibly how much you earn a day, and whether you played last event or not (as I feel these will help). They will handle it from there.

Again, this does not mean open season on going off on the Leaderboards in this post. I am done with that. HELPFUL SITE. Let’s keep it that way. 🙂

**Helpful tips: Many of you keep asking me this… so I wanted to put it here. If you are gonna buy a ton of Pod Plants, I would suggest staggering it so you don’t have extreme jumps within a few hours. Spread it out over next few days. Still… be cautious. I do not know the “net” limits or triggers as it will vary per Player and YOUR game play, spending, etc. Any other questions, ask TinyCo because I do not know how the exact coding on the “net” works. Only they do and could give the best answer.


There you go, hopefully a better clarification on common questions I am seeing on the last few days of the Event.

Did this help you? Answer your questions? Offer any other tips yourself to help fellow Players? Let us know.


77 responses to “Star Trek: Second Contact Clarifications

  1. OK….I don’t get it. I have 20,992 latinium bars and was in the bottom tier to qualify for the Borg dog when the event ended. Now when I look at the leaderboards I still have my latinium but I’m not ranked on the leaderboards. I never received any message that I was banned. I’m freemium so not sure if I got caught in their “net” with pod plant purchases. I’m premium on another device and ranked in the second tier there, but still most of my latinium came from pod plant purchases on that game. I messaged them thru the game and waiting to hear. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.


    • Event is over. NO ONE is going to know where they are until TinyCo tallies the final results… so… wait. It is all you can do right now. 4-7 days AFTER the Event they will start awarding.


      • I also saw the same and messaged them about it. If I could find my score manually in the leaderboards, I’d be fine with it, but that’s not the case . I can see a score that’s some bars higher, then the next place have a score that’s a few bars lower than mine.


        • Like I say… I would NOT worry about it. Analyzing it AFTER the event is over is pointless. The stats froze and locked in place as of 3pm Pacific Thursday. THAT is the numbers they will go off of. THAT is what will determine the prizes. Not changes as they pull it out of the game after the Event is over. 😉


      • Thanks Bunny. Just an update: I bought 1,177 pod plants on my premium game, ranked around 300 and was awarded all 3 characters. On my freemium game I bought 576 pod plants, ranking somewhere around 2900 and got nothing and was never notified that what I did was wrong. I did contact them twice (once before the prizes were awarded and again today) but haven’t received a response yet. Makes you think they do favor premium over freemium.


        • If you did NOT see a note you were banned… wait. Like the post says for Leaderboards… Prizes can take a few days to hit ALL the games. 😉


    • Yes, I just noticed I’m no longer listed; I was yesterday. I even scrolled down to where I was suppose to be and didn’t see my “name” or anything, so I’m not sure what to expect. Like Bunny says, just going to have to wait and see. 😐


  2. Thanks i appreciate it because Peters tasks is just clogging up my my quest log, I’d rather they just take it away if it can’t be completed like the others rather than it being there and not being able to complete it.


  3. Hey Bonnie, I managed to get stewie and picard before the end of the event just find out that their questlines go with it, I wouldn’t have used clams to speed along picard if I knew that. Also i can’t complete Peters as I need the replicater which glitches when I try to place it. I thought you could still complete there quests after the events ended like the other ones?


  4. The RNG gods were not with me this event. I only started playing late last year so missed the 1st star trek event.. Regular daily player.. But the catnip just never dropped so I could never progress the story and get to the replicator characters. But I’m just 2 red boxes away from data.


  5. Dang, I create a lot of antimatter and I was trying to keep it around 20,000 figuring I would burn off any extra tomorrow to get in the top 100. I was 91 then they took out the pod plants in my replicator, now I am at 100. I wish they would either get rid of the leaderboards or make all the latinum only available from new sources. All that time wasted. Oh well.


  6. I have been trying to get some comments posted, but nothing and I don’t get answers. I have been having an issue with Pike Joe skin and no answer from TinyCo. Anyone else having issues with the skin error out when creating?


    • Moderation. Remember nothing goes on site til we moderate it. As we work and have real life to handle… we try to get to it when we can. Patience. Your comments are there. Posted. 🙂


    • When I got the error for both Joe and Stewie it was because I had them in my inventory and not out and about, after I refreshed as requested I pulled them out of inventory then I created the skins and had no issues


    • I too had issues with costumes, my game kept crashing. I had to go to quahog and create the costumes there instead of the enterprise, then equip the costume while still in quahog and travel back to the enterprise. This seems to work around the crashing for me at least.


  7. I have been frustrated by the lack of response from TinyCo regarding my Pike Joe issue. I unlocked him, when I went to create…the game error out and I lose all items that I collected to get him. I have been trying to get the Omega Molecules back, but the last 4 trips with Lois and Quag to the planet have not yielded any. I know this is not your issue, but has anyone else received this problem with Pike Joe skin?


  8. Just bought Riker for 150 clams and completed The Next Generation Collection 😀 I had a feeling he would pop up for sale before the week was over.


    • Gratz! I fortunately had him from last event. I did however get talosian Stewie yesterday and captain Picard today, didn’t think I would but they seem to have made the puppy bones and gamma ray drops better.


  9. I agree about the vulcan floor. I would love to have a bunch. I messaged them and suggested they drop the red matter requirement on it. I wish these cost 50 antimatter just like the pod plants because I would much rather have the vulcan floor. The high cost just defeats the purpose of it since basically all we can get is 1 pot hole. I only have 1 lava fence because I didn’t know what it was so I always hoped they would bring that back too.


  10. Riker has arrived! Great! 🙂

    Question: Is it possible to buy Picard with clams, or do you have to collect all materials? If that’s the case, I won’t be able to make it in time… Starting phase 2 in a few hours…


    • His clam buy out… well… that’s buying materials you need.


      • Managed to get Picard just in time!
        Already had enough anti-matter and transparant aluminium (with great thanks to this site), so I only had to pay for all the omega molecules.

        And so the event got me the set of Next Generation, Seven of Nine, Guinan, Worf and Picard… Exactly the ones I really cared for…

        On to the next event! 🙂


  11. Too bummed that Riker is purchasable for clams. Refuse to spend the money but can’t finish the set now.


  12. I do not see that I have “qualified” according to the level of latinum I am at as per the banner I saw before on the extreme left side. I am still being tracked on the leaderboard though. Is this a ban or not?


    • Depends on where you are each sync. If you’re pushed off by others you may not see it. Wait for next sync and see where you lost against current numbers.


      • I mean I am very clearly at least in the top 5000. I am tracked as being ranked. I thought you would get the banner for being above 5000 at all. Maybe I am not explaining this clearly.


        • I know what you are saying… I am telling you the “qualified” tag seems lagging. TOO Much play going on. 😉


          • That was my guess as well. I just wanted to be sure it didn’t mean I am banned. I guess if I don’t rank at all that is evidence I am banned. Thanks. 🙂


            • Banned, you would see the message and not see other players numbers. I would just screenshot your current Latinum Ranking… and then you can compare that with others. Just remember the Leaderboard is ALWAYS behind what you see the moment you play… so once it syncs everyone’s game play… it can adjust up or down greatly. I try to keep myself several positions above where others are at all times if you want to try and stay ahead.


      • I also have similar problem. Have around 2200 anti-matter, synced and the leaderboard stopped showing me as qualified for any prize…


    • I’m exactly the same guess we’ll find out if we have qualified tomorrow


  13. Pod plants abruptly stopped showing up for me once I’d gotten 1250 of them lol. Wonder if there’s a certain number or they have just been pulled.


  14. I know you don’t want a barrage of questions re the leader boards so if it’s not allowed I understand
    My question is re ranking all the way through its highlighted what tier I’ve qualified for but now it doesn’t my ranking position is shown (you) but not my prize I’m worried I won’t get it


    • Questions are welcome and im.happy to help. It’s the vulgar and abusive venting I grow weary of.

      For your question… millions of Latinum are rushing the board every hour. It’s gonna take time to refresh and sync changes. So you may not register now… but may on the next sync. That or others have made more than you and on next update it’ll reflect you’re pushed out.


  15. Gabrielle Nichols

    My heranus mystery box is still locked. Am I doing something wrong


  16. I’m playing on the Amazon Kindle, and was wondering why so much stuff I’m hearing about is missing . . . then I checked, and found I’m still on Version 1.18.0, with no update available (or in sight). If there’s any way to pass on to Tiny that, especially with a short event, it gets pretty aggravating to start a day or two later than everyone else, have update delays, but (as I found in the last event) have everything shut down (apparently) exactly on-time. Arggghhh.


  17. I still have the plants and shrubs… The shrub is the only thing left I would like, but as abbundant as the antimatter was, the red matter was fairly scarce even though I bought all the characters (my first time in this event).. Why do they mske the landscaping items so expensive..


  18. I was just curious as to the identity of the gentleman character with you ladies on the “Addicts” picture at the top of the post. 😊


  19. Bunny, has TinyCo commented yet on how they are handling those of us who were wrongly banned from the Christmas leaderboard and were subsequently immediately banned from the leaderboard of this event? If they are going to do something retroactively once they review the Christmas accounts, I will use my 60K anti-matter and try to make a run at it. If they are going to basically say “tough cookies”, I won’t bother strategizing on how best to end the event with as much latinum as possible to try to get into the bottom tier (the other two I am sure are not even possible). I can’t do any more than I have in providing detailed information so I am just attempting to wait patiently, but now it has spilled into the final 36 hours of this event and affected me for two events.


    • All I know is its case by case basis. Beyond that… only they could answer. Sorry


      • I am punting on the whole thing. Almost two weeks and not even acknowledgement that they are reviewing my account despite doing everything that Bunny and Russian Tigger outlined. So not only was I banned from Christmas leaderboard and not getting a prize I earned honestly, but also this one and I assume every leaderboard for the future. I guess they don’t want me playing the game any more. It has been almost two months and they haven’t proven I have cheated and they don’t seem very interested in even considering that I didn’t. What is the point of playing any more if they can arbitrarily end your progress in an event any time they want without notice? Thanks for all your help in this process Bunny and good luck to everyone else in your efforts to get exonerated.


        • I know it is rough… to be honest… it took over a month for those doing it so far. I know that is an ETERNITY in game play. Just wanted you to know. Sorry it is draining in this way. 😦


          • Thanks Bunny, but it is discouraging to be labeled a cheater and be automatically held out of the next event. Then since it happened automatically and immediately, I don’t expect it to ever change for any future events. It was a bad decision to automatically ban people for this event when the method of banning them from the Christmas event has been found to be executed poorly. Plus, for people who are emailing them and continuing to email them, what is the harm in just awarding the prizes people earned? True cheaters (those who collected outrageous totals to place as high as possible on the leaderboards) wouldn’t be continuing to pursue this because one investigation into their games would prove quickly that they had in fact cheated. Then there is the issue of the prizes that people are looking to be awarded because they feel they honestly earned them. They are event characters that have absolutely NO value for the rest of the game play in perpetuity. Not every player got them so they will never be used for tasks or item collection. It just seems TinyCo playing hardball is cutting off their nose despite their face. This should have been a simple thing to resolve with about 10 minutes or less of time per person who submitted a request. I don’t even think they are reviewing these any more after Russian Tigger’s post. No other players are reporting that they are receiving prizes from what I have read. TinyCo has moved on and the message has been received that I should as well.


            • I see one trickling in now and then… but is is REALLY slow. Russian was one of the first to report and first to get back. Sadly their support is super Tiny like them or I think this would have been resolved long ago. Unfortunately, they have to share time for this and also the Main items going on daily that players write in about.

              Like I said, I get the frustration.


              • So Bunny, you think they may actually get to some of these? I mean this is impacting players two and three events later if they maintain this position of automatic banning. I understand and respect you wanting to “cover” for them about being “tiny”, but I kinda hear what Barry is saying: they made an arbitrary decision without any facts to support it and now they have dug in their heels and don’t seem like they want to budge. What is the harm in awarding prizes to these affected players who keep messaging them? They are messaging because they feel that they have been wronged (and they are correct by the way). Barry is right: cheaters would not keep messaging because they know they would be found out in five seconds of investigation. It is not costing TinyCo anything; the characters won’t help anyone in any future event and by lifting the ban they are allowing players to play the game freely and might actually try and even purchase some clams to help them in this and future events. Once I realized they are not lifting this ban in an event where I haven’t even done anything wrong, I stopped playing. I have 75,000 anti-matter and would have kept doing battles and everything if I thought it would be worth it to progress on the leaderboard. If there is a leaderboard for the next event and I am immediately banned, what is the sense of playing the event? When players stop going to the game every two or four or eight hours, then they stop going to it all. Is that really the business model? To completely alienate its player base over a mistake that THEY made and are unwilling to correct?

                I know you don’t want this stuff in your helpful posts, but I think the loyal players need to know how this is being handled before they make decisions about the game. All most of these banned players did was play the game as it was presented to them and they got a ban and the ban has carried over for two months now. It happened again in this event with people who started replicating multiple items with anti-matter to generate latinum. And I am sure it will happen again in the next event. This isn’t a condemnation about the leaderboards. It is about TinyCo making arbitrary decisions that are affecting loyal players and limiting their ability to fully enjoy the game. That just doesn’t seem proper.


                • Just an FYI, I am NOT “covering” for them. I am being blunt and honest. If I was “covering” for them I would tell people everything is perfect and not have even bothered with Russian’s or ANY other post on the Leaderboards for that matter.

                  I again ask that the convo be kept to the appropriate post as OTHER Players are coming for advice specifics and it is unfair to them to see post after post flooded with information that does not apply to their questions. I get people are frustrated, but to continually take it out on MY site and MY posts and MY hard work is VERY unfair to me and all the time and effort I put into pulling all the game details I do.

                  I am NOT TinyCo, I have not access to anyone’s games. I am just a Player myself doing all I can to help other Players. In return I ask that you respect ME and what I have made here by doing the slightest thing by keeping things OFF posts when I request it. If you have a beef with them, then take to THEIR facebook, THEIR Twitter, and THEIR website. Please stop creating chaos and trying to diminish my site in the process. It’s rude. Plain and simple. Don’t take out anger and frustration on the ONE person trying to help.

                  Keep the discussion in ONE spot. It helps YOU, it helps ME, and it helps others on this site. Not to mention it gives me ONE spot to tell TinyCo to focus on. Instead of saying “hey TinyCo, people with issues… but scan 5000 comments on 100 posts to try and find those details” VS “hey TinyCo, here is the direct link to the ONE post everyone is communicating on. Please look into it.” Make sense?

                  I grow tired of people assuming that keeping everything in one spot is not helping. You have no idea how hard a scattered issue all over the place is to get across vs one spot. Imagine me giving out info for a Event, but telling YOU to go to 500 locations to find it all. Seem easy?


                  • I am sorry Bunny. I replied here because I thought there was good conversation and detail here. I read everything on the site and am sensitive to that. Also, I know you are not TinyCo or doing anything other than looking out for the best interest of the players. You are a million times right about keeping things in one central area. I think we all lean on you on these sensitive issues because you have a direct link to TinyCo that none of us have. We know you are representing these issues when you talk with them. Maybe this is a good time for stepping away from the game for me. I thought I was contributing in a positive way and providing additional information on a sensitive subject and all I have done is completely alienate the one person who is actually trying to provide some assistance. I am truly sorry Bunny and I hope this hasn’t negatively impacted your day.


                    • I do get that and appreciate it, I am just asking that Players also try to keep it to one area. It is why I STOPPED allowing comments about the Leaderboards. They infest and take over every single post. So I get tons of email complaints from readers seeking help but just keep seeing Leaderboard Leaderboard Leaderboard over n over n over. I want to be fair to all of out readers and help everyone out. It is why I am really cracking down and pushing people to try to keep the focus to the subject in the posts. I am in no way trying to push people away or say their issue is not valid nor being looked into… I just want to keep the atmosphere here continually helping and not just a site about “everything I hate about TinyCo.” Make sense?

                      I am always happy to help, just when it comes to Leaderboards… I don’t want that infestation ruining the helpful site. No one benefits from it. 🙂


              • Just chiming in to say that I’m in exactly the same boat as Barry. Unfairly labeled a cheater for both the Christmas event and this, and haven’t heard anything at all since the auto-reply email that was sent after Russian Tigger’s advice post. Considering the amount of money I’m sure they’re getting from clam purchases, they could hire a few more customer support folks.


  20. Is the event still ending tomorrow?

    I wanted the Picsrd skin but only have 20 transparent aluminium. 😦


  21. Gabrielle Nichols

    My heranus mystery box still isn’t unlocked. Did I do something wrong?


  22. My pod plant has disappeared also 😛 Well i guess buying around 1200 is the max. I hope they allow us to buy more becouse ppl may catch up to me on leaderboards otherwise.


  23. An anti-matter mystery box would be great, I’ve hit the limits on everything in the replicator that requires it (except those that also require the red things that are slow to get) so I’m going to have tens of thousands left over by the end of tomorrow.


  24. I’m sad this was only a mini event…I loved it last time and I’m loving it again. I got Uhura!!!!’ I paid too many times for my taste but I really wanted her and luckily got her after about six tries!

    Has tiny co ever said why we never had a Sulu character? I feel like he’s the main original never made. I always found that odd especially with how popular George Takei is.


    • Takei is an EXPENSIVE man to get copyright release just by himself. They already had him in Comic Con. I assume he did not give permission for this OR Star Trek Franchise said no. Either way, if the legal copyright holder says no… nothing anyone else can do.


  25. i still have pods plants in mine… weird…

    having earned/bought a lot of this stuff during the last star trek event, and with virtually nothing in the replicator requiring it, i have a stupid amount of anti-matter saved up. i’m really hoping they release a mystery box or something so i’m not left feeling that i collected all that nonsense for nothing.

    i bought the mystery boxes last time and ended up with a buttload of those fugly giant tribbles. i was going to waste clams on the mystery boxes this time too but if i see one more giant tribble… well, there’s gonna be trouble! and with my bad luck with those boxes, i’d likely just end up with that or anti-matter anyway. not gonna waste my clams. lived it and learned. 🙂


  26. My only concern right now is about the alien shrubbery. We started out week 2 with it in the replicator, and the day I finally got enough red matter, it vanished. It’s the one thing I was hoping to get more of during this event. TinyCo has not yet replied to my message.


  27. Tiny Co seem to have revamped the replicator, and pod plants have now disappeared for me. A few others have disappeared too – the Romulan icon and Chompy Alien Plant have gone as well.

    Also, I noticed a strange thing today. The exclamation icon was showing on the shopping cart, but I don’t see anything new in there – maybe linked to the replicator changes.


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