Monthly Archives: February 2016

Theiranus Mystery Box Is Live!

Hey there Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

Sorry a bit behind, but trying to finish up work and get the details out too. There is now another Mystery Box launched into our games for the last Phase. Theiranus Mystery Box. (Oh TinyCo and the names. Lol.)

Khan Borg Kitten

Let’s take a peek inside. Continue reading

Star Trek 2nd Contact: Known Issues (Part 3)

Hey there Tribblelmakers!

Time again to cover all your thoughts, questions, and concerns in one lil place.

Tribbles and Bunny Continue reading

Star Trek: Second Contact Phase 2 Is LIVE!!

Hey there Romulans!

The second and Final Phase of the Re-released Star Trek Event is upon is. Lots more Characters, Buildings, and multiple other items returning with it.


Captain Picard

First up, the Basic Requirements…

  • Players will need to have completed Star Trek: Second Contact Part 11 in order to move into all the Phase 2 Content
  • Players will need to be on Version 1.18.5 in the App Markets, so if you are not… go download it
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s completed
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version, not Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points.

Back with more in a bit… Continue reading

Star Trek Second Contact Leaderboards

Hey there Ferengi’s!

WARNING: In this post I will be going over the Leaderboards, My Basic PERSONAL Opinion on them, and why they are such a sore spot for many. I will be VERY blunt in this post. Not the “usual Bunny”. Tread carefully. My turn to Rant!

I want to cover the SAME thing that I seem to have to cover Every. Single. Event. So here I am again, to get it out there… then be done with it. No further discussion on it as I grow weary. I think many of you do get that and understand it. I also will NOT be allowing any comments at all on this post as I am tired of the hatred that Leaderboards bring with them. They are a SIDE option. No one is forcing you to play them. It is all YOUR choice to participate. All they ever have caused is anger and lots of it. If you want to vent on them, you know where to go. If you hate the Leaderboards, tell TinyCo via in game messaging. Enough is enough on the Addicts site. We don’t make the game. We don’t control the game. We are not a doormat to wipe dirty feet all over.

Latinum Continue reading

Star Trek: 2nd Contact- Character Tasks

Hey there Ferengi’s!

With the Old becoming the New and for the first time in the games history an Event has been re-released, I wanted to go over all the Characters in the game and just exactly what they drop from their tasks.

Keep in mind that these are all from the previous Star Trek Event in 2015 (Minus Starfleet Rupert), so for those of you new to the game and Star Trek: Second Contact, you will only see the CURRENT Characters available in the game for you.

Continue reading

Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Borg Kittens

Hey there Hu-Meowns !

We have cute lil Borg Kittens wandering around on board the Enterprise, but trying to figure out what to do with them… other than take them home and cuddle them, and hug them, and call them George.

In this post, I will be going over the Basics of how to take down one of these lil Borg Kittens.

Borg Kitten Continue reading

Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Character/Costume Required Materials

Hey there Vulcans!

As I always state, this game is ever changing, so what is there today may be changed or be added to tomorrow. Such is the case many many times with our Material Drops. Due to this style of Steps & Phasing in game play, don’t try “MATH” to figure out the drops. You will just go mad as nothing is set in stone. Too much still “to come” always around the bend.

In this post, I wanted to give more of an Updated post for all the CURRENT available Character/Costumes available for Phase 1.

Beverly Crusher Deanna Troi Sexy Sarong Herbert Edo Herbert

Let’s take a look at the Star Trek Character/Costumes!  Continue reading

Star Trek 2nd Contact: Transporter Away Missions (Phase 1)

Hey there Red Shirts!

Time to take a Chance at traveling to another Planet to see what the Star Trek Crew brings back with them. Just hope it’s nothing contagious. 😉

In this post, I will be going over the Basics of the Transporter, the Planets, and the various Rewards.

Transporter Continue reading

Star Trek 2nd Contact: Known Issues (Part 2) UPDATED!!

Hey there Tribblelmakers!

Time again to cover all your thoughts, questions, and concerns in one lil place.

Tribbles and Bunny Continue reading

Star Trek 2nd Contact 101: Enterprise Districts Phase 1

Hey there Tribblemakers!

With us all back aboard the Enterprise and unlocking the “Districts” again, I wanted to go back over just what each section has to offer as well as some additional information of the “Rooms” that come along with the Districts.


Let’s Beam Up and see what’s on the EnterpriseContinue reading