Where Are You? A Grimm Knight in Quaghog Poll

Hey there Rodents of Unusual Sizes!

Bouncing by to find out just where you all are currently sitting in the game. Take a look at the Poll below and answer all the questions to your best abilities and only the ones that apply to you.


Just in case it does not work, here is the direct link…



I will keep this Poll open until Tuesday Night so I can compile the results for Wednesday.


65 responses to “Where Are You? A Grimm Knight in Quaghog Poll

  1. Did I miss the poll results? All I see is something saying sorry – the poll has closed. I’m still in twice upon a time & was curious to see how many people are in the same boat as me…


  2. Did i miss the results for the poll, or were the results so bad that tiny co. Forced you not to post them lol. I am having major difficulties with the gaunlets, if I’m lucky I’ll get 3 drops a day out of 12 or more attempts a day and night. First it was the arrows witch we dont really need anymore i have over 30. The horse sticks aren’t to bad cause you only need 2 but still an extremely long process becouse it takes 8 hours to craft im averaging 1 a day there. Very clam needy event in my opinion for rushing tasks and that doesn’t even work half the time either for materials. I do get mad when things i get from the bazzar dont drop those should be an always drop. Looking forward to seeing the results even though it’s fri. and the results were supposed to be wends. Thanks bunny for all the work on this site.


    • The only thing they can “force” me to do is not post something that violated legal or copyright, but that is the standard on any site I work on. I don’t wanna even get involved in legalities that come with Massive companies like FOX. Otherwise, this is my site and I can post what I want. 😉

      I just have been ill again and not able to keep up with the site. I have it almost complete and will be posting it along with a lot of other information soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I know what it’s like to not feel well – I have Lyme and fibromyalgia & sometimes just getting out of bed is a big accomplishment for me! I hope you feel better soon. 🙂


        • Thanks. Got a horrific virus back in October that attacked and almost shut down my entire immune system and body. Been trying to recover since.

          Just got to take it day by day. The chronic fatigue is the worst. Some days my body doesn’t even want me to get up. Or simple trip to get groceries weakens me within walking 2 aisles. Sucks terribly, but hanging in there and fighting to get my life back. I’m a “busy bee” person so being still and inactive really is a change for me. Not one I like too much.

          My sister has what you do, feel for you living with that. All we can do is take it one day at a time. 🙂


  3. Has anyone gotten Prince Charming’s Castle yet? Do we know it’s grid size? Is it as large as say, Humperdink’s Castle?

    Just curious if it’s worth spending the materials to get it.


    • Yes. I posted these stats in another area.

      Sits on a 9×10 base and is pretty tall (back tower anyway). A bit smaller than his castle at the base and a bit taller over all.


  4. Quick rant. First the scales were the death of me in this game. I sucked it up and spent clams because I was over a week behind. I started to catch up and now the stupid gauntlets are the death of me. I have tried slowly clicking the characters (couple events ago it worked), I have tried staggering them, I have sent them on different task, and nothing is improving the drops. I barely get 3 or 4 a day and the dropping of the sapphire is even worst. I have got the bare min for the quest line (maybe 4 total) and I am still stuck on getting two more just to move on again…. grrrrrrr, grinding is not working. they need to change something….

    ok that was not a quick rant 😀 and just a bit dramatic haha

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have been playing this game since it launched and have been having less and less fun with each event. It is almost as if they are trying to get us freemium players to quit. Just look at all of the rancor from players who feel like they are being mistreated by TC, as we grind away for little reward. 😕


      • This is exactly how I feel! I love this game, but I cannot afford to spend real money on it. So I guess that means they don’t care if I play anymore😞. Also I’d like to add that I’ve sent several messages about issues and have not received any replies. They used to be so timely in getting back to you. Not anymore I guess.


  5. I’ve got everything but in fairness I’ve spent around 5000 clams. This event is definitely more clam hungry than the star trek one that just went by. I’ve still enjoyed it massively but even as a high paying player it isn’t difficult to see why people would find certain aspects (such as drop rates for gauntlets and eggs) very tedious.

    Excited for week 4! I want ‘MUH PRINCESSES! 😀


  6. Stitched together a bunch of screenshots of my Quahog and thought I’d share.

    For the life of me, I can’t get picnic baskets to drop for Little Red Riding Hood Stewie. I’ve probably been on 10 jousting missions, with the meter full each time, and nada. Still need all 15.


  7. Forgive me for serial posting. I just wanted to add one thing I love about this event that hasn’t been mentioned. I LOVE the fact that all the Griffin family characters are separate characters and not just skins. I like the fact that the event Griffins and regular Griffins are able to do things at the same time.

    Also, I just got LRRH Stewie a moment ago. That tree thing did drop both party balls at the same time. That one is kind of a head scratcher. Since the tree thing was the only way to get them and it drops 2. Couldn’t they just have the drop and requirement be 1?


    • I do too. I think the Characters have TOO many Costumes, I hardly get to see them or play with them. I prefer them separate.


    • FYI – My building only dropped one party ball the first time, not two. So the “2” by the tag in the bazaar must mean that it drops between 0 and two. A few days later, I got my second party ball. Looks like you got lucky! 😀


  8. I am getting worried about LRRH Stewie. I got the tree thing on Monday and check it every two hours like it’s my job. Still zero party balls for me. Also, it says in the jazz a that it drops 2 balls which I am guessing is incorrect because a previous poster says they currently have one party ball. That is the only thing that I am really frustrated with in this event. The rest of it I am enjoying. I did purchase 2 of the birds and The Black Night and those 3 things have really helped my to stay on track.


  9. Drat, I missed the poll! I wanted to ask about the pic-a-nic baskets — Is anyone else having trouble with these in the Stewie collection? I have the “extra rare” items already and nearly all the “rare” things, but not a single picnic basket since placing his house. My dragons haven’t dropped scepters, but I long ago gave up hope of unlocking the princesses.

    Did the poll ask how many sheep you’ve purchased? Because I cannot get enough of those little guys! They’re SO freakin cute!!! (I also really like the Mort-Trolls)


    • Sheep? You must be further along than me. I’m still on
      Twice a Upon A Time and have zero chance if ever getting a Princess, or Stewie.

      Liked by 2 people

    • I missed the poll too. I’ve had good progress on the cloaks and wolfsbane, but it wasn’t until today that I finally had my first baskets drop. At least they drop in batches of 5, so at least you only need them to drop three times to get all 15. Ive been having more of a challenge with the party balls because I can never get enough gauntlets to get sapphire eggs.

      I contacted TinyCo about scepters not dropping, and they swore it was working properly. When I pointed out that I had passed the point that they should start dropping, they told me to contact them if I had problems with the next dragon. They did finally drop with the next dragon, but given how infrequently they appear, I have half as many scepters as I should and also have just about written off the Princesses.


    • If you have a herd of sheep, tap tap tap on them and watch them jump jump jump. Way too cute.


  10. I managed to get Knight Peter and Westley. That’s it. Giant Chris isn’t even close to happening because of things like needing multiple flash bangs just to get one sock because not only does it take a number of troll kills just to get one sock, but I only get 1 or 2 kills per try no matter how trolls are in the crosshairs. Then there’s the game’s refusal to drop Sapphire Eggs and thanks to this site knowing how many I need to get to week 3 I’m done with this and going back to working on District 10.


  11. At first this seemed to be a good event, but as listed above the inclusion of only early unlocked characters makes the fact I have millions of dollars no way of tracking xp because it maxed out at 50 a waste of effort. TC must have calculators that go beyond 50 as most of the stuff you need for all the events are 200 clams plus. How about an event that is only for accounts that have unlocked further into the game, if your at level 4 you’ve got loads to do and side events are an unnecessary diversion.
    I built a wall across the hole domain and dumped all my buildings in a v random pattern and still the trolls stroll. WTD.
    Thanks for all the help from this site, I seem to spend more time here than playing, maybe thats why I can never get the stewy skins aaaaaaarrgh.


  12. So it appears they upped the scale payout for dragons to 10. Not sure on boogers as I only needed 2 anyways so two dragon hits filled me up on Wesley and Giant Chris, but honestly I think it’s short sighted and what they always do so I’m sorry if I’m not firing six shooters in air in celebration or appreciation for the torment they put us through.

    They wait so long to make an adjustment. It’s nearly phase 4. Anyone that was in the situation of not having Wesley and Chris obviously had Peter focused on potions to try and get them. So therefore he (Sir Peter) was not gathering sapphire eggs so now here we sit. None of us are truly caught up or much closer. If trolls dropped sapphire eggs now that would do the trick. Or if it was a guaranteed drop from wrestling of 5 sapphire eggs. That would allow us to plow through the Phase 2 quest line and maybe start week 3 before week 4 drops. (again we’d still be behind, but maybe have some viability of the finish line.)

    Oh well. Apologies to Bunny as I’m not sure if this truly qualified as a WTD but it certainly is on topic of where we are in the game and hope to be.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’ve been really enjoying this event even though I’ve never seen The Princess Bride, but when the event began I had a look online to see what it’s like and as soon as I saw Andre The Giant was in the film it made me more interested in it, so I will definitely have to find a copy and watch it. As for the event I’m doing really well and I’m ahead as I unlocked Little Red Riding Hood Stewie on Saturday evening, and got all of this weeks items from the Bazaar by Sunday mourning, and I have all the items needed for Cinderella Lois so far, and for Princess Buttercup I have all the Hats needed, 6 Scepters, and 4 Glass Slippers, so hopefully I’ll be able to get them both unlocked.


  14. I’m surprisingly on track with most things, should have Stewie today and the main questline is done bar the one task Stewie is required for.

    Princesses however I have no idea where I should be since the last item is still a mystery and unlocking them is going to come down to the randomness of the dragons. Mine all but one time have taken at least 36 hours to return so I’ll probably only get another 5 attempts, if those are white ones I should get everything fine, light blue would be a coin toss but any dark blue/black ones and I’m pretty much dead in the water.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I see complaints and some positive stories.
    I must admit I have always been lucky, a freemium player with little complaints and unlocking a lot due to being able to look at my phone every ten minutes.

    But this event has been so different. I have only Sir Peter to collect vials which took ages already and that means I have everything for Giant Chris and Westley. Except that I’m about halfway with scales and boogers. It’s kinda getting to me for the first time. The combination of needing Westley to defeat the dragon and needing to defeat the dragon to unlock Westley is breaking my game flow sadly.

    Luckily I have never seen the movie and got lucky again, the one event I feel like a complete failure I’m not sad about not getting some people!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. The Problem Child

    Is that Easter stuff for real or is it an accidental early release?


  17. Not minded this event but still far from being perfect. No way am I unlocking either princess, dragons take waaaay to long to come back and I unlocked giant Chris with clams as no boogers were dropping.


  18. I’ve only ‘defeated’ a dragon once. Since then I’ve stopped attacking it when the potion number required gets into the teens. It just takes too long to gather potions. Of course that means I’m just waiting even longer with the ridiculous dragon timer.

    They really don’t design these events very well for active playing. Long timers and poor drop rates turn people off and they’re constantly asked to include more of the characters yet they continue to overload everything on just a handful.


  19. One good thing is that they provided a way to access the phase 3 bazaar while still stuck in phase 2 by releasing the huge rodents early, at least in my game. By tapping on the rodents, I was able to tap on the needs Stewie button and be taken to grandma’s house directly, and once I had an egg of the proper color then I could place Stewie and start working on him. Things needed from the phase 3 bazaar are also reachable via the info buttons on Stewies unlock list. Mort has been able to collect hobby horses for jousting and the area is open in the training area so I can potentially get the proper eggs for Stewie (and did get one to place him), even though I’m still firmly stuck in phase 2 with giant Chris still locked. That’s the only reason unlocking Stewie is potentially possible for me, without that back door to the phase 3 bazaar available there wouldn’t be enough time if I ever do get to phase 3 officially. I still can’t officially see the phase 3 page in the bazaar.


    • Lucky you. I am in phase 2, and I don’t have any rodents. So, I can’t begin on Stewie.


      • I’m on part 6 of Twice Upon a Time, can’t remember where I was when phase 3 launched but the big rodents arrived soon after that. I was at least in part 4. Maybe you have to get to a certain part first? Or maybe I’m just blessed by the Tiny Gods.

        I finally unlocked Chris, he’s a major help since he can get gauntlets (for blue eggs) and hobby horses (for green eggs and baskets for Stewie) in addition to potions. But I took everybody off potion duty for now to focus on getting eggs and through the questline. Not sure if I need dragons now that Chris is unlocked, since it’s so unlikely that I can rescue the prisoners.


  20. They need to be more careful about bottlenecks (egg collecting in this case) that stem from long tasks and low drop rates, particularly when a sequence of long task/low drop rate actions are needed to get the essential item. That seems to be the major morale buster. We can live knowing that we probably won’t get to the last phase or can’t get everything possible in the event due to time constraints if we’re cheapskates, but when multiple unlocks and subsequently progress in the main questline are stalled by bottlenecks- not so fun. It’s a fine line between challenging and depressing…

    Liked by 2 people

      • This is about the smartest comment I have seen posted on this site since the “gotta get this to get that to craft this” formula started. If I don’t advance through quest lines/events due to my playing strategy or commitment, then that is 100 percent on me. When I play strategically and am committed and still can’t advance, then I think there is a flaw in the presentation. It seems like they have used the “crack dealer” approach (“The first year’s for free!”) and are now trying to see what they can get out of it. I find I am spending more and more time thumbing through Google Play for an alternative distraction and less and less time launching this app.

        And just so I can keep with the theme of the post, let’s hope there are more opportunities to get gauntlets soon. Between the length of the tasks, the rather poor drop rate and the dire need for sapphire eggs, I am very close to the “chuck it” point for this event. For the sixth event in a row.


        • Ugh! Getting gauntlets and sapphire eggs has been the worst! How can you make an item that is so necessary for so much stuff(gauntlets), rare..and then make the item you made that stuff to get(sapphire eggs), at chance to get…after all the effort, one should be “always” gotten!


  21. My Dragon (blue) finally showed up and it looks like TinyCo has raised the Scales and Boogers drop numbers. Level 1 was 10 Scales, 5 Boogers and I think Level 2 and 3 are the same at 20 Scales and 7 Boogers.

    The problem is TinyCo took forever to acknowledge and fix the problem to the point it doesn’t matter. I informed them when Week 2 started about the Scales problem and its now almost Week 4. I and most other players have grinded to death to get the Scales already.

    I think TinyCo should do the right thing and give players 25 Clams as an apology for their poor event planning. Bunny, please, suggest this to them. Thanks!


    • Lol. Will do 😉


    • shannon rowell

      25 clams is a dollar- they can keep the dollar……they’ll just get it back anyway. It should be at least enough to buy a character, I don’t think that is too much to ask for after all we have put into the game the last couple years. I personally could have gotten another queensized memoryfoam mattress set for what I have spent on the game. They make their money just fine.


  22. lol guys, i love that last question ☺


  23. I see a lot of comments about how bad the event is, and don’t get me wrong i’m one of them usually but i thought i’d put a positive spin on this event….
    I have been so frustrated with the last few events (since Halloween) but this event i feel they have changed it.
    It’s a simple event (minus drop rate issues) with not much going on. It’s easy to follow and i know exactly what i need to do. My drop rates have been great, so it’s strange that it’s so different for people.
    I feel TC listened to our wants/needs/complaints by bringing back Star Trek (which i loved the first time round). At first i thought Star Trek was going to be useless for us freemium players but once they changed the replicator and latinum bar payouts then it gave the freemium players something to work towards (I finished 76th without spending any clams). So depending on how TC works it, climbing the leaderboards for a freemium player was a great win.
    With this event i feel they have listened to our want for a break from the usually event chaos. Like i said it’s simple and easy to follow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, outside some more drop tweaking… many “Player complaints” of other items within the Event have been altered towards what Players asked.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m going to have to agree with this. Buying the egg birds has really helped me out this event, but it hasn’t been overly stressful either. I have had a clear idea where I’ve been headed each day of the event so far.

      It’s been a bit of a balance with the potion droppers also being part of the 3 char team areas, but unless I didn’t show up on time, I’ve been able to handle all but 2 of my dragons so far. That middle one buggered me a couple times on stage 5… You just got to be careful to stockpile the right potions(which shold be ALWAYS drops!). They pattern out if you watch carefully and keep a record. 😉

      If I get LRRH Stewie today or early morn, I figure I’m right on a good track this week. This is a big change from recent events where I was struggling even being a Clammer by this time of week 3 or half dead like that football travesty… It is MASSIVELY appreciated. 🙂


    • I quite like this event. I have collected everything needed so far 4 Princess Lois. I have 1 ? Above her head now. I’m just collecting items for the all the princess now slippers and the other things next to them lol


  24. From the looks of it it will be impossible to unlock either of the princesses as a freemium player. Red Riding Hood is on the brink of possibility, but is more likely to be left locked.


  25. I’m not extremely far behind (I just got into phase 3), but I put impossible to move forward because, after doing the math, advancing just isn’t feasible. If things stay the same as they have been, I will not get enough sapphire eggs to get everything I need from the bazaar this phase. Gauntlets are dropping at a low enough rate that I’m getting usually 1 chance per day to try for a sapphire egg (2 if I am really lucky). Eggs usually drop, but not always. Even if they did always drop, 15 eggs will take me over 2 weeks to get. Because I need Westley for the gauntlets, I am not using him to get either potions or stick horses. So, I am not attacking the dragons as often and I only have one character trying to get the horses. This means that I probably won’t be getting the green eggs either. So, unless things change pretty drastically and very soon, phase 3 is about as far as I am likely to go this time.


    • It’s nice to hear that the picnic baskets are dropping for someone. I’ve gotten none, thru multiple jousting trainings, not a one. Not even close to Phase 3 at this point. Lucky you!


  26. I’ve been stuck in the same place for over 2 weeks because I still haven’t unlocked Westley. I put him out the same time as Sir Peter and the major problem like I stated before is the number of Scales needed is way too high and the Dragon pay out from them is too low. I also had the major problem of unlocking Sir Peter because of Swords, which most players suffered from pushing us back a week.

    At the moment I feel like a hamster in a hamster wheel. I’m running, but stuck in the same place. All I’ve been doing is collecting Potions for two weeks to defeat the Dragon to unlock Westley, who is needed for every task line for me to progress. I was able to keep myself entertained by also getting items for Giant Chris, but it still came down to getting Boogers by defeating the Dragon.

    Right now I need 2 Scales and 1 Booger to unlock both Westley and Giant Chris. I’ve been waiting close to 24 hours for the Dragon to return and this one time happened to be the longest time that’s it been in hibernation. Its never been gone more than 12 hours.

    Its like this event is designed to stop you from making any progress at every step. Ugh!

    Liked by 2 people

  27. 7am European time on the 15th of March, and I’ve finally unlocked Westley!


  28. Having bought the 2 smallest greenhouses, each of the premium characters and one each of the bird egg dispensers, I am doing okay in this event. I have yet to get a Sapphire egg to drop from wrestling. Gold eggs are almost a guarantee with just Peter in archery.

    This week from jousting… I have only gotten one set of 5 picnic baskets so far. 2 emerald eggs, and 8 other tries were all only beans. If you don’t get the egg dispensers for this event… you’re going to have a hard time. That’s what it seems to me currently.

    I’m a bit anxious about getting close to 70 scepters though… Too many characters that get potions are too busy with alternate things this week. It’s kinda hard to stockpile them for the next dragon when so many of them have 12 hour and Chris 24 hour task…

    LRRH Stewie… 2 party balls… definitely extra rare after 12 collects so far.. Contemplating just clamming the other 10 baskets. If it’s “maybe” to drop one glass slipper per ROUS, at 4 hours a pop, I need to get started fast. Kinda hoping Ruby eggs(just a guess!) end up being the 4th dragon item. Week 4 will have the real challenges methinks. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  29. southbeacharchi

    The only good thing about this event is the laugh I got at first watching the knights fall down in that hilarious way true to Family Guy. (One arm always bent back behind)….lol.
    No other good things…drop rate is probably the worst of any event I’ve played and the requirements to obtain anything seem impossible.
    I think I’m finally growing weary of this game.


  30. It wasn’t an option but I’ve seen the movie many times AND read the book! We reference it all the time in my fire swamp…er..home.


  31. Shawn Heidingsfelder

    I answered ‘1’ for how many times out of ten that I received emerald or sapphire eggs because I haven’t done it ten times, and only received one of either so far.

    I’m a freemium still trying to unlock Giant Chris, and I only unlocked Westley a day or two ago because I spent clams to avoid collecting the last dozen dragon scales. With Sir Peter being the only one able to get potions, it was impossible to get higher than 3x on a dragon before the timer expired.

    My biggest complaint about the last few events is how few characters are used to gather resources for those not spending clams for new premium event characters and buildings. I’ve played almost since day one, and have over 90 people, but I still feel like a new player when only a small fraction are used (and some for multiple things at the same time. That should be unnecessary when there are over 100 characters available.). Premium content should make the game easier, not simply the only way to finish an event. Early events I could finish at the deadline. Now I can’t even get to the last phase before it goes away.


  32. You left off picnic baskets for Riding Hood Stewie… and for the record I need 1 party ball and 5 baskets, but since Mort is not dropping hobby horses at all and the pit of despair, I think since I got it, I have only gotten 3, 6 of the only 7 I have came from Inigo. At an average drop rate of 1.4 hobby horses per day I have no hope of completing this challenge. Especially since I cannot free up Stewie with out the picnic baskets from Jousting, which I cant do with out the hobby horses. I do sometimes step in for my husband on his user because of his work schedule, who does spend a small amount on clams ($20 every 2 weeks), and he is still in week one trying to free Westley. He has no hope of catching up with out a lot in the way of clams we cannot afford. Sad thing is he did this event on my word that Tiny Co does not create events that players who opt not to spend on clams cannot even pretend to hope to complete. Way to prove me wrong 😦 And it really does not help that PC player were a whole day behind mobile players just to begin the game, and Fire Fox virtually didn’t work at all for week one.


  33. Forgot baskets for stewie, I need baskets too.


  34. This event has turned me off from being semi premium. I was typing my password to buy the clams for Andre and Indigo and I just decided I didn’t really care enough any more.


  35. For me personally, I do not care one bit for this event. I don’t really like it. My goal with every event is to get the main characters/skins from the main loading screen. This event out of the majority I have been through is just right on the same levels for the Christmas and Halloween ’15. I have always been a fair player, never to complain because I’m not good. I play whenever I can. I’m not fond at all for the event. Personally all the premium characters are just random, let alone for the majority of the freemium. The only con for me with this event is that I’m finally able to save my wallet from spending. If you enjoy this event, by all means, congrats man, I’m glad for you! But for me, this is just boring and undesired. I’ve been waiting for this poll to come around.


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