Peter’s Prehistoric Park: Characters That Drop Stuff

Hey there, Clammers!

Peter’s Prehistoric Park is now live in our games and some MORE characters are getting tasks to help get STUFF for your games! So let’s try and keep track of them here 🙂

A few characters in Quahog have tasks to help you earn stuff for Dino Tamer Peter and Velociraptor…and of course you want to know which ones earn what, how often & how many. So…without further ado let’s cover the who, what, where, when and how of Peter’s Prehistoric Park tasks to earn you more stuff!

Here is the list as of this post. Take a peak below to see what ones apply to you and will help you during Peter’s Prehistoric Park.






Clean Up After Dinosaurs

4 hrs

Lois Teach Piano 4 hrs Amber
Shoplift 8 hrs Blue Amber
Bonnie Go to Ladies’ Night 6 hrs Raptor Food
Abuse Jacuzzi Jets 8 hrs Blue Amber
Joe Ride a Raptor 4 hrs Amber
Raid Personal Weapons Stash 6 hrs Raptor Food
Mort Sell Tacky Dinosaur-Tooth Necklaces 4 hrs Amber
Walk on Dinosaur Eggshells 8 hrs Blue Amber
Quagmire Google “Erotic Dinosaurs” 6 hrs Raptor Food
Jerome Play Darts 6 hrs Gooey Fossil
Chris Hang Out at the Hatchery 4 hrs Amber
(Dino) Do a Spit Take 6 hrs 15 Dinosaur Claws
Bruce Fret About Something 6 hrs Gooey Fossil
Gossip About Dinosaurs 8 hrs Blue Amber

Here are all the items again grouped along with the other places you can earn them besides Characters.

Dinosaur Claws: Get Dinosaur Claws by completing quests and doing tasks!

Amber: Make Lois Teach Piano OR Make Peter Clean Up After Dinosaurs OR Make Mort Sell Tacky Dinosaur-Tooth Necklaces OR Make Joe Ride a Raptor OR Make Chris Hang Out at the Hatchery OR Get from Amber Mine

Blue AmberMake Lois Shoplift OR Make Mort Walk on Dinosaur Eggshells OR Make Bruce Gossip About Dinosaurs OR Make Bonnie Abuse Jacuzzi Jets OR Make Chris Incubate Dinosaur Eggs OR Get from Blue Amber Mine

Reptile DNA: Get Reptile DNA from the Amber Processing Plant!

Raptor DNA: Get Raptor DNA from the Amber Processing Plant!

“Asteroids and You” Pamphlet:  Get from Asteroid Prevention Center

20 Gooey Fossil: Make Jerome Play Darts OR Make Bruce Fret About Something OR Get from Tarred For Life

15 Raptor Leash: Get from Fundamental Training (Training Your Raptor)

Raptor Food: Bonnie Go to Ladies’ Night OR Joe Raid Personal Weapons Stash OR Quagmire Google “Erotic Dinosaurs”

What do YOU think of Peter’s Prehistoric Park so far? Do you have all the characters that can earn stuff? Any tasks available that you didn’t realize were there? How’s your collecting going? Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!


90 responses to “Peter’s Prehistoric Park: Characters That Drop Stuff

  1. Hi all joined Peters Prehistoric Park event very recently, have at last unlocked Raptor – does anyone know if you get to keep her after the event has finished?



  2. What is the blue Amber used for?


  3. How the heck do you even have the raptor already??? I guess I’m just doing it wrong…I am beyond behind and only a week in bahahaha tinyco rules!!!



    What are the ribs for


  5. How can you tell what level your raptor is at?


  6. All my sink eggs are at the edges of my playing area and so they won’t turn purple. Anybody know how to get around this?


  7. So I’ve sent Peter and the Raptor to train 4 times now and while it says my chance of raptor leashes is “high”, all I have been getting is claws which it doesn’t even say are supposed to be dropping for this task.


  8. Is it just me or does it take AGES to level up the Raptor?


  9. So I have the raptor and ive completed 5 training sessions so far with no leashes dropped. Why exactly does it say it has a high chance of drop? Under no circumstances is 0 for 5 anything but really low. I was loving the event until I hit this road Block. The leashes are all I need to get Dino peter.


  10. Strangevisitor7

    I’ve been training my raptor but after five tries it hasn’t dropped any leashes. Is anyone else having this problem? Does my raptor need to be at a certain level to get the leashes?


    • You sending both Peter and the Raptor? Do you see them as a “Chance” payout? I get more Leashes than anything on my tries. Once I got them all I now get mainly XP


      • Strangevisitor7

        It say high chance when I tap on the training center. But all I get is 11 claws and exp points. My raptor is at level 5 and still no leashes. I contacted them and they said to be patient but I sent peter and raptor to training at least a dozen times. Can you help? Thanks.


        • They all say High… so it will vary on if you get a leash or XP. I did it 10 times and got the Leashes. Did you check Dino Tamer Peter to see if the Leashes are all collected yet?


  11. HELP PLZ !! my dna refinery thing is giving error message then just reloads game!! PLEASE help.


  12. Way too many claws required for Peter and the Raptor and now I need it for the first weekly challenge. Kinda feel like taking this one off.


    • Get the Raptor first, he will help with Claws and Peter in the Raptor Training Pen


      • Are there any random character tasks that earn claws other than the new characters from this event?


          • So I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but when I send the raptor I only get 11 claws. For 5 1/2 hours for time. Does the claw drop count go up as the raptor levels? Otherwise I’m not sure it’s better than getting the DNA and tapping dinos. That’s just 4 hours for the DNA drop and 1 hour to make the material and it gives 15. So 5.5 hours for 11 claws or 5 hours for 15. Am i missing something? I’m sure I am, but getting Peter is going to take forever.


  13. Game crashes every time I select the Welcome Center.


  14. Is Dino Chris a Skin or is a separate character?


  15. Is Dino Chris a skin or a new character? And should I just get the amber mine or is Dino Chris worth it?


  16. I’m finding this one very slow going. Trying to get dinosaur claws is literally like pulling teeth. Might just check everyone into tan lines and sit this one out.


  17. 780 + 550 Dino claws needed for Raptor and Peter. That’s 1330 total. You get 15 claws from each regular amber that hatches an egg. My math says we only need to mine and refine 89 regular amber to reach that amount. I thought some of you out there would like to know so you can plan.


  18. Thanks for the good information.

    I just researched the Tarred for Life and it unlocked my ability to research the prehistoric path. After i researched the path I could place the path for 5 coins each, and it’s prettier than beer river.

    Hopefully I’ve done the right thing by researching buildings before I unlocked the dinosaur.


  19. Moecyslack905

    I don’t know if it’s happening to anyone else but Mort’s “sell tacky dinosaur tooth necklaces” task doesn’t drop any coins anymore.


  20. Accumulating claws is taking way too long

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Where is the “Dino does a spit take”, that drops 15 claws?
    What character does this?
    Thanks for the help.


  22. In order to earn the Raptor Leashes, I know I have to build the training facility and have my velociraptor unlocked, but do I need Dino Tamer Peter as well? Or do I just need the raptor and the training facility? Thank you!!!


    • You need the Raptor or regular Peter, or you can also use both. allegedly if you use both you will have a higher chance of getting the leashes. Also, I am betting the Dino XP will wind up coming in handy for later in the phase or in the next phase.


    • Tinyco posted that you need Dino Tamer Peter to train but it is a typo. All you need is the velociraptor unlocked and the training facility, normal peter trains him.


    • Russian Tigger

      Just the Raptor, ‘normal’ Peter can do the training.


    • Since you need leashes to unlock tamer Peter, the answer is clearly No.


      • wildthornberry88

        Unfortunately TinyCo did make an unhelpful FAQ about it, so it’s a fair question really…


        • Thank you everyone for your KIND replies! Since the FAQs didn’t specify where the leashes came from, I actually thought they would be released in the second phase of the event. I really didn’t know since they didn’t disclose any info about it (all they had to do is say to get it from Dino training and I could deduct from there, lol). You’re absolutely right, wildthornberry88, it is def a fair question, haha. Thank you again everyone! 🙂


    • Strangevisitor7

      Regular Peter can train the Raptor


    • You also need Peter (not Dino Tamer).


    • I was also wondering about this…you can’t use Tamer Peter to earn Tamer Peter! how the heck do we earn the leashes? Can someone who has gotten that far please elaborate?


    • Regular Peter. You need the leashes from the training to get trainer peter.


  23. I no longer have dino eggs showing up, and the last few that were there – no dino’s 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Very frustrated. Seems I cannot progress. It’s taking forever to accumulate blue amber without spending money. Everything needed takes the blue dna vials. Any ricks on what to prioritize?


    • Russian Tigger

      Unlocking the Raptor and buying the Prehestoric Plant Place are necessary to move on in the quest line, as well as that you will need the Asteroid Prevention Centre for items for Peter, and possibly the Tarred for Life although I feel I’m getting enough Gooey Fossil from character drops to not bother with that.


    • I’ve found that I do pretty well by dividing my characters into categories: the ones who make amber, the ones who make blue amber, and the ones who make both. The ones who do just one or the other stay on those tasks (even if they do something else like dino meat or tar bones). The ones who do both, I send for amber during the day and blue amber when I go to bed. For me, it provides a good balance of yellow to blue dna. I ended up getting the claws and blue dna for my dinosaur at about the same time.


  25. Barely any ways to earn claws, now most tasks involve Peter’s costume which I need claws to buy – catch 22.

    Keep up the good work guys!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I think this is the first event where the character tasks don’t earn you any event currency, so far neither do the new buildings??? I’m finding in held up trying to save up claws 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t think it’s the first event like this – it was pretty much the same with Greek Life; perhaps starving free players of event currency is TinyCo’s new fun way to punish us!


      • The Buildings WILL help. Well one in particular. The Raptor Training. The payout as you send the Raptor to train will give you Claws too. Just keep playing the Questline to progress.


  27. Either I just had a happy glitch, or TinyCo has increased the claws from the crestosaureses. Cleared an egg, got 6 crestosaureses and 30 claws. Will be able to confirm in less than an hour.


    • Sorry addicts. It was just a glitch. The next 3 eggs gave only 15 claws each.


    • It’s happened to me too. A few times. But mostly I get 3 dinosaurs.


      • What I noticed is it is seems like a “Freebie” but still testing. It seemed to me like I did not lose any of the Reptile DNA when that happened, so I was able to use it on another Egg. I am testing this more as I get more Eggs to spawn. I have seen it myself about 3 times now.


  28. As far as characters pulling double duty, this has to be the most frustrating event yet. Lois, Bonnie, Joe, Mort, Chris, and Bruce all have two tasks to drop items. And I don’t see the benefit of Dino Chris. For 6 hours you get 15 claws. But with regular Chris, 4 hours gets you amber and an hour to make that gets you 15 claws. Now I know they aren’t an always drop but they have been dropping decently for me. Because of that, progress is very slow going at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Anyone else’s raptor not levelling up?


    • The raptor will ONLY level up by sending her to the Raptor training facility. When her special task menu pops up, notice that she only gains coins and no experience from a task….so, in order to level her up, she must be sent to the training facility which is 116 Dino claws in the shop and costs (rare) meat to use and it lasts 5.5 hrs. Hope this helps!


    • I believe it will only level up with training. Doing tasks doesn’t help.
      The rewards mini-box shows how much experience you earn each time.


    • Yup, my raptor refuses to gain experience and level up.


  30. The eggs stopped spawning dinosaurs


    • I was also having this issue, but it looks like they must have recently pushed a fix, as they are now working properly for me.


    • Same issue many of us are having. TinyCo responded saying its a known issue they are working on & hope to have a fix soon


  31. Dinosaur Claws: Get Dinosaur Claws by completing quests and doing tasks!
    What task rewards Claws?

    Liked by 1 person

    • wildthornberry88

      I think just Chris’ atm though I guess you could also count when you get them from the cretosaurs.


      • just the doctor

        the raptor has a 6h task dropping 15 claws, training has the chance of 11 claws. anyway much too less claw options. my bet is a premium claw dropper in the 500 to 750 clam range soon.


  32. Are there any other characters/actions that drop claws? I’m having a horrible time accumulating.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Russian Tigger

    Great post Lotty. But players you usually don’t need to pull all your characters out of Tan Lines or storage to find who drops things, just go to the item you need and look at the list of who drops it. The only time you need check individuals is for event currency drops and there are no tasks for only currency at the moment. Please let’s try help the guys keep the site going by trying do a bit more ourselves and sharing the info in the comments. Let Bunny, Lotty and Ares have a little time to get up to full speed and of course have their own lives out with the game. Also it frees up little time for them to work with TinyCo on glitches.

    Liked by 1 person

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