The Hauntening – Extraterrestrial Mystery Box

It’s a mystery, oh it’s a mystery, and we’re still searching for the truth….

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder in our Quahog’s, Phase 2 has unexpectedly descended upon us like a giant spaceship dropping from the skies, bringing with it a heap of new content which includes the Extraterrtestial Mystery Box. It’s again full to the brimstone with characters, costumes and currency.


If  you ALREADY have any of the returning characters Characters, Roger & Lyle, you won’t see them in the Mystery Box… because you own them already.


Cost ~ 130 Clam Icon clams per try

The prizes should you wish to try your luck are:


FBI Lois (costume)
Scooter Man (Animated Decoration)
150 Clams
27 Ectoplasm
6 Skeleton Keys
45 Cosmic Radiation

***Be aware that materials can repeat.

We can’t give you any odds on these, they really are a game of chance as to what or who you will get, so the decision is yours whether to risk your clams on these fellow addicts. But here is what Bunny got on her tries (note she already had Lyle and Roger so they weren’t available in her box):

Scooter Man
150 Clams
27 Ectoplasm
6 Skeleton Keys
27 Ectoplasm
27 Ectoplasm
45 Cosmic Radiation
45 Cosmic Radiation
6 Skeleton Keys
27 Ectoplasm
FBI Lois

Did you chance your luck? Were you lucky? Did you get what you wanted? Share your luck, good or bad, in the comments.


26 responses to “The Hauntening – Extraterrestrial Mystery Box

  1. does Lyle drop anything?


  2. wildthornberry88

    Hi I’m Lotty and I’m an addict. Even though I know my odds are terrible I tried 3 times anyway 😮 I got the scooter man (what even is that? Literally the only thing I didn’t want), radiation (useful at least) & ectoplasm. Heh. Oh well.


  3. I caved in last night, as I remembered what Bunny used to say when folks ask her if they should buy certain items with premium currency: buy if you don’t regret your decision in future. Since I played the game because I wanted to have Roger around, I tried 3 times with all the clams I had. My disappointing results were: 27 ectoplasms, 27 ectoplasms, Lyle! The ectoplasms were not even enough to get me enough skeleton keys for the next prize.

    Roger… next time then. If at all.


  4. Buyers remorse. Got Scooter Man then Ectoplasm. Wasted 260 clams to get Lois


  5. Got roger and scooter from box but can’t find either one. Any ideas?


  6. Scooter Man, clams, ectoplasm, ectoplasm, ectoplasm, keys, ectoplasm, ectoplasm…. not spending anymore… complete rip off


    • They are. Way too expensive like all of the clam items. This is $5 a shot that’s one is essentially throwing in the garbage. Personally I can say $5 for a guaranteed new character would be worth it, but not chances at these random things. I opened three and got Scooter, keys, ecto… and now feel sick for falling for the bait and burning all those clams. 😦


      • Sorry. I keep pushing people to let them know it is a Clam Slot Machine. Your results will be all over the place.

        I always tell myself everytime there is one “I will only spend X amount”. If I hit that amount and nothing drops… I will stop. My test game is different, but my regular games I prefer to spend my Clams wisely and usually on ONLY items I know I will have in my game with the purchase.


  7. I gave it my “one spin” rule as I would have liked Lois (Lyle would have been OK, and I have Roger from the American Dad event), but I got six keys (which let me get the bug spray building, so it could have been worse).


  8. I did pretty good, had Roger and Lyle, wanted Lois.

    First try was scooter man, then clams, then Lois.


  9. I had 3 tries. I did not do too bad.

    My first try was not so good – 6 skeleton keys..
    The Scooter Man (who? 🤔) appeared next.
    FBI Lois came out third. 👍
    I have no need to open the box up again as I already have both Lyle and Roger.


  10. Got the lame deco. Wont be trying again. Too bad Roger doesn’t help with event. I already had him.


  11. It’s a game of chance but i started to play FG because of Roger. I started so late for this game during Apocalypse Event that I missed the whole American Guy event. Would be great if those who tried their luck be able to post at which attempt they got Roger? Or not at all? I imagine for such a sought after premium character one would get him after at least 6 or 7 tries! I only have 400 clams. Should I give a try? Twice or thrice?


  12. Only had enough clams for one, got Roger! Was hoping for FBI Lois, but Roger was my second pick. Now I have to hope no really good premium characters pop up since I’m broke!


  13. Definitely didn’t get what I wanted but was fun to try. I allowed myself 2 tries to get FBI Lois but instead got Scooter man then 45 cosmic radiations. Bunny, It’s unfortunate that it took you 11 tries to get the Lois skin. They sure don’t make anything easy!


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