Daily Archives: October 1, 2016

I’ve got stuff, it’s multiplying and I’m losing control….

So a few days ago I got twitchy and I nuked my Quahog. I thought if Giant Chicken got a go at destroying Quahog then why shouldn’t I?

I admit, I hummed, I hawed, and stepped back from the brink on a few occasions. At one point I even called in chocolate reinforcements, before finally biting the bullet and doing the evil deed. And you know what, it wasn’t as painful as I’d expected, but then again neither was it the solution to dealing with the ever growing amount of stuff that needs to find a more organised home in my Quahog.

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Wicked Glitch!!!

Hey there Clammers!!

While we are waiting for the New Stuff to hit our games, I wanted to go over some of the things we are seeing right now in the comments. Those Wicked Glitches!

Lois wicked witch

***I was bored and made this image when the game First launched. It fits. Lol.***

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