Daily Archives: November 1, 2016

The Hauntening – Ending Soon & New Items in the Store

***UPDATE 11/1: TinyCo have confirmed a new mini-event will start after The Hauntening ends. Per TinyCo: “Ready for the upcoming election? Our upcoming political-themed mini-event, Peter’s Presidential Paradise, is scheduled to be released tomorrow!”***

And suddenly just like that the end of The Hauntening Is nigh. Time sure flies when you’re being tormented by all sorts of other worldly things.

And to help you spend all your hard earned magnifying glasses before they disappear, there’s a bunch of new decorations to purchase in the store, these include a Boogeyman, Vampire and the Rocky Point Hotel rooms. Check them out now!!!

Case 3 and the event itself is ending 11/2 @ 3pm Pacific

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The Hauntening Character Profile: Possessed Meg

Just where is Father Merrin when you need him!!!?

Yes, Possessed Meg has made her way from Rocky Point to Quahog, and she’s leaving a trail of pea soup wherever she goes.

I’ve got to say I’d have been pretty disappointed if this character costume hadn’t found its way in to our games as it’s the one I wanted from the minute I saw the teaser splash screen.  But what does she actually do in our silly l’il games, well keep reading and you’ll find out.

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The Hauntening Character Profile: Egon Spengler

Hey there, Investigators!

Who wants to go to a Dinner Party on some remote Cliff? Have Random people die off then spend the rest of the time finding out WHO DONE IT???!! You ready to play the detective? Or are YOU the murderer?

With Case 3 of The Hauntening event, we also get some New Characters. Characters like the paranormal professor, Egon Spengler (PhD)!


Let’s take a look at what Egon Spengler can do in our silly lil games.

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The Hauntening Premium Character Profile: Peter James Woods

Hey there creepy critters!!!

Looks like James Woods isn’t satisfied just being a character in Quahog, no it would appear he wants to steal Peter’s place in the game too.

Yes, the Peter James Woods character costume is now available in our games, but unlike Peter it’s not going to be cheap.

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