Where the Hell….? Erik Estrada

In this lil game of ours, it is easy to get so focused into collecting items or unlocking characters that we tend to forget the lil things that make the game what it is. Like Where the HELL did these items come from and why are they in our games?

With the new Quahog Heat event in town we’re getting to see some men in uniform, such as the new Erik Estrada character. But just where have we seen these characters before? Well in the Family Guy TV show of course. Erik Estrada appeared as his CHiPs character Ponch in a short but memorable appearance in the first Season of the show and then on a poster in a later season. So join me on a journey down memory lane as we stroll through his Family Guy appearance.

I NEVER MET A DEAD MAN – Season 1, Episode 2

A lot of this episode centres around Peter’s obsession with TV shows, and as a result we see quite a few referenced and parodied, and one of those is CHiPs. In this take off we see Ponch pull over and approach a blonde, and of course, female driver. Her crime according to our modest cop is she’s driving without his phone number.


As Ponch works his chat up lines to the max we see glimpses of the criminal acts he’s missing whilst he’s distracted, which includes some major drug trafficking!


And even a gunfight going on behind his back.

But neither of these is the biggest crime we see during this short parody, surely that award goes to Ponch for his chat-up lines as he tells our mystery blonde, “maybe I should arrest you for being too beautiful“.

MODEL MISBEHAVIOR – Season 4, Episode 10

***Thanks to eagle eyed Addict, baillard, who spotted another appearance by Erik Estrada whilst watching this episode earlier and kindly let me know***

It’s a blink and you’ll miss it appearance by Erik Estrada in this episode, as he only appears on a poster, which we see when Lois takes Meg into what was her childhood bedroom.


So there you have it, the short but memorable appearances of Erik Estrada. Do you remember these episode? Or have you never seen them? Do you now plan to watch them?

~ Russian Tigger

19 responses to “Where the Hell….? Erik Estrada

  1. I messaged them in-game and very politely asked them to check the drop rates on behalf of myself and everyone else struggling, I got a response back this afternoon saying they’ll pass it on but I must have said something right because the person who answered me also credited me with 4 handcuffs. Now I only have 1 to go with a day left. I don’t know if it’s because of what I wrote or if the person was feeling generous, but what a result!


  2. Well the first 2 days of the timer for Estrada I got 4 handcuffs, but now 3 more days and not one drops. I’m still on week 1 as a freemium, need to defeat Bertram twice but have been using every tape I get to search with Lois in hopes of getting hamdcuffs. Frustrating to say the least. I’ll definitely be missing out on most of this event. Sad that fremium puts you out of getting cool stuff.


  3. I also had lousy drops on handcuffs. Didn’t start timer before I had all the needed buildings, and certainly played enough to make sure I would get him. But as timer was running out, I only had three. Decided to spent 250 clams on him, but that also means no one purchases for the next few events. Just moved over to the new one now, and then tme will tell if he was worth it.
    Definitely I was unlucky with drops there as I managed to count 27 investigations before I even got the first one. If that was normal, then, it was meant from beginning to be impossible without clams. But others managed, so apparently drops was fine for some.


  4. Had 5 of 8 handcuffs — THROUGH clams at speeding up and getting nothing — timer ran out — I have not played since


    • –threw clams– I meant threw. lol – If the answer is drop rates are normal then they are ridiculous — this was a fun distraction for me — it hasn’t been for a while with those ridiculous drop rates — I have gained so much time back now that I quit — just on not clicking on the advertising alone


  5. I just CAN’T get any handcuffs! Still need 4 with just 2 hours left on the timer! I’ve tried countless times and keep getting just donuts. I finally got 2 card sharks just now but haven’t spawned kingpin or robbers since week 2 started. Ridiculous! I hate being forced to spend 200 clams to finish unlocking Estrada due to drop rates because it certainly isn’t a case of not trying the freemium path. If I don’t though I’m guessing it will just be more of a struggle for the rest of the event.


  6. Got everything needed to unlock him except the handcuffs. Searched continuously for 7 days and only managed to get 3 of the 8 required. Bad luck I guess. Probably would have spent the clams if I was close but decided he wasn’t worth 200 clams.


  7. 6 days down 1 handcuff. I am sick and tired of messaging in game and getting the response “things are dropping as they should”. NO THEY ARE NOT! so stupid


  8. i finally gave up and bought the neon tower cuz all i got in 5 days was 2 handcuffs … i had 302 clams ready to buy Consuela .. but I want Erik so bad … also havent got Bertram in 3 days so I’m stuck at part 8 of week 1 … is BayWatch Lois timed ??


  9. Less than 1 day left on my timer, still need 4 cuffs and all I get is donuts after waiting hours to accumulate tape. Sooo stupid!!


  10. 45 mins to go and only got 2 handcuffs so far, think I’ll get him? Lol,


  11. Yes where is he??!! My timer ran out and now can’t get him 25+ times I tried for the last 3 handcuffs and got 0. Contacted TC and guess what? “All drops normal”!!! 0-25+ normal!!!! I think this game is becoming more like a slot machine you throw money at it to no avail, to get a jack pot that you’ve spent 5 times it’s worth on.


  12. I just saw a second Eric Estrada reference in episode 4ACX13 – Lois has a poster of him in her childhood room at her parents house. It’s about 5 minutes into the episode.


    • RussianTigger

      Well spotted, and thanks so much for sharing, I,ll update the post and of course credit you with such a good catch. Thanks again!!!


  13. Even in the game he has disappeared and is needed in the vault Is this a fault in the game


    • RussianTigger

      I’m not sure what you mean, did you not unlock him before the timer ran out? Or you unlocked him and now can’t find him?


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