Rocky Times In Quahog – How Did You Do? Poll Results

Hi there fellow addicts.

Yes, finally they’re in, the poll results many of you were keen to see.

Firstly I’d like to take a minute to thank everyone who voted, seriously big thanks to all my fellow addicts who take the time to respond to these polls, without your interaction it just wouldn’t be possible to have posts like this, or to show TinyCo what we are thinking and would like to see in our games going forward. So thanks for taking that minute out of your day to be part of this community.

Now in recent polls I’ve added a few questions that will appear in all polls going forward, they are just to give a quick insight into our thoughts about events. They cover the fun factor in the event, how you describe the event and you’re favourite character or costume from the event.

So I’ll start with these, then get on with all the usual facts and figures. So I asked you to rate how much fun the event was, where 1 is no fun and 5 is lots of fun, I also asked you to choose from a list of words the one you felt described the event best and finally your favourite new character or costume released during the event, so here’s what you said.

Roaky TimesIn Quahog Event Fun Factor Rating:

Seems like this was seen as a midle of the road event by the majority of players.

The three words used most to describe the Roaky Times In Quahog event: 
Amusing. Success. Relaxing.

I feat none of these during the event, what did I miss, lol.

Most popular new character or costume released during the Rocky Times In Quahog Event:
Rocky Balboa

No surprises with this winner, anot her triumph for the Italian Stallion.

And now here’s the ins and outs of what we spent, who we unlocked and everything in between.

Which of these new freemium characters/costumes did you unlock?


Character/Costume Percentage
Boxer Peter 100%
Rocky Balboa 83%
BlunderLips Chris 88%
Boxer Lois 76%
Ivan Drago 48%

Which of these new premium characters/COSTUMES did you purchase with clams?


Character/Costume Percentage
Apollo Creed 24%
Clubber Lang 14%
Deirdre Jackson 09%
Bover Stewie 03%
None 75%

If you DIDN’T already have him did you manage to collect enough Barbells to unlock Fight Promoter Cleveland?

Answer Percentage
Yes 04%
No 96%

Did you try the premium Total Knockout Mystery BoX?

Answer Percentage
Yes 07%
No 93%

Did you purchase any clam packs during the event?

Answer Percentage
Yes 13%
No 87%

Did you like the new gameplay? By this I mean the Punch bag mini-games?

Answer Percentage
Yes 80%
No 13%
Don’t Know 07%

If you had to contact TinyCo during the event, did you find them helpful?

Answer Percentage
Yes 32%
N0 68%

Did you find the Addict Site’s post helpful during this event?


Character/Costume Percentage
Yes 92%
No 02%
Don’t Know 06%

There you have it fellow addicts, please feel free to share your thoughts on any or all the results in the comments. And if you still feeling the need to vent, there’s a What the Deuce post waiting for you HERE.

~ Russian Tigger

3 responses to “Rocky Times In Quahog – How Did You Do? Poll Results

  1. Fat Guy Strangler

    The No answer for the “Were Tiny Co helpful?” question seems higher than usual. Maybe this is because there was no “Didn’t contact Tiny Co” answer this time, and people who didn’t contact them answered no?


    • RussianTigger

      I specifically asked only if you contacted TinyCo, I removed “Didn’t contact” as I actually think having that in as an option previously was stopping us seeing a true picture of how those who had an issue and used their in game support felt TinyCo responded. Hence why we see these results looking different. There was a lot of unhappiness over their initial responses to some issues.


    • They’re never helpful. “Everything is normal” is the standard response.

      Liked by 2 people

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