Warning!!! The End Is Coming AND new items in store…. Santa Griffin Is Coming To Town

Worry not Clammers!!!

It’s not the end of days. Nor is it the end of the world. It’s only the end of the Santa Griffin Is Coming To Town event, and as much as you’re probably thinking “I need more time”, I’m afraid to say it’s running out.

Yes the doomsday pop up we all dread is now appearing in our games, you know the one, where it tells us the clock is ticking down, usually faster than the speed of light. So now is when you need to start making any last-minute purchases from the limited time items available in store, and more importantly finish unlocking any event characters and outfits, as if they’re not full unlocked they will leave your game when the event does!!!

Remember this event ends on 3rd January 2017 @ 3pm PST (that’s GMT-8)

Also remember to check out your store where you’ll now find some of the event buildings available to buy for a teensy weensy amount of presents

So good luck to all you Addicts everywhere!!! And please keep an eye out for our End of Event poll as we love to hear how our fellow players have done.

~ Russian Tigger

11 responses to “Warning!!! The End Is Coming AND new items in store…. Santa Griffin Is Coming To Town

  1. I got a level 15 xmas tree today! 🙂
    Wondering if everyone got the same tree regardless of the level they got to… or if there were 15 different trees? (I got to L15)


  2. Does anyone know what the two donut packs in the shop is for? I bought Touchdown Jesus for 120 clams since he has a task that drops drops 4 clams (very rare chance) every 24 hours, so in the long run it’ll be worth the investment. 😉👍


  3. I’m coming down to the last few hours to get the last red ornament to complete my level 15 tree and unlock Sandy Claus. I think I only bought one premium character during this event.


  4. I was easily able to buy all the stuff they made available with presents. Still adding to my reindeer field too! They look really nice next to my Wizard of Oz cornfield and barn.


  5. i cant find the rabid reindeer or the decoreation reindeer in my inventory . i contacted them .. still no reply ….


  6. Hopefully we’ll be able to purchase our tree. Bought all the available buildings but they cost very little. Seems like there should be more options coming..


  7. I saw the buildings last night and ‘purchased’ everything as presents were maxed out with no place to put them or use them…I’m hoping they give us the Christmas tree as I’ve since maxed that out and would like that for the collection…


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