Speculating With Stewie – FGQFS What’s Next?

Okay, Okay, it’s not really Stewie, it’s me, Russian Tigger, sorry to disappoint you all again, maybe Stewie will join us once he’s a little bit older. But until then you get to read my rambling thoughts once more, aren’t you the lucky ones?

So another barking mad mini event is reaching its end and this is where we usually start wondering what will be coming next in our games, and my mind usually enters Stewie mode as I ponder about things.

And what did I come up with, well a lot of things I can’t admit in public, and a few thoughts I can share, so let’s go.

So what’s next? Will it be a big event or a mini event? Well I think we’ll see the first big event of the year hit our games later this week. But what will the topic be? Honestly I’m so brain-dead from grinding out ranking badges over in FWOT to think of anything much, I really have no idea, I know what I’d like I to be. I’d love it to be Star Wars but sadly I don’t think the force will be with us.  Instead we’ll maybe see an event that will pull a mixed bag of content from the Family Guy show, possibly bringing us one or two of the characters that players still have on their wish lists, such as Muriel Goldman, Carol Pewterschmidt West, Brenda Quagmire, Susie Swanson, Frank Sinatra Jr or Mickey McFinnigan. Or maybe we’ll get a movie or TV tie in that will bring us another host of celebrity characters and a bunch of core character costumes. I guess we’ll know soon.

But what do my fellow addicts think? What does the future hold?  And if you fancy a little fun vote for the character you’d like to see next from those listed earlier in the Poll below.

~ Russian Tigger

5 responses to “Speculating With Stewie – FGQFS What’s Next?

  1. I want Weenie & The Butt, weekends in the morning on WQHG-FM. I was hoping they would be part of the Peter-Palooza event from a while back, been waiting for them to pop up ever since.


  2. Brandon Broderick

    We want to see Joyce Kinney.


  3. RT, just noticed the FG icon got updated to something new over at the google store as you may see in the screenshot I took here: https://i.imgur.com/iyNSDKe.png

    Any ideas what the upcoming event might be based on cause I can’t figure it out?


  4. With the Super Bowl approaching, maybe there will be another type of football tie-in, like a couple of years ago. Other than the Patriots, the other teams just don’t have the big-name players, though. Unless, since the show airs on FOX, they were to incorporate some FOX Sports personalities, like Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, Michael Strahan, Joe Buck, Troy Aikman, and Erin Andrews. Just a thought.

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