Hey there Party Poopers!

Looks like Family Guy: Quest For Stuff has reached another milestone as today we celebrate the games 4th birthday. Yes, it’s really been 4 years since some of us started playing. And for some even longer if you started with the Beta version.

And to celebrate TinyCo are giving you the chance to buy yourself a present as some popular characters are back in store. 

Apart from this I wanted to say wow, Family Guy Addicts has now been blogging about the game for over 4 years, ever since it’s beta release. So this seemed a good time to say a huge THANK YOU to you the readers, some of whom have been around since day one. I know there have been ups and there have been downs, and a lot of changes to the site, but overall I hope you’ve enjoyed the time you spend here as much as I do. Although I must admit when I first started reading, I didn’t foresee becoming a regular contributor, never mind the last writer standing.

But looking back it’s been a lot of fun, and I want to say thanks to Alissa & Bunny for starting the site; to all the contributors over the years who made the site so entertaining; to TinyCo for helping me continue the site after Bunny’s departure last year, and most importantly I want to thank you, the readers and commenters, who are the heart and the very soul of this site.  The way everyone has pulled together to keep things going this last 6 months has been amazing.

So but now back to birthday talk, what do you think of  4 years of questing for stuff? Have you played since the start? And anything you’re still desperate to see appear?

~ Russian Tigger

45 responses to “HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY!!!

  1. I don’t know all the characters that were offered, so I must have already had most of them, because I saw only three. I got Johnny, who I was originally screwed out of when the event got to Facebook a week late (didn’t have my phone then), I got Blinky, and I got a character that was introduced before I started playing, and was at the top of my Wish List: Bertram! I can’t believe I finally got him; I am so pleased about this.

    Only thing, since Woods Manor is being offered in the Case Closed Mystery Box for the current event, you’d think James Woods would reappear. That’s another of my more coveted characters missing from my roster.


  2. am I the only one that hates the new facespace section? the new outlay is good, but I can’t see most of my characters, the ones that were not in groups, I know I can still get to their page by clicking on the character itself, but I miss just looking at a page with all my characters on it. I hope they will include all those back in the future!


  3. If this is the 4th year then I haven’t missed as much as I thought I had. I played 3 halloween events, so I must have missed a few months. I started playing in 2015, a few weeks before the Evil Week event that brought us Retep and Evil Stewie. That was my first event and I remember getting quite crazy trying to send characters for the event tasks and the progress goal tasks and trying to place buildings on the little land I had (I didn’t even have Joe and the land he was in unlocked by then), but I managed. Nothing like a stressful beginning to get through what can become stressful events, lol. I love the game, even though I sometimes wonder whether I should drop it. It makes me laugh a lot with some actions and dialogues, and that makes it worthy.
    I didn’t know this site when I started. I got info only through the game FB page. But that’s full of complaints and negative stuff. I don’t remember how I found this site, but I must say that it definitively makes the game more enjoyable with fun comments to read. And the tips, of course. So, thanks to everybody here 🙂
    BTW, I bought Johnny (just when the group was removed in FriendSpace, boo), Blinky and Bottomtooth, who I was planning to buy some day because I find him hilarious. I’m a bit disappointed that he’s not voiced. What a bummer! I love Blinky’s conga task, so he’s definitively doing that permanently in my characters-for-decoration section once he’s maxed.


  4. My original plan was just to get Bottomtooth, but then while I was checking out the FANTASTICALLY redesigned Facespace section (seriously, it is SOOO much better now!!!) I noticed that buying Human Rupert would finish off a set that would net me 100 clams! 25 clams well spent!


  5. Hey,

    What characters should I buy? That will help with my game in the future? 🤔


    • Bottomtooth will help with this event but outwith that we don’t know what or who will be useful in future events


  6. I had over 900 clams burning a hole in my pocket, so I bought:
    – Lyle
    – Bertram
    – Bottomtooth
    – Blinky
    – Charmisse
    Thank you Tiny Co! I also got Scottish Peter today, so I’m ready for next week.

    A big thank you for RT, Bunny and Alissa for your hard work keeping this site going. I’ve been playing about 2 years 7 months and I’d never have progressed as far without you.

    I’m still waiting Gene & Paul (from KISS) to reappear…


  7. Happy Birthday to Tinyco and Addicts!

    Consider myself a young player as I started only early 2016 or 2 years ago. Truly amazing how much information can be found here. Just recently I did a search for Death’s Mom to explore if she is worth buying for 100 clams and turns out there is a post made years ago here when she first came out. Bought her immediately as I found her hilarious.

    The only character(s) I would request for is Roger from American Dad. Feels like he is the Stewie equivalent and my favorite on the show. Pity he is not a regular as he has so many costumes! Saved my clams for one fine day when Roger is finally available. If at all.


  8. I think I can speak for all of us in sending a HUGE thank you to you RussianTigger. Without you stepping up and taking over after the unfortunate departure of Bunny, none of us would be here. You’ve done a stellar job continuing to keep us well informed.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I was reading this and flashed back to yesterday when the sale popped up. I bought Bertram and Johnny. Remember thinking I already had Johnny but figured if I had him I couldn’t get him again. Wrong! I have maxed out Johnny resting in Tanlines and lvl 2 Johnny working on part 3 of his questline. Even in Facespace there are 2 Johnnys. Msgd support to sort it hopefully.


    • There’s lot issues going on, hopefully get it all sorted soon. And of course you get refund for your purchase which shouldn’t been possible as you say


      • Well it has been 10 days now and still nothing from Tinyco. The Johnny clone is still in my game and no response from support other than the usual “will pass it along” response. So I missed out on an actual new character as the sale is long since over.. Sucks.


  10. I bought Blinky, Death’s Dog, Johnny, Vaudeville Guy, Lyle and Greased Up Deaf Guy. Still pondering Death’s Mom and Bertram. Will probably get Bottomtooth now that I realize he’s on sale. It’s also offering Charmisse but I’m not sure I’m into her.


  11. I picked up the following characters…

    Human Rupert
    Buzz Killington
    Brain Damaged Horse

    and passed on getting
    Johnny (old timey piano guy)

    Too bad Kool-Aid Man wasn’t discounted.. No way he’s worth 750 clams!


  12. I just bought Bottomtooth yesterday at full price, and today he went on sale for 50% off! What bad timing!


  13. got bottomtooth and bertram may get one more if get the bonus for brute peter they should have a whole week of this not just a few days


  14. ugggggh they just released William Bottomtooth for half price and he helps with week 2 !!!!!!!!! i should’ve waited until tomorrow … 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦


  15. Curious to hear from others what characters were made available. The only two I didn’t already have were Bertram and Blinky. Originally I was also offered Johnny, but that was a glitch since I already had him. He went away the next time I open the game. Below is a running list of the characters offered that I am aware of:

    Blinky the Ghost
    Death’s Mom
    Greased Up Deaf Guy


  16. I bought Bottomtooth for 125 clams, wasn’t having any luck winning him from the prize wheel. He also completed a character set which saw a completion bonus of 75 clams. So really I paid 50 clams for him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Heck yeah, me too. Its funny cuz I looked a couple days ago what it was gonna cost me to complete his set and he was 260, which is too high for a character that would just go to Tan Lines even with the 75 I’d get back. But at 130 and 75 back, that’s a steal. And he helps with week 2!


  17. Just one character available for me; Blinky the PAc man ghost.
    But still, a full character for 100 clams? Yes please!!


  18. Did not see it in Al Harrington’s or any of the usual outfit spots. Not even in the clipboard icon or FaceSpace. Only saw that questline pop up when placing the Birthday sale characters. I guess its a glitch like those out of date drops you mentioned.Although on Meg’s FaceSpace profile page, I see regular men and Jailhouse Meg with the middle meg in silhouetee. That might be cat costume and will pop up later when I rank up Meg? (She’s 7 now)


  19. Thank YOU!
    I believe I’m somewhere around 3 years 8-9 months.
    Desperate to see appear? Uh… yeAH. That certain Irish guy and his woolen buddy of course.
    I do wish they’d get back into periodic District additions to break up the event treadmill. Those could use some new ‘spice’ as well.


  20. Happy 4th Birthday, Family Guy and Family Guy Addicts! I love coming here and seeing what’s new! Also, I was able to buy Blinky the Ghost! 🙂


  21. This was a nice surprise and I took advantage by getting all the characters offered and Death’s Mom’s House. While I was placing them, somehow I got a pop up for Meg’s cat costume outfit, but at the time none of the characters that get parts for that outfit were free, so I closed the pop-up. I went looking for it, but cannot find it. was this a glitch? It would have been nice to be able to get it as well.


  22. It suprises me that one of the characters is a licensed character (clyde from pacman) is that a first that they bring back a licensed character?


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