New Event Teaser – Talk Of A New Event Is Growing

….and there’s more than a hint of what’s coming next in the latest game update hitting our app stores. If you want to know more continue reading, if you don’t then move on to the next post until you update your App.

Warning Spoilers Ahead!!!

Yes it would appear we’re going to get a bit of a high as 420 Guy is coming to our games soon!

Now there’s no word on an exact time when the event will go live, obviously we will see it sometime after the current event ends on 18th April at 3PM PDT.  And as of now I can see the update on IOS and Android, (App Version 1.67.0), but don’t panic if you’re not seeing it as it will cone to the other app stores soon. But if you’re not seeing it and want to know more here’s a sneak peek at the splash screen and App Store info:

“Legalized weed in Quahog prompts Peter and Brian to open their own farm and dispensary. But they soon learn not everyone’s in favor of the move, and will stop at nothing to shut them down.

Collect iconic stoner legends Cheech & Chong and Method Man!
Grow and tend to your crops!

Will the Griffins be riding high? Find out in “420 Guy”!

So if you peaked, what do you think of the upcoming event? Let us know in the comments. And please keep your comments on the current event for the end of event post which will be up later!!!

~ Russian Tigger

9 responses to “New Event Teaser – Talk Of A New Event Is Growing

  1. After downloading the update I get an error message 506 when trying to install. When I go into the game it just keeps telling me the event is over and loops back to the load screen.
    Anyone else having an issue?


    • There’s few different update issues occurring I’m afraid. If you’ve saved to an account maybe try clean install of the game


  2. love that updates are early now cant wait 4 this to start


  3. Dave’s not here, man! 🙂


  4. Awesome dude !


  5. Funny. I just watched “Up In Smoke” with my wife last week. She had never seen it and it had been 15 years since I had. It’s still funny but it was funnier when I was younger and more in tune with that demographic.


  6. I’m looking forward to this one! I hope it’s a full length event instead of a mini event.


  7. Well, if there was ever a time they would have a member of the Grateful Dead, this would be it…the Dead were mentioned twice and Bob weir once (IIRC), so we’ll see…


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