Daily Archives: April 11, 2020

Chocolatey Volcano Warning!!!

Some of you have noticed, and are commenting that you can buy multiples of the 6th Anniversary Monument in the Chocolatey Fountain.  I’ve reported this to support but wanted warn players to be wary of this in order you don’t spend Easter Eggs buying a second monument in error, especially when Phase 2 drops, as it would be a simple mistake to make to buy this again instead of the first building in Phase 2.


Hey there Party Poopers!

Looks like Family Guy: Quest For Stuff has reached another milestone as today we celebrate the games 6th birthday. Yes, it’s really been 6 years since some of us started playing. And for some even longer if you started with the Beta version.


Quahog Historical Society Rank 51

Hi history buffs!

Quahog Historical Society has finally arrived in our games and I thought I’d do regular posts covering the ranks that open every week.

***Warning Spoilers Ahead***

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What The Deuce & Lockdown Blues!!!

Well we’ve all made it through another week of lockdown and the indoor weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest. And whilst Covid-19 is about I also want this to be somewhere you can take your lockdown frustrations.

So welcome to the new, temporary WHAT THE DEUCE & LOCKDOWN BLUES?!

What the Deuce

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting. Censor yourselves so we don’t have to!!  

Please remember any comments, feedback or suggestions regarding the last event St Patrick’s Day should be made in the feedback post that you can find by clicking here.