Author Archives: FamilyGuyAddict

Ultimate Pi Day (Contest Alert)

Have you checked out the date today?!  Today just so happens to be 3-14 or in the  world of Geeks, Pi Day. As 3.14 is the short short short version for the symbol Pi. (Click here for more info on Pi.) Not to mention one of the Geeks of ALL Geeks, Albert Einstein, just so happens to have his birthday fall on 3-14. Seriously! It is quite a celebrated day. The College Kids at Princeton REALLY get into it each year. Just check this out.

As if Pi Day wasn’t is ULTIMATE Pi Day…go ahead start geeking out!  Just what is Ultimate Pi Day?  At exactly 9:26:53 am this morning it will be 3.141592653 the EXACT starting sequence of Pi…AND for a brief moment between 9:26:53 am and 9:26:54 am that the clock will match Pi down to an infinite number of digits…pretty cool huh?  Enjoy it while it lasts, because it won’t happen again for another century!

So just why are we sharing all of this with you?  Because when we think of Pi Day…we think of PIE!!  So in honor of all the geeky nerds, nerdy geeks, and all in between…WE ARE GIVING AWAY PIE. WOOHOO!! Mmmmmmmmm PIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!

Because “It’s a Wonderful Day for Pie”…


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And the Winners Are…

Hello There Clammers!

The finalists have been announced, the votes have been tallied and we officially have our Addicts Lights, Camera, Quahog Contest Winners!

First, we want to take a minute to thank everyone who entered and everyone who voted!  You guys truly are amazing and this contest, site & community wouldn’t be nearly as fun with out you & your participation.  So THANK YOU!!!

Now…enough rambling from me onto the winners…

decoration_adventuretrophy_gold_v2@4x Continue reading

What The Hell?!

Has anyone seen Bunny and Alissa?!  What the hell?!


New Android Update ( AND New Event Feature

Hello There Butt Grabbers!

Well true to form…TinyCo has another something in store for us this weekend.  Before we get to the NEW stuff let’s just get one quick PSA outta the way.  TinyCo released a new update on Android Devices (v be sure to hit up your Play Store and download it.  It would appear it’s just fixes for some glitches…and it’s slowed the mummy spawn rate WAY down.  Before they were slightly out of control.


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It’s Alive!! The Pyramid Has Opened…..

Hello There Butt Grabbers!

Happy Saturday my friends!  And what a Saturday it is!!!  The Pyramid’s that have been looming in our towns for a week now have finally opened!  So what’s inside?

Pyramid open

Let’s take a look….

WARNING Spoilers Ahead!
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Introducing the Family Guy Addicts Writing Staff…

MV5BODg1NDIxNTQ4OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTM2NjM0OA@@._V1__SX1207_SY520_With the Family Guy: Quest for Stuff game launching this week we thought now would be the best time to introduce the AMAZING team of writers that have come together to cover the newest game to come to our Tapping Devices!

Family Guy Addicts will be a collaborative effort from some of your favorite TSTO Bloggers (not just the Addicts crew!) and while the Addicts name is in the title  it will be VERY different from TSTO Addicts.  So with out future ado let’s introduce the writing team shall we?  Continue reading

Confirmed: Family Guy…The Quest for Stuff Release Date

NEW ASSET -- The Quest for Stuff Key Art

It’s official…we have a release date!  6 days from now (April 10th) the Family Guy Game will be released to our App Stores!  (iOS and Android)

Check out this official release video from TinyCo:

BETA Mode Sneak Peak: Quests

One of the advantages to being a blogger for an already HUGE mobile game is you make friends all over the world who share your addiction to the games.  In the case those friendships come up huge when you’ve got friends in other parts of the world able to access the BETA Version of the Family Guy Game and send us back screen shots and feedback!  So you can bet we’re doing a TON of stuff behind the scenes to get ready for the launch of FGG that’s for sure!  However, I wanted to give those of you, like us here in the US, a little preview of some actual elements of game play.

Now keep in mind FGG is still in BETA mode, which means TinyCo can change their minds about ANY aspect of the game and game play itself until the initial launch.  (it’s that very reason why we’re hesitant to publish the cost for premium currency because it can still change)  So that being said lets take a look at how quests work in the Family Guy Game….

FamilyGuyGame Splash Screen

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In-Game Currency

newsSince the Family Guy Game is in BETA testing, limited to just a few regions (the US is NOT one of them) we’re starting to see some feedback and info from players already using the game as to what’s inside.  Now, keep in mind…it’s still in BETA testing, which means anything can change before the official launch.  These are just some preliminary things we’re seeing in player feedback.  So that all being said…let’s take a look at the current in game currency. 

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