Tag Archives: Character Tasks Magic Beans

A Grimm Knight 101: Dragons

Hey there Brave Knights!

Bouncing by with some help with A Grimm Knight in Quahog Event. With Phase 2 now live in our games, I wanted to focus on all the options I am now seeing for the Dragon Battles.

White Dragon Blue Dragon

In this post I will be going over some of the Basic Information from what I am seeing in my game and hopefully help you get some Clarification on the Dragon Battles too.
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A Grimm Knight 101: Magic Beans

Hey there People of Guilder!

Bouncing by with some help with A Grimm Knight in Quahog Event. The main questions I keep seeing over n over is where to get the Materials collected from around the game.

In this post I will be going over some of the drop locations for the Magic Beans.

Magic Beans Continue reading