A Grimm Knight 101: Dragons

Hey there Brave Knights!

Bouncing by with some help with A Grimm Knight in Quahog Event. With Phase 2 now live in our games, I wanted to focus on all the options I am now seeing for the Dragon Battles.

White Dragon Blue Dragon

In this post I will be going over some of the Basic Information from what I am seeing in my game and hopefully help you get some Clarification on the Dragon Battles too.

For more information on the Main Event, go to the Event Page HERE.



I started seeing Dragons right around Pt. 2 in the Week 1 Main Questline. It does not really matter when they show up, I would suggest using the downtime to stockpile a good amount of Potions first before trying to take one down.



Fireball Potion Earth Potion Lightning Potion

Potions. Potions. Potions



Most of the New Event Characters have 3 separate Tasks (one for each kind of Potion) that are now an Always drop. All of the Tasks are 4hrs each.

Potion Earning Characters:

Sir Peter   Sir Peter: Talk Like Frasier (Earth) OR Be A Knight Rider (Fire) OR Lance Everything (Lightning)

WestleyWestley: Die (Earth) OR Enjoy a Swanson Dinner (Fire) OR Ruin Romance for Other Men (Lightning)

Black KnightBlack Knight: Practice Sword Fighting (Lightning) OR Worry About R.O.U.S. (Earth) OR Shop for a Round Table (Fire)

Chris the Giant Crush ItChris the Giant: Eat Magic Beans (Fire) OR Bake Bonemeal Bread (Lightning) OR Step on Englishmen (Earth)


You can also splurge if you want and buy the Potions from the Shopping Cart Menu for Clams. They are cheaper to buy this way then to speed up a 4hr Task, as the Task only will give you 1 and costs 10 Clams each time. So if you don’t mind the splurge, they could be worth it to you… but are Optional so your choice if you want to get them or not this way.

Clam Purchased Potions

Fireball PotionFireball Potion (3): 18 Clam IconClams

Earth PotionEarth Potion (3): 18 Clam IconClams

Lightning PotionLightning Potion (3): 18 Clam IconClams



Dragon Timer

The ONLY time you need to worry about is the overall timer on the Dragons. You have 24hrs TOTAL to defeat any Dragon to the Highest Level possible you can. (Right now that is 5x Level.) Just watch the timer above the Castle. It also shows in the Pop Up Screen for the Dragon Battles.

Keep collecting and using Potions until you either take them all the way up to 5x Level and they go away, or until your timer runs out.



This varies. I am seeing reports of Players seeing only one kind of Dragon over and over. That is OK, that may happen. Perfectly Normal. In my game, it rotates between White & Blue.

This is the best way to look at the Dragons:

White DragonWhite Dragon– Common

Blue DragonBlue Dragon– Uncommon/Rare

Black Dragon– Extra Rare (I have not seen one yet and I have Battled close to 15 already)

You can see, with White being the most Common, it wouldn’t be odd at all to have them appear over n over. Just keep taking them down and eventually more will cycle around.



From what I see in my game and my results, the more Rare Dragons take MORE Potions to take down. However, they also pay out MORE Materials too.



White Dragon

When you see a Dragon over at the Castle in the Event Area, tap on the Timer or Dragon to open up the information screen. It will tell you how many Potions you currently “OWNED”, how many Potions you will “NEED” and what kind for the current Attack, the “REWARD” of payouts you can get, the current Level (1X-5X) you are on for the Dragon, and the amount of “TIME LEFT” to Battle that Dragon to get as high as you can.

Dragon Screen


If you have enough Potions you “NEED” to Attack the Dragon, you will see “FIGHT” lit up in Bright Green.

Dragon Screen FIGHT Bright Green

Tapping on “FIGHT” will turn the screen into a Letterbox and you will see the game launch either a Rock (Earth Potion), A Fireball (Fireball Potion), or Lightning Strike (Lightning Potion) at the Dragon. Once it hits the Dragon, your payout will drop out. You do NOT have to tap on it to collect it if you do not want to. If you wait a few moments, the game will do it for you.


If you do NOT have enough Potions you “NEED” to Attack the Dragon, you will see “FIGHT” Darkened out. You will need to collect more Potions before being able to move on and Attack the Dragon.

Dragon Screen FIGHT Darkened



Fireball Potion Earth Potion Lightning Potion

No. What Potion is required will constantly change. All I can suggest is try to load up on as many as you can to get a good run at the Dragons before trying to take one down.



Here are some of the Results I saw in my game for Phase 1

Dragon Potion Needed Magic Beans Listed Princess Hats Dragon Scales
 Fireball Potion Earth Potion Lightning Potion  Magic Bean  Princess Hat  Dragon Scale
White Dragon 1X 1 LightningLightning Potion 20 1 1
White Dragon 2X 2 FireballFireball Potion 50 3 2
White Dragon 3X 4 EarthEarth Potion 120 6 3
White Dragon 4X 7 FireballFireball Potion 245 12 4


Dragon Potion Needed Magic Beans Listed Princess Hats Dragon Scales
 Fireball Potion Earth Potion Lightning Potion  Magic Bean  Princess Hat  Dragon Scale
Blue Dragon 1X 2 LightningLightning Potion 50 2 2
Blue Dragon 2X 4 EarthEarth Potion 120 6 3
Blue Dragon 3X 8 LightningLightning Potion 280 14 4
Blue Dragon 4X 16 FireballFireball Potion 480 24 5


Here are some of the Results I am seeing in my game for Phase 2

Dragon Potion Needed Magic Beans Listed Princess Hats Dragon Scales Dragon Boogers
 Fireball Potion Earth Potion Lightning Potion  Magic Bean  Princess Hat  Dragon Scale  Dragon Booger
White Dragon 1X 1 EarthEarth Potion 20 1 2 1
White Dragon 2X 2 LightningLightning Potion 50 3 3 2
White Dragon 3X 4 EarthEarth Potion 120 6 4 3
White Dragon 4X 7 FireballFireball Potion 245 12 5 4
White Dragon 5X 11 LightningLightning Potion 450 20* 5 5


Dragon Potion Needed Magic Beans Listed Princess Hats Dragon Scales Dragon Boogers
 Fireball Potion Earth Potion Lightning Potion  Magic Bean  Princess Hat  Dragon Scale  Dragon Booger
Blue Dragon 1X 2 FireballFireball Potion 50 2 2 2
Blue Dragon 2X 4 LightningLightning Potion 120 6 3 4
Blue Dragon 3X 8 FireballFireball Potion 280 14 4 6
Blue Dragon 4X 16 EarthEarth Potion 640 24* 5 8
Blue Dragon 5X 32 LightningLightning Potion 1440 24* 5 10

*The Princess Hats no longer showed as a count so I tried to count them before they collected, so the numbers for the Higher Levels may be slightly off. Also, Princess Hats and Dragon Boogers continue to drop even after you have all you need.

As I have yet to see a Black Dragon, I do not have any stats for them. If you have, feel free to share your results in the comments below.





Magic Beans

YES! I noted this in another post, but the Magic Beans list the amount you will at least get for defeating the Dragon at each Level. However, the payout of Magic Beans you actually get is definitely a HUGE amount more.

These are some Examples I got in my game Phase 1 (they did vary on the Paid amount, but this is an overall of what I saw)

Blue Dragon Magic Beans ListedMagic Bean Magic Beans PaidMagic Beans
1st Battle 50 200
2nd Battle 120 200
3rd Battle 280 2000
4th Battle 480 2000


White Dragon Magic Beans ListedMagic Bean Magic Beans PaidMagic Beans
1st Battle 20 100
2nd Battle 50 800
3rd Battle 120 500
4th Battle 245 2000


These are some Examples I got in my game Phase 2 (they did vary on the Paid amount, but this is an overall of what I saw)

Blue Dragon Magic Beans ListedMagic Bean Magic Beans PaidMagic Beans
1st Battle 50 50
2nd Battle 120 200
3rd Battle 280 1000
4th Battle 640 4000
5th Battle 1440 3000


White Dragon Magic Beans ListedMagic Bean Magic Beans PaidMagic Beans
1st Battle 20 200
2nd Battle 50 800
3rd Battle 120 1000
4th Battle 245 1000
5th Battle 450 6000

As you can see, the Dragons will give you a HUGE boost in your Magic Beans. The best thing to do is load up on Potions then take one down up to the Highest Possible point to get the best results.



Dragon Icon

This one is not able to be calculated as there are many variables to it. The exacts are not known nor released from TinyCo. From the information they did provide to Players, the respawn can take at LEAST 12-27hrs for a Dragon to spawn again if not more. All I can suggest is just keep checking for when YOUR Dragon will return. If it has been more than 48hrs, let TinyCo know.



If you are unable to completely destroy a Dragon to the Highest Level possible, it will disappear once the 24hr timer is up. Tapping on the Dragon Icon over the Castle will then give you the option to pay a Clam amount to Revive the same Dragon you were battling at the same Level you left it.

Dragon Did Not Defeat Screen

The Clam amount will vary on your progress when the timer ran out, so the only way to know the amount is tap on the Icon and open the information window.

Again, optional. You do not HAVE to Revive the Dragon and continue the Battle if you do not want to. You can just wait for the next one to arrive.



You can see it in the main Battle Screen like noted above. After that… well that one can be a lil tricky. If you completely defeat the Dragon to the top Level possible for it, it will immediately go away. At that point you will be able to get a New Dragon to come back right away for Clams (Mine is usually 40 Clams to get a new one). Also on this screen will be the current amount of Potions you have in the game.

Dragon Revive Screen with Potion Count

This is the ONLY time the screen will show the Potion counts while the Dragon is gone. A full to the Top Level Defeated Dragon. If the 24hr timer just passed and you were not able to Defeat it to the top level, you will only see the Revive screen above instead and no Potion Counts.



  • Gather as much Potions in all varieties as you can while you are waiting on the Dragon
  • Tap on the Castle/Dragon Area to start an Attack
  • Defeat the Current Dragon to the Highest Level Possible
  • Repeat


There you have it, an overall look at the Dragons that are being offered in our games, some of their payouts, as well as a look at how the Dragon Battles work.

What do you think of the Dragons? Are you getting a lot of Magic Beans from them yet? How many have you attacked? Seeing mostly White or Blue? Seen a Black Dragon yet? Let us know.


64 responses to “A Grimm Knight 101: Dragons

  1. Is there any “bonus” for actually defeating a dragon? Besides getting whatever it says it’s going to drop. Do we advance a level or something?


  2. Oh, I meant to add my last comment that I have unlocked Sir Peter, Wesley, and Giant Chris. the items I bought for these characters were included in the 100 Clams, -63 clams spent on potions.


  3. I’ve been battling the white dragons up to level 5 and the light blue one to level 3 or 4. I think the dark blue one has popped up but I don’t fight him past level 3. I’ve spent somewhere around 100 clams total between buying potions and a few items to unlock characters. something that was very useful was the fairy tale Library, I purchased it right after the event started I believe on day 3. I did the math and for 250 clams it would drive about a total of 300 so a net gain of 50. since then I have realized that when the timer reads 3 hours or less it only cost one clam to make it drop thus making it drop 5 clams every 9 hours making it even more worthwhile.


  4. I think they might have reversed the rarities of the dragons I have only gotten the white dragon once and the black dragon 3 times but I need scales and boogers but can’t afford the black dragons and have to wait almost 2 days every time hopefully my luck changes in 2 more days


    • I’ve gotten the black dragon three times in a row (I’ve only seen the white one maybe twice and the light blue one once). I am usually only able to hit him (black dragon) one time, because the second hit calls for a large amount of potions that I do not have stockpiled and cannot make in the time that he is around.


  5. Hey Bunny any insights on what/when the next requirement to unlock Buttercup/Lois will be? A little concerned that we’re about to start phase 3 and nothing new has been released.. Giving me flashbacks of the watches for Spy Brian during the Xmas event lol.. By the time they released the way to get those it was so late and they were super hard to get.. It was mathematically impossible without spending clams..


  6. Late to the party on yesterdays post but, figured in chime in with this.. defeated the 3x dragon last night about 1am, it had maybe 2hrs left on the timer and, I was out of potions. “Bummer” I thought, “I’ll have to wait herds for the next one….” Well, by the time I woke up at 7am for work, I had a new dragon with a new 24hr timer. WAAAY less than I waited last time..haha. Super random. Either 4 hours or 36 in my game….


  7. *****. You know, I think I remember seeing a black dragon early in the event.

    When it was too early for me to really effectively collect potions to fight it 😐


  8. Hi, I’m battling a White Dragon at the moment but no Boogers have been dropped, my previous Dragon was Blue and that dropped Boogers! I messaged Tinyco today but they said everything was working ok, Is it only Blue Dragons that drop them, or is it because I didn’t completely defeat it? If that’s the case I’ve wasted potions on it and should have waited for another Blue one!. Thanks 🤔


  9. Hey Bunny,

    Just wanted to let you know after fighting a Blue Dragon I received 32 Princess Hats for fight x4 and 72 for fight x5.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Same here I got 2 the black dragon and made it the 4th fight but I run out of time and didn’t have no where near enough potions for the last battle 72 potions is really hard to collect, especially when you don’t know what colour your going to need


  10. Is there a dark blue and a light blue dragon? I had the dark blue like in the screen shots and only made it to 3x which required 19 lighting for 7 boogers and whatever beans, 1st battle I got 3 boogers and 5 on the 2nd battle but never made it to 4x as I was nowhere near 19 lighting


    • Lol… that is the “Black” Dragon. The same image you see on all the Dragon pop up screens. Like I noted in another comment here… it is more like the “Dark Blueish Dragon” than Black.


  11. New Dragon appeared and Boogers are finally dropping, just a shame the glitch will hold back unlocking Chris for an extra day or so.


  12. I’m closer to unlocking Giant Chris than I am to unlocking Westley. :”'( I STILL need 12 more scales and since boogers drop in higher quantities than scales do, I’m afraid I will unlock Giant Chris before I unlock Westley even though I placed Westley nearly a week prior to G. Chris, lol….shucks! Anyone else feeling the grind of the dragon scales like I am? Just curious if others are having a similar experience. I didn’t purchase the Black Knight, so I’m sure those that did are having NO problem whatsoever, lol.


    • Definitely not easy getting the Dragon Scales, without the Black Knight or School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. I’ve “passed” on two dragons already, and am waiting for time to run out on a third, as I don’t have the potions to beat him. (Debating buying some potions, but not sure if its worth it. I should be able to get the scales I need on the next dragon, as long as it’s not the Black one, so I would only be buying a bit of time…) And tying up Sir Peter on this is really hurting my Sapphire Egg collection, as I can’t train anyone in Wrestling! (And that “Wrestling” looks a lot more like “Sword Fighting” to me! WTD? :-))


  13. I have beat 2 dragons since I’ve started unlocking giant chris and haven’t gotten any dragon boogers.


    • I just got generic “known issue” reply. Hopefully it’s fixed by the time my next dragon rolls around.


    • Same applies for me, also my honor level seems to be stuck at 4 how the hell do I get it to 8 at the end of phase 2


    • I just beat a new dragon through the first three levels after Giant Chris was placed but still locked – and no dragon boogers for me either. Just scales and hats and beans. I think we need to report in in-game so they know how common the problem is, since it’s supposed to be an always drop.


  14. Gidday! Can you please clarify the “between dragon attacks” screens? It would seem logical to me that “Revive” would bring back the last dragon, at its last strength, while “Summon” would bring a NEW dragon (though with a chance of it being the same colour as the last), at level 1. The post above hints at the opposite, though.


  15. Can I confirm when you click on the clams icon at the top, you see potions for purchase? I can’t find any offers in my game and I’ve clicked on every imaginable shopping area.


  16. I cannot find anywhere the option to buy potions?! Looked everywhere…I only have Sir Peter working for potions so buying some would help immensely! Thanks for your help!


    • Are you fully in Phase 2? Working on Twice Upon a Time Questline? They only became available for Clams in Phase 2. So if you’re still on Once Upon a Time and Phase 1… you have to keep going til you reach Phase 2 and use Sit Peter to collect them.


  17. I now haven’t had a new dragon appear for 38hrs, and all I need for Chris the Giant are the 25 Dragon Boogers, I hope I get a new dragon soon because I really don’t want to have to use clams to finish unlocking him.


    • Give it up to 48 and message them if it don’t show by then


    • Steve, I had the same issue, just remember, all it takes is one full round of blue dragon to get all 25 boogers, or a couple of the white ones, and it is not even Sunday. Don’t waste your clams. I was only able to do 4 rounds of the blue dragon, and got 20.


  18. How does one get Chris the giant?
    Thank you


  19. I have a “black” dragon just now, but looking at the amount of potions needed (72 for level 5?!?), I will just skip it and wait for a defeatable one.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. My dragon is also not dropping boogers. I started collecting for Chris before the latest dragon appeared. Messaged TC in game so hopefully it gets sorted out soon.


  21. Hi bunny I just got the Black Dragon!!!!! It didn’t show the amount on princess hats because the reward screen is not big enough but I completed princess Lois hats and princess butter cup hats so over 300 hats in total!!!!!

    -5 potions
    -130 beans
    -3 dragon boogers
    -2 dragon scales

    -10 potions
    -310 beans
    -5 boogers
    -3 Scales

    -19 potions
    -720 beans
    -7 boogers
    -4 scales

    -37 potions
    -9 boogers
    -5 scales

    -72 potions
    -3312 beans
    -11 boogers
    -5 scales


  22. I’ve seen the black dragon once all other times I’ve gotten the white dragon.


  23. Shortly after phase 2 hit, and while the Big and Tall shop was being built (but not completed) I got a white dragon. I beat it 4 times Thursday night and it dropped boogers each time (I wasn’t sure what they were at that point, since I hadn’t started collecting for Chris the Giant yet). Friday morning I finished the building and defeated the dragon a fifth time (it disappeared) and when I checked Chris I had 15 boogers. All good so far. Friday night I got another white dragon and defeated him once, no boogers. I did again this morning, again no boogers. I reported it already.


  24. Thanks for the full break down, interesting stuff.

    My game seems to be going against the odds in that my first dragon was White followed by 5 Blue ones before I eventually got another White.

    Hopefully the White ones continue as they are a lot easier to beat and get materials (even with the lower payout).

    Have TC given you any information about the Boogers not dropping? going off your list I should already have 15 that I’ve missed out on. I’ve reported it to them myself but with it being the weekend I don’t expect a reply before Monday.


  25. My dragon experience. White, White, Blue and I logged in to see a Black Dragon this morning. It needs 5 potions for the first attack. It says the first attack reward is 130 beans, 3 dragon boogers, and 2 dragon scales. No mention of princess hats. I am definitely hoping to see more white dragons so that I can gain more materials for smaller potion requirements. I have only unlocked Sir Peter, (still working on Westley) so potions are not easy to come by as yet.


    • Like I noted in the post… you may not see the icon for the hats… but they’ll still drop. 🙂

      Feel free to share so images of your Black Dragon.


  26. My Blue Dragon reappeared this morning (did NOT defeat him before he left yesterday), and at 1X, he needs 5 Fireball’s to defeat! My Dragons seem to be tougher than yours! 😦 And of course, I was stocking up on Lightening, because the last requirement was 8 Lightening on 2X, and I hoped it would need the same type when it returned.


    • Only time it will return to exact spot is if you pay clams to revive them from exact level/dragon they left at. Like noted above.


      • I understand that, so I was expecting it to return to low potion costs, but it returned with a relatively high cost… I don’t have enough potions saved up to battle this guy. 🙂


    • Hang on… It seems I may have the Black Dragon this time, which would explain the high Potion cost. Certainly darker blue than the one shown above. I am sending in a screenshot…


      • Yah… it is not “Black”. It is the one you see on ALL the pop up images in this post. It is called the “Black Dragon”, but is more like the “Really Dark Blue-ish Dragon”. 😉


  27. I have a black dragon active in my phase 2 game now I guess. I was wondering why the first requirement was 5 fireball potions.

    Reward is 130 beans, 3 boogers, 2 picks.


  28. The Problem Child

    Bunny, if you click on the honor badge count to go to the event home menu, then click on the crossed swords icon for the Challenge Menu, you’ll see a a small icon of the Black Dragon which is the Grand Prize after completing all the Challenge Quests.
    Not sure if it’s just a decoration or the actual battle. But the picture is there.


  29. Any idea why Dragon Boogers arent dropping for me? I had a dragon when phase 2 hit & beat it to make room for a new 1 to give me boogers. I started collecting for giant chris friday morning. 24 hrs later a new dragon came & he is dropping no boogers. It diesnt rven show as possible loot. I am still getting all the items from a phase 1 dragon & I still need the hats but not scales.


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