Tag Archives: Spawn times

PeterPalooza Phase 4 Clarifications

UPDATE 9PM EST: I was able to get in again… WOOHOO!!! Now don’t all go mad rush it and crash it again. 😛

FYI… Yes, Consuela must have got jealous of Greased Up Deaf Guy cuz now she won’t let us in to play. Lol.

Hang in there. They’re on it. 😉

Just in case for those just stumbling on it… it’s 8:20 PM EST here and I am still locked out. This has been going on for about an hour.

Connect to Server Error

Hey there Toady Roadies!

I see the usual group of questions popping up in the comments, so I like to put them all in one place and address them all at the same time to help you out.

Take a peek below and see if your concerns/Questions are addressed.

Bunny PeterPalooza 2 Continue reading

PeterPalooza Questions, Clarifications, and Concerns

Hey there Rockers!

With all this Music, Hippies, Toads, and Concerts going on in the game… many of you are a bit lost of confused on some of the game aspects.

No worries, here to help. In this post I will go over some of the common things we are seeing in the comments and help to clarify just what is going on in the game.

Bunny Continue reading