Tag Archives: Honey Gold Bears

PeterPalooza Phase 4 Clarifications

UPDATE 9PM EST: I was able to get in again… WOOHOO!!! Now don’t all go mad rush it and crash it again. 😛

FYI… Yes, Consuela must have got jealous of Greased Up Deaf Guy cuz now she won’t let us in to play. Lol.

Hang in there. They’re on it. 😉

Just in case for those just stumbling on it… it’s 8:20 PM EST here and I am still locked out. This has been going on for about an hour.

Connect to Server Error

Hey there Toady Roadies!

I see the usual group of questions popping up in the comments, so I like to put them all in one place and address them all at the same time to help you out.

Take a peek below and see if your concerns/Questions are addressed.

Bunny PeterPalooza 2 Continue reading

PeterPalooza Main Walkthroughs: Deadmau5 in the Hau5 & Introducing Carl

Hey there Toady Roadies!

Phase 4 has been Speaker Blasted into our games. Deadmau5 is droppin da bass, Herbert is trying to impress the kids, Honey Bees attracted a Honey Bear, and a Family Guy:TQFS Player has been added to the game. Hey Carl!

All this crazy New Content just means one thing… New Main Questline for the Event. Deadmau5 in the Hau5.

Sweetbottom's Candy Necklace Factory

Let’s take a look at Deadmau5 in the Hau5 and all you will encounter along the way.

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