PeterPalooza Main Walkthroughs: Deadmau5 in the Hau5 & Introducing Carl

Hey there Toady Roadies!

Phase 4 has been Speaker Blasted into our games. Deadmau5 is droppin da bass, Herbert is trying to impress the kids, Honey Bees attracted a Honey Bear, and a Family Guy:TQFS Player has been added to the game. Hey Carl!

All this crazy New Content just means one thing… New Main Questline for the Event. Deadmau5 in the Hau5.

Sweetbottom's Candy Necklace Factory

Let’s take a look at Deadmau5 in the Hau5 and all you will encounter along the way.

First you need to Complete Grin & Bear It Pt.5 to have access to Phase 4 Questlines.

Deadmau5 in the Hau5 Pt. 1
Peter starts

Have Rockstar Peter Hang Out Backstage- 10hrs, Earns 4Glowsticks, 59xp
Have Avril Instigate a Riot- 24hrs, Earns 8Glowsticks, 100xp

Completed Task Earns 12Glowsticks, 20xp


Deadmau5 in the Hau5 Pt. 2
Quagmire starts

Craft Portapotties- (Festival Merch Kiosk)
PortapottiesGlowsticks100 Glowsticks & Skull Guitar Pick Large40 Skull Guitar Picks
Place Portapotties- (Instant Build)
Have Avril Perform Secret Shows- 10hrs, Earns 4Glowsticks, 59xp

Completed Task Earns 10Glowsticks, 15xp


Deadmau5 in the Hau5 Pt. 3
Peter starts

Build Sweetbottom’s Candy Necklace Factory- (Festical Merch Kiosk)
Sweetbottom's Candy Necklace FactoryGlowsticks750 Glowsticks
Have Alice Cooper Do Snake Training- 6hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 10xp


Deadmau5 in the Hau5 Pt. 4
Joe Lion starts

Remove 2 Honey Gold Bears- (Requires 3 Forest Rangers Each, SIX Total needed)
Honey Gold Bear
Remove 2 Bears- (Requires 2 Forest Rangers Each, FOUR Total)
Have Joe Lion Play Hacky Sack- 4hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 14Glowsticks, 25xp


Deadmau5 in the Hau5 Pt. 5
Peter starts

Perform a Rockstar Peter Concert- 


PortapottiesPortapotties- Glowsticks100 Glowsticks & Skull Guitar Pick Large40 Skull Guitar Picks

Mud PitMud Pit- 1000 GlowsticksGlowsticks

Carl Sweepstakes WinnerUnlock Carl (See Below)

Have Carl Jump Dance- 6hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 45xp

Have Carl Put on a Light Show- 8hrs, Earns 3Glowsticks, 50xp
Have Joe Lion Patrol PeterPalooza- 4hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 10Glowsticks, 15xp


Deadmau5 in the Hau5 Pt. 6
Peter starts

Have Rockstar Peter Lure Rick Astley- 2hrs, Earns 1Glowsticks, 20xp
Have Rockstar Peter Trash Hotel Room- 2hrs, Earns 1Glowsticks, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 10Glowsticks, 15xp


Deadmau5 in the Hau5 Pt. 7
Herbert starts

Perform a DJ Herbert Concert- 

Unlock DJ Herbert

DJ Herbert


Concert Tickets 28 Concert Tickets (Common): Greased-Up Deaf Guy OR Bears OR Ticket Kiosk

Classic Boy's Life Magazine41 Classic Boy’s Life Magazines (Common): Concerts OR Alice Cooper Snake Training OR Bonnie Go to Ladies’ Night OR Sam Doody Guitar Store OR Carl Jump Dance OR Sweetbottom’s Candy Necklace Factory

Lighter10 Lighters (Common): Concerts OR Zoopi Lighter Display

LP12 LPs (Common): Deadmau5 Try on New Helmets OR Honey Gold Bears


Sweetbottom's Candy Necklace FactoryBuild Sweetbottom’s Candy Necklace Factory: CostGlowsticks750 Glowsticks

Have DJ Herbert Discuss Social Media: 10hrs, 4Glowsticks, 59xp

Abandoned Warehouse RaveCraft Abandoned Warehouse Reserve: CostGlowsticks300 GlowsticksSkull Guitar Pick Large30 Skull Guitar Picks


And this is the point I stopped at. I will continue to work on unlocking DJ Herbert and update once I do. This should help you get a good ways into the new Phase 4. 

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 10xp


Introducing Carl
Peter starts

Unlock Carl- (Festival Merch Kiosk)

Carl Sweepstakes Winner


Glowsticks2500 Glowsticks

Concert Tickets10 Concert Tickets (Common): Greased-Up Deaf Guy OR Bears OR Ticket Kiosk

LP6 LPs (Common): Deadmau5 Try on New Helmets OR Honey Gold Bears

Headphones11 Headphones (Uncommon): Avril Lavigne Fight Polar Bear OR Alice Cooper Slay the House OR Lois Buy Groceries OR Quagmire Drink at the Clam OR Glamping Tent

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 10xp


There you have it. The Main Questlines taking you through Phase 4.

How are you on collecting for Carl? How about Herbert? What do you think of these Questlines? Any suggestions or tips for your fellow readers? Let us know.


74 responses to “PeterPalooza Main Walkthroughs: Deadmau5 in the Hau5 & Introducing Carl

  1. 2 LPs left and DJ Herbert is all mine


  2. It’s taking forever to get all the LPs need for Herbert… I didnt but Deadmau5 (though I wanted him so badly) My gold bears havent dropped any LPs, (just coins) the last 2 times.

    Hey TinyCo.. maybe add another freemium task or 2 to get LPs easier?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m not sure what character or building I clicked on this morning, but when I did, it gave me ten clams and (I think) 1500 glowsticks, just what I needed to unlock Carl. Do you girls know what I triggered? There was no congrats message or anything. I am right on target with where the game is, as I have been playing since it was released ☺


  4. should i unlock Carl before DJ Herbert ? right? or the other way around?


  5. Okay I didn’t know that we needed to unlock Carl to progress in this event as I used all the Glowsticks to buy the Hostel. 😦

    Now I need to rebuild it all over again.

    Still, at least there are many side quests to do, right ?


  6. For me it is suddenly concert tickets that are a problem. After buying items for Peter’s concert I need another 7 for Herbert and 10 for the dj booth. Reluctant to spend anther £10 on the clam offer in the same event and I am out of hampers to get wardens for bears… so it is a slow process!

    Any idea if the dj booth is required for anything?


  7. Hhhmm I have all items for Carl but only 2150 glow sticks. And I’m at deadmou5 pt 3 – time to build sweet bottoms for 750 sticks…which to do first? Deadmau5 quest line needs a Carl concert so it seems like I need to buy sweet bottoms before doing concert or getting Carl. Then there’s the 1000 glow sticks for the necessary mud pit. So 2100 glow sticks needed to get through this phase. Sweet bottoms will only get me about 48 extra glow sticks each day – so 16 days just to make up for spending 750 on the darn thing.


    • You can get Carl any time you have all the materials for him, and it will count automatically once you hit a point in the questline requiring unlocking him. Likewise with the Peter concert and buildings. The only things you need to do in the right part of the questline to have it count are buying/placing decos and tasks, including clearing bees and bears. Although you can start a regular timed task before you reach a part requiring it and if it’s still in progress, that will count (I always GO to it from within the questline to make sure).

      So you can get Carl first with your glowsticks if you want, and keep building up picnic baskets and honey pots so you can train Rangers and beekeepers for the next part of the questline. Poofing toads and fangirls do add up in glowstick payouts, they give 5 each time (toads are not always). Likewise choosing tasks with glowstick rewards adds up. Probably a lot of people will have to stay in phase 4 quite a while past Thursday because of the LP drops needed for pervy DJ Herbert, so you won’t be alone if delayed because of your glowstick shortage.


  8. Is there a way to see how many Skull Guitars I have?


  9. Unlocked Carl 30min ago, but he’s no where to be found in my game. Contacted TinyCo, no response yet. Anyone else loose Carl?


  10. Just got Carl today, now I’m working on dj Herbert


  11. Will the Greased Up Deaf Guy appear after we finish the part of ‘Never Gonna Catch Me’ where we clear him 15 times? I’d like to know because it says he provides lighters, and I need about 15 total lighters.


  12. This is the first time i havr less then 10 clams. I really want deadmaus and his studio but the clam offer is useless to me. I have a ton of tickets already. I would love to have him walking around my town with that mask on, so awesome.So is he staying until the event is over? If so i want to wait to see what the next offer is cuz it seems like they have one every week for this event which is great by the way. They need to do that more, offer stuff when we buy clams.


  13. The honey bears definitely do not only kick out lp’s I’ve been getting only money and got my headphones before the lp’s and tgats 12 hr missions


  14. Hope TinyCo awards the leaderboard prizes soon. I have everything for Carl except for the glow sticks and it’s hard to get 2500 when they only drop 5-10 at a time.


  15. Thanks


  16. Carl- Who is he / where is he from? Is he real or fictitious?


  17. Am I the only person struggling to get glow sticks?

    I was saving for Belgard but thought getting Carl to unlock the concert stage would be a better plan.

    Now at zero and need 1000 for the mud pit before I can run concerts again.

    The glowstick drop from character tasks is awful and time consuming.


  18. Any idea if I run the first concert before part 5 will it auto complete once I get there or am I better holding off on the concert in case I get stuck?


  19. Need more guitar picks, anyone’s else having this issue?


  20. I didn’t see this mentioned but I’m still getting head phones even though I’ve collected enough for Carl. Will we need these later?


  21. Part 4 has joe playing with hackysacks, not alice cooper plaYing with a snake. And does no one else find it weird rick astley is finding in the woods. How did TinyCo come up with that idea?


  22. Thanks! I know what to expect now for when I, hopefully, get done with Alice.


  23. I still haven’t been able to unlock Alice Cooper. I have 5 of 9 boots. I was fianlly able to get enough glow sticks to unlockBelgard yesterday.
    This sucks.


  24. Anyone else not able to log into the game? Consuela is telling me I can’t connect, but my internet is working fine.


  25. Is Deadmau5 really 350 or is that an error? Just asking bc the most I have paid for a premium charater during an event is 275.


    • Yup. 350. Brian still has been the most expensive at 500 Clams in an Event.

      I honestly think it all goes into what it took to bring them into the game. Some of the Celebs, Musicians, etc can be pricey to get to agree legally to release themselves to another company for use.

      My suggestion is use other methods to get the most out of your Clams to help cut the overall cost of items you want. Buy discounted Gift Cards, use local sales, use App Market sales/ discounts/ promos… anything to get a bit further with your purchase. Then piggy back that with an in game offer like this one and get a lot more out of a lot less. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • I had to look up who he was. Not paying that for a nobody.

        Snoop Dogg otoh – I would have paid more for him. If Weird Al is premium, I’ll pay more for him, too.


        • Lol. And others commenting are like “Weird Who?”

          It is all in what YOU want to put in your game. What may be pleasing to you, no so much to someone else. That’s why I like the variety of it. Lil old, lil new. 😉


  26. Do we have a respawn time on Honey Bears yet? Waiting now!


  27. I could swear that a fan girl dropped an Lp for me. Was shocked when i saw it.

    And thanks for the lighter note.
    Can’t do any concerts until i get Carl unlocked.


    • LOL. Maybe you got my LP. Because this morning, I cleared a Honey Bear and I know that it gave me Coins. Which I thought was really odd because the Honey Bears say that they only yield LPs.


  28. You get exactly enough lighters for herbert with the first concert and the second concert requires herbert so am i right in saying if you spend 5 of the lighters on the dj booth you will only be left with the clam option to get herbert as there will be no other way to earn the lighters without already having unlocked him? If so, it might be a good idea to warn people not to buy the dj booth until after they get herberts skin.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Is Rick Astley a playable character yet?


  30. Anyone else having an issue with Carl. I paid 230 clams for him but he doesn’t appear any where in the game.
    I go to merchandise kiosk and he appears darkened and with a green check mark (which means I “have” him.) But if I try to go make Carl do something Peter tells me I don’t have him yet.
    Contacted tinyco through my game few hours ago but just wondering if anyone else had the same issue


  31. Having 0 luck getting the LPS so far. 0 for 2. I’m sure it’s “dropping as intended” though.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. If I only want grateful dead stewie skin ,when released,do I still have to play main guestline?


    • As so far each level requires the questlines complete to access main characters… that is hard to say. It depends on HOW he is released. So when/if he is… we will only know then.


  33. Thanks a lot for the info. Unfortunately, Alice’s boots don’t want me to progress to this phase yet. I hope that I’ll have him unlocked by weekend. C’est la vie. 🙂


    • Same here! Boo. I have two left still and I’m not paying 36 clams for him either.


    • Hang in there! My last pair of boots finally dropped 10pm EST Friday. I had intended to do encores but decided to just do the Alice concert and move on. Not worth the cost in glowsticks for the unappealing junk required for the first encore. No more Blammies, just 150 glowsticks and 3 tickets for the concert payout now in Phase 3.


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