Daily Archives: August 21, 2015

PeterPalooza Character Profile: Rapper Brian

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Our Quahogs are infested! Spotted Toads, Dudes running around licking the Spotted Toads and freaking out. Girls dressed as Hippies being chased by Bees. Tons of Fans, some too busy on their phones too care. Patchouli Oil, Hacky Sacks, and and in there somewhere… some AWESOME Music. PeterPalooza is in our games.

With a New PeterPalooza Event in our game, that means New Characters/Costumes. Costumes like Rapper Brian!

Rapper Brian 3

Let’s take a look at what Rapper Brian can do in our silly lil games.

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Phase 3 Rundown

Hey there Frantic Tappers!

I am going through all the ins and outs of the Update and will have a complete compiled list for you shortly.

The main thing I am seeing so far… just as in releases of the past… you need to reach a certain point in the NEW Content to have full access to all the items for Phase 3.

In this case, build the Mascara Shop and complete Part 1.


Back with more in a bit….

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