Tag Archives: Starfleet XP Level

Star Trek Enterprise: Where Are YOU In The Game? (Part 3)

UPDATE: Poll is now closed due to we were able to get the information we wanted. Thanks so much to all that participated. Your Feedback was very helpful. Keep an eye out for more Polls on the Event to come. 😉

Hey there all you Tribblemakers!

Phase 5 is now live and running in our games. Just like unlocking Districts, this Event has us unlocking Enterprise “Districts” and causing us all flashbacks of those dreaded Eyeballs and Headbands. Definitely one of the more Challenging Events to say the least. Even for the Seasoned Players. So, back again, bouncing on in here because I want to know where YOU are in the game?

Captain KirkDark Matter Picard
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Star Trek Enterprise: Where Are YOU In The Game? (Part 2)

Hey there all you Tribblemakers!

Phase 4 is now live and running in our games. Just like unlocking Districts, this Event has us unlocking Enteprise “Districts” and causing us all flashbacks of those dreaded Eyeballs and Headbands. Definitely one of the more Challenging Events to say the least. Even for the Seasoned Players. So, once again, bouncing on in here because I want to know where YOU are in the game?

24 Phaser Energy Laser Pointer Felicium
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Star Trek Enterprise: Where Are YOU In The Game?

Hey there all you Tribblemakers!

Phase 2 was launched into the game and along with it some really cool items. However, it seems some glowy blue Transporter Energy Balls and Bars of Chocolate are bringing more sadness than happiness to the masses. It seems some changes hit yesterday here and there to the combinations of Characters getting Materials. So, once again, bouncing on in here because I want to know where YOU are in the game?

Transporter Energy Chocolate Bar Continue reading