Tag Archives: Transporter Energy

Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

FYI: check your App Markets for any patch updates to the game.


Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Geordi Electrocuted

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? 

See any good movies?

Do you have anything you want to Ask An Addict

 Send us a post card or letter yet? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! (Bunny would LOVE to have some Pen Pals!)

Remember this post is for FUN!! A way to “Chat with your Neighbors”. If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DUECE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.


Klingon Meg, Q, & Changes to Drops!!!

UPDATE: Many seeing the Regular PeterCraft ALWAYS drops working now. Feel free to try it, but if it does not drop one immediately… stop and please let me know. 😉 

UPDATE: I need YOUR help Addicts. I need one of you to send me your Player ID that fits the following: 
You have updated and got the pop up for this new sale
You are currently Upgrade to Warp Core Level 4
You tried PeterCraft and did NOT get ALWAYS drops on Felicum & Laser Pointers. 
If you fit this, please email me your Player ID info ASAP. Thanks!

UPDATE: Got the Player IDs, techs isolated issue, patch now in works. You guys are AWESOME! Thanks for the help! I do not need anymore IDs now. 

The ALWAYS drops on the Normal PeterCraft are not playing nice with those on Warp Core 4 (because that big fat meany head Shielded one wants to take all the glory… psssh), so please hang in there. SAVE YOUR PHASER ENERGY! Will Update with the fix when it is ready. 😉 

They got the issue on their “Phasedar”… yuck yuck yuck. 😉 


Hey there Tribblemakers!

So a new 24 timed Character option has hit the game along with a new Premium Character and several Item Drop Changes…

Shielded PeterCraft 24 Phaser Energy


More to come, but here are some basics.

First off, make sure you have the LATEST App Market Version of the game. Some of these changes may require you to restart your device to get them to go into “action”. Continue reading

Uncharted Planet Mystery Box: Hisanus

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Hopping on by to offer a breakdown of just what YOU can get if you take your luck in the Star Trek Uncharted Planet Mystery Box: Hisanus.Hisanus Mystery Box Menu

Continue reading

Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Bunny Easter Alissa Easter

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.Yellow Egg 2

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, Pink Egg 2here are a few subjects to get you started.


How was your week? 

Do any eggy weggy hunting? 

 Send us a post card or letter yet? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! (Bunny would LOVE to have some Pen Pals!)Blue Egg

Remember this post is for FUN!! A way to “Chat with your Neighbors”. If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DUECE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂Yellow Egg 2

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.


Wookiee Easter


Star Trek Glitches & Clarifications

Hey there Tribblemakers!

With the New Phase 3 out and the Warp Core at Level 3, there are LOTS of new things that are catching players attention and I wanted to shed a lil more light on those that we are seeing most.Warp Core Upgrade 3

Let’s jump in and take a look at some of the main questions we are seeing and the answers we have so far on them.

Continue reading

Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Hey there Tribblemakers!

I decided to jump in here as tensions seem to be hitting an all time high in the game. So I am offering some helpful advise and try and refocus the concerns of what is going on in the game. So hang tight with me. 😉

Transporter EnergyTransporter EnergyTransporter EnergyTransporter Energy Continue reading

Star Trek Enterprise: Where Are YOU In The Game?

Hey there all you Tribblemakers!

Phase 2 was launched into the game and along with it some really cool items. However, it seems some glowy blue Transporter Energy Balls and Bars of Chocolate are bringing more sadness than happiness to the masses. It seems some changes hit yesterday here and there to the combinations of Characters getting Materials. So, once again, bouncing on in here because I want to know where YOU are in the game?

Transporter Energy Chocolate Bar Continue reading

Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Fuzzball Bay

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

To all you crazies that came and had a blast with us last night… THANK YOU!!! I want pics of what you ended up with and where your “Wiggle Bunny” is hiding. 😉 Happy Birthday+1 Sarah!! 😉

How was your week? 

Ready for warmer weather?

 Send us a post card or letter yet? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! (Bunny would LOVE to have some Pen Pals!)

Remember this post is for FUN!! A way to “Chat with your Neighbors”. If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DUECE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.
