Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Fuzzball Bay

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

To all you crazies that came and had a blast with us last night… THANK YOU!!! I want pics of what you ended up with and where your “Wiggle Bunny” is hiding. 😉 Happy Birthday+1 Sarah!! 😉

How was your week? 

Ready for warmer weather?

 Send us a post card or letter yet? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! (Bunny would LOVE to have some Pen Pals!)

Remember this post is for FUN!! A way to “Chat with your Neighbors”. If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DUECE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.


97 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. Dear A or B
    Will there be a new thread for the holiday weekend?

    (Also, I just took the flickr page for the other game past 1,800 photos)
    📷. 😁


  2. Game crashing! Ever since the Transporter Energy splash screen this morning (I’m in UK) the game starts about 1 attempt in 5. Then, when running, it crashes out after 3 or 4 actions and usually hasn’t saved. Aaaarrrghhhhh Nightmare! Anyone else getting this?


  3. So since getting Klingon Chris regular Chris has been jumping up and down in front of the griffins house in my game and I can’t tap on him anyone else have this happen to them???


  4. Noooooooooooo they’ve changed the build time for the rec rooms to 10hrs 😦



    • And that my friends is the dangers of posting about tricks like that…now you know why we try and keep things “hush hush” in the comments..


      • Yeah I kno I feel bad cause I’ve bin explaining it, but only cause I seen how frustrated people we’re getting, so I just wanted to help

        I seen in the other post, u sed that it was another site that blew it by making a post about it, so atleast it wasn’t us that ruined it 🙂


        • It’s alright. I knew it was only a matter of time before TC changed it. Too many townfolk lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks with this event. Personally, I’m chill cuz there’s still A MONTH LEFT TO THE EVENT! Plenty of time to ADAPT, IMPROVISE and OVERCOME….

          Liked by 1 person

    • Good! I found myself switching them on time … quite a relief now, no hassle anymore


  5. What did you mean with “like the Taco Trucks”

    “Question #7- What Starfleet Level are you currently at? Did you use any “help” (like the Taco Trucks) to get there?”

    in the latest post? I’ve bought like a lot of them when they were available but I don’t see how they’d help with the XP. Am I missing something?


    • They’ve closed this glitch, but there was a glitch that if you purchased Taco Trucks during this event they awarded Star Fleet XP. Again, it’s since been closed.


  6. Anyone else notice Herbert is walking around in weird underwear looking like he had a stroke?


  7. Herbert is wandering around my town mostly nude tonight…when you pick him up and drag him his robe reappears, then when you sit him back down, BAM, nude. Never seen it before, have any of you?


  8. I noticed a silhouette of Guinan of Facespace. That is awesome!


  9. I just saw the corniest Easter card! On the front-side it said,
    “What kind of music do Easter Bunnies listen to nowadays?
    On the inside it said: “Hip hop of course!” OMG that was cheesy!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. oh my cute Bunny or Alissa, what is the maximum amount of money you can have in the game? is it $3M or $2M ?


  11. I’d love to see the show or TinyCo do a parody/Event on the walking Dead and/or Resident Evil.
    How come there’s no random cutaway videos’ of Conway Twitty or anyone/anything for that matter?
    I think all characters should have the 24 hour task for a Clams. I think more people would be more likely to buy Clam packages, and more often, if they’re a little short of the amount needed than if they needed the full amount. ie, If a character was 260 clams and I have say 200, I’d more than likely buy a smaller pack of clams to get that character than if I had to buy a larger pack that has enough clams to cover the full amount of that character etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I have peter doing the Peter maneuver right behind Troi…

    It is mildly disturbing…


  13. Feel like I’m doing well in the event, loving the content and gameplay minus some drop issues. On top of that I just got a chance to watch the season finale of The Walking Dead and am shaking it was so awesome. Good week. (Although now I’m sad cause no more TWD.)


  14. Soo….Does anyone else think we need new tasks for Jesus to do during Easter?


  15. I’m ready to make it rain Clams if Bonnie gets an Orion Animal Woman (aka Slave Girl) outfit and works her pole!

    Grrrrrr baby!


  16. Anyone else hoping for a Harry Potter themed event? ? Not sure where that falls on the nerd spectrum. …

    Liked by 1 person

    • Omg the only thing I’d like more than Harry Potter is Star Wars. And even then only because they did Star Wars so well on the show.

      The Potterverse would be so much fun!


  17. Update my galaxy s4 os to lollipop game hasnt crashed since i hope i dont jinx it by sayin that lol….


  18. So – I am really enjoying this event. Love the design of the Enterprise, really wishing it would stay after the event is over.

    Just levelled up the ship to starfleet level three, so 3.5 days left to reach level four for the next warp core upgrade. Building the Klingon buildings gave quite a few XP. I wonder how many XP the items from the replicator are giving and if I should spend some of the precious ore on them, outside the items being required in quests.

    Currently working on getting Klingon Chris (need 12 more books) and then I’ll move on to Deanna’s chocos with Chris on the Away Team.

    Drop rates, yeah, well, without the room swapping, I’d be behind like crazy as well. I get that people get a bit upset about it. Bonnie has dropped green ore – exactly once. And it is the only thing she has been doing since the underwear task. LOL


  19. Someday I will get to attend a high falootin swaray too. I know I misspelled everything but it’s ok. Hope everyone had a blast and so happy there are good folks out there doing a tough job and keeping us addicts happy. Thanks again for the millionth time for doing what you do. Have always appreciated it and always will.


  20. Will there be pictures posted of the meet up in NJ in the near future?


  21. I was watching 60s batman last night with Mayor West. So many great lines. *pow**zap**biff* “Holy firing range batman, thank god for these bat bullet proof shoe soles”. Its great that Adam West is still hilarious after all these years. “Thats it Robin, H2O stands for water!”

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Brian (not the dog)

    Thank you for hosting us at the event last night. My girlfriend and I had a blast…if you couldn’t tell from our enthusiasm during trivia. Haha.
    Are your pictures posted somewhere I can see? And how can I send you our bunny pic?
    Thanks once more and I’ll definitely keep following this excellent forum!!


  23. You know how I have been bugging TinyCo to put Alissa and Bunny characters in the game? Well, how cooool would it be if we had Bunny pop up next Sunday, dressed up as an Easter Bunny?! 😉 Alissa could be carrying an Easter basket and hiding eggs for us to find, with CHOCOLATES rewarded for the Easter eggs we found. A monumental weekend event. Hmm…I don’t suppose Alissa’s agent has been able to work out a deal yet…or has she? Bunny, if you talk to Matt tommorrow can you ask him about that call he had in to her agent? What ever happened with that? 😉


  24. So, we can’t even make comments about the weight of a CHARACTER.??? Really?


  25. I think I have the answer to Troi’s question, “How come my uniform is tighter than everyone else’s?” Because you’re fatter than the rest!!!


  26. Very excited that Game of Thrones starts up in two weeks….now that would be a killer FGTQFS event, but would likely cost me a lot of money…


  27. Any ideas why is Chris dancing around in front of griffin house?


  28. Is there any good combo for a high chance of chocolate? Finally have enough transporter energy for it 🙂


    • Different characters give different chances for each reward, i.e. Peter gives a higher chance to get dilithium and synthesizer ore, while barely raises the chance for chocolate bars. Just play around with the possible characters and see how the chances are changing.
      As long as you don’t have more than 6 characters to send, you should throw all possible characters in and be happy what you get.


      • Am struggling to get ANY chocolate. Combos don’t return anything but unlikely and so may just have to give Deanna a miss. Would have been nice if a second source was available for the chocolate.


  29. The drop rates and quest times seem absurd this time around, you need a number of chocolate bars, and the only way to get them is to do away missions, which require a minimum of 6 blue energy, which only 2 non premium characters have, a 6 hour task for the chance to get one.. So at BEST you are looking at a minimum of 36 hours for each chance to get a chocolate bar. Reality of drop rates you are looking at 48hours minimim per chance.

    2 days to get one item for a charater in the beginnning of an event who will likely be needed to help get the rest of the charaters is a bit absurd. Now if these rates were towards the end of the event to unlock one of the final charaters, and you had all of starfleet say.. Scrambling to save avery..i mean patrick stewart.. I mean picard.. I mean locutus.. That would make sense.


  30. Loving this event, but its annoying that you cannot just swap rooms on the Enterprise. It starts a timer just like you are building a new one.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I’ve been trying constantly to remind myself that games are supposed to be fun, and just enjoy it. If I unlocked everything right away, I’d be bored as all get out. The challenge is part of the fun.

    Liked by 3 people

  32. Has anyone provided a run-down of Worf’s tasks? Does he earn any useful items other than pieces of Chris’s Klingon costume, like energy cubes/blobs?


  33. All of my Comicon characters are levelling up to 25 just around now – seems fitting, somehow …


  34. Just a reminder to Alissa, Bunny and the game addicts who share tips, you all help me enjoy a game that I know would be more frustrating than fun without you so THANK YOU very much!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. I’m a touch peeved that Herberts task is a multiple reward task from the Pawtucket brewery. The last three drops were bottles from that event.


  36. The blue energy is a kick in the pants – sheesh. I know it’ll all unlock in a timely manner, but I would totally be okay if it went a little quicker 🙂 I do love squishing the little tribbles.


  37. Does anyone think it would be better to have a deana troi costume for bonnie rather than the charecter i would preferre that

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  38. A way to make your town more realistic move the tiny tots preschool to your housing area in one episode it turns out it is somones house
    Some other good house substitutes are-
    A dog house like for Brian
    Or that sugar made house for Felicia since when she finishes an action or levels up she throws sparks I consider her the town fairy
    Everyone in my town has a house weather it’s in my suberb or in my town 🙂


  39. I just want to remind everyone to keep collecting that LSE, I kind of neglected it until I looked ahead and saw how much of it you need to unlock the rest of the Enterprise Districts. There will probably be more ways to earn it in the next couple weeks, but it never hurts to be prepared.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve been doing the room switch trick constantly because I, too looked ahead at how much i was gonna need. Its the only thing getting me those bright green cubes that Bonnie hates to drop, too.


  40. I figured it would be appropriate to let everyone know that this week’s promo code on Kohl’s is BUNNY30 (30% off with Kohl’s card) … even Kohl’s likes Bunny!

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  41. Happy Birthday to Marina Sirtis today! Everyone’s favorite therapist since 1987. 🙂


  42. In other mobile Games i’m an almost freemium player, but in this game i’m buying every now and than some clams, especially awful it was during the event with all the good things from the past.
    I got nearly all free characters which comes out since i play. And most of all buyable (call it a starting time i needed to realize how addictive this game is and how it functions, but after this time i got ALL characters, free and buyable. WHICH is an reverance to this game and it makers that i’m even interested in buying even chaaracters i’m not really a fan off. But to be true, without counting kiss im a great fan of all actors and chars that came out since. Some broad hint for the future [because my friend would love it and pay a lot of money for it^^: Walking Dead or Breaking Bad] I even startet to watch the whole serie of family guy because i liked this game so much.)I play since short before Halloween. Sometimes it was a little bit tricky and on the edge, but i always got all done as a freemium player. With a charater buy here and there, which was supporting the events. But normally not buying missing items, fast forwarding quests aso.
    But it seems that in this event, which im totally love and im freaking out because of it, i have to buy some more clams, because my last are gone for Worf, im really forced to buy items to complete people and/or to buy buildings for the quest drops. Some droprates are really worse. Even more than in comparison to the last event. And as much as i can see, even there is also a lot of time before ending this event, there is no ongoing in this event without buying transporter energy. Every week other parts will be opened with other things to do and to archieve. And at the momentary state of drops i fear a lot isn’t possible to archieve. I mean 0ver 150 life supporting energy only for the opening of the next parts? Other needed stuff and the transporter energy…
    No way to gain all you want with this. So i think i will buy a building that will help for the transporter enegery, the first time im forced to.

    I love the idea behind the redshirt room, but this will need space on the prise, which is atm very rare and blocked which other buildings which shall generate items for troi and Klingon chris and far far away from effective or sufficient. AND it will be after the event down in quahog and i fear that only rooms aren’t looking so nice in that city. The other , the Science building is from the beginning in quahog, will look better after the event in comparison i assume and cost less clams. But i assume it is no instant building. So for what place you would go for ?


  43. Ya know, I didn’t have much on my mind. After all I’m on break at work. So I think “wonder if there’s a new post. Maybe they have a story from the party”. Nope.

    I see the line “got a lovely bunch of coconuts?” Noooooooooooo!

    Now I go back to work with That stuck in my head thank You very little!

    Dee-dill-dee-dee-dill-dee-dee to you too 😛


  44. Having an AWESOME time with this Event!!!! I Love the Tribbles! Still working on Chris just need17 more books and his is mine. Then I going to try for Deannas’ chocolate. Maybe by then I will have LOTS of blue energy to go on back to back trips. I have found 2 fun FB friends that I might on a FB page for FGTQFS… we have like a competition going on with who is getting who unlocked the fastest. So it makes the game even more fun. I’m not a Trekkie fan but the guys are but I still have fun.
    Have a Blessed Palm Sunday, and a Wonderful Week.
    Now Play On!!!!

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  45. So, what is a Seinfeld thread doing on a Family Guy site?


  46. I was able to help that friend i mentioned a few weeks ago out of her abusive relationship , now I’m in a long distance relationship with her , any advice on that
    But anyway I wasn’t able to go last night cuz I live in NYC I didn’t have the money for the train and tiny co wouldn’t let me borrow the transporter from the event anyway u should post pics


    • Word of advice, take it REALLY slow. If she came out of a bad relationship, she is still gonna be in shambles. You have a lot of work on your plate to help get her back on her feet again and seeing the good in people. Just be kind, be yourself, and allow her to heal the way she needs to. Be supportive, but don’t be a crutch (if that makes sense).

      Outside that, post and pics to come. 😉


    • I remember you telling us about your friend. It’s good to hear she is out of that abusive situation she was in. I agree 100% with the advice Bunny gave you. Just be a good friend who is supportive and she knows she can talk to, but give her space and time. And encourage her to find some healthy outlets.


  47. i love one of the line from Deanna Troi, i can’t give you a psychological “thing” (sorry can’t remember the word) , while your staring at my jugs !!!


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