What The Deuce?!

Happy Weekend Clammers!

Well we’ve all made it through another week and the weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a fun way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not.  Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language.  

Here’s mine for this week:

WHAT THE DEUCE….transporter energy!  That is all!

WHAT THE DEUCE….why does Worf’s ruffles have so many ridges?  (courtesy of Wookiee from TSTO Addicts)

WHAT THE DEUCE….why does TinyMatt Make Bunny Cry? (courtesy of Bunny)

WHAT THE DEUCE….why did it take us 2hrs to start a fire that we enjoyed for 30 minutes.

Now it’s YOUR turn…give us your WHAT THE DEUCE?! moments from the past week!  Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

383 responses to “What The Deuce?!

  1. Seriously… No chocolate at all. Nothing. And waiting for 6 blue balls, which take forever, just to have 3 characters travel for 8 hours… And then find out they brought back jack. Yeah… Probably quitting family guy until the event is over. So done.


  2. WTD! Must unlock Troi to continue the main quest line! Hopefully the drop rates on blue balls is much better than it was before… I have my fingers crossed… 4 chocs left…


  3. i’m sure this has been asked already, but when the hell are the brewery crafting items gonna stop dropping? i’ve already crafted everything during the pawtucket event. and now with star trek phase 3 live, this is the second time a star trek drop has been the same task as a brewery drop, meaning only half the chance to get what i need.


  4. Please Please Please reduce the amount of time that the ‘rewards’ hang on screen!! Once I tap a coin/prize/whatever, the reward can go straight to the ‘bank’. I don’t need it hovering on screen, in the way, waiting for it to move or me to tap it AGAIN!


  5. Why does Tiny Co even bother with the warp core countdowns, when they can’t even be bothered to make their own deadlines?


  6. (wtd) This poor, poor event. I’m sure the developers had no idea this would happen. I think it is now in the proper hands and we all can take a deep sigh of relief. You know how these guys are when this kind of stuff happens. THEY ALWAYS MAKE IT UP TO US, SOMEHOW. They are good like that. AND, I think the FAMILY GUY ADDICTS crew has done a great job of mediating this event, thus far. I’m seeing padded cells and that pick of Picard giving the Ferengi hell, what a day. LOL. Thanks Guys!!! 🙂


  7. Since when did Deanna start saying ‘Chocolate is a serious thing’? Darn right it is! Cheeky mare lol


  8. What the deuce. I spent the day in the hospital in a tremendous amount of pain. Trying to deal with it so I can do this event but it’s not going so well.


  9. QuestingForStuff

    Agree 100%! Its already too hard to get transporter energy and they made it harder? WTD?! 10 hrs is ridiculous..
    I purchased the doom room early on and still am not earning enough. This reminds me of the danged Yeti.. Get your wallets out, you’re going to be spending money!! #moneygrab


  10. Wtd…… 52 characters with no relevant tasks. Two are star trek stars from comic con…. can we get a few 24 hour tasks that payout xp or anything from any of the people that we all worked hard and or spent clamp to get. It’s beginning to feel like a waste to collect people that will never do anything again.


  11. This event has been a HUGE pain in the buttocks. As someone who has no idea about anything Star Trek (I’m a 20yo Russian who grew up in Europe,Star Trek was never a thing here). The only reason I’m really participating is because I’m a completionist (I even got Worf, whoever that is!). But the getting stuff part is SO FRUSTRATING. I’m only on level 2, all I got is Starfleet Peter, William and Geordi, and I’m nowhere near getting chocolates for Deanna. It’s all taking so long, and I have NEVER before complained about TinyCo wanting to make money on clams, but this time I feel like it really is the case, because this is the first event I had ZERO fun at.
    The only thing that might somehow make me feel better if I watched some Star Trek (and I have NO IDEA whether it is a film, or a serious and at that point I’m afraid to google). Man, it feels good to have this out!!!


  12. Normally, I love reading the comments on the blog and try to read each and every one of them, but lately I’ve chosen to read the comments in small sessions. Frankly, the whole vibe around has been bleh. Way too much negativity. This blog is about a game yet so many are coming here acting like this is life or death. I feel like a whole alien subculture of doom has descended upon us. WTH?!!! I get the whole frustration thing but still! People need to take a freagin’ chill pill.
    I feel so bad for Bunny and Alissa. People sometimes pound them like it’s their fault, forgetting, or not knowing they are just here to try and help us! They are not TinyCo! They are players just like us! Honestly, I don’t know how they moderate the comments day in and day out, without losing their minds. You would have had to put me in a padded cell by now. 😛


  13. Getting blue squares (for transporter) and yellow squares (for replicator and building) are near impossible… So many are needed too that it’s making startrek basically impossible to enjoy.


  14. Ok, what’s the deal with Taco trucks? I assume they help in some way(based on Question on star fleet levels).


  15. What the deuce Bruce!
    Just a bit bummed that I unwillingly purchased a premium room while tapping Tribbles aboard the Enterprise last week. Sent an in game message to address the issue on how easy it was to make this mistake, and how tapping anywhere on screen would confirm clam purchases. Got no response, so no biggie, bought more clams (was going to purchase more anywho). THEN I read a couple comments on how I was not the only one who easily made this mistake…. and how they were refunded ( tear ). Sent an email waiting an appropriate 5 days to be respectful of the hard work and massive messages they probably needed to catch up on over the weekend, still nothing, guess I got my answer. Felt a bit left out, I’ll get over it – if Bunny sends me a cookie and Alissa gives me a pep talk.
    Pity party over. I’m actually really enjoying this event, and it’s been going quite smoothly, as well as annoying anyone who comes in contact with me. It’s been Star Trek references all day every day. Referred to one of my pups as numba one as I’m telling her to hurry up and do her numba two because it was cold outside. Guess the secret is out… I’m a huge nerd! Well it may not be that much of a secret 😉


  16. Is it just me, or does it seem like synthesizer ore is more an Extra Rare to Epic drop than just a Rare?


  17. WTD! Why is my Herbert walking around without his robe? Anyone else getting this glitch?


  18. I love this game, but I wish I could play it on my computer as a Facebook app. Doesn’t make sense to me that you can invite your FB friends but you can’t play it on Facebook.


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