Tag Archives: Striped Gift Box

Holiday, Striped, and Snowflake Gift Box Items

Hey there Yetilicious!

So we now have some Gift Boxes for purchase by collecting Materials in our games rolling around. In order to help you better understand just exactly what is in inside each one, I am going to break the individual items down a little further.

Santa's Village Continue reading

Holiday & Striped Gift Boxes

UPDATE BUNNY: We are aware of many players stating an EARLY lock out of the Gift Boxes before prizes are completely won. We did report this to TinyCo and urge you to do so as well so they can see the games impacted by the glitch. We will update when we hear anything back on it. 

Hey there Ho Ho Ho’s. Having fun yet? Liking all the falling snow? Going nuts trying to figure out what the frak is going on in the Miracle on Spooner Street Event? Well here I am hopping in to help out. Let’s start out with the Gift Boxes in the Santa’s Village Workshop.

Santa's Village Gift Factory Continue reading