Tag Archives: Tinker Bell

Ultimate Nostalgia Mystery Box!!!

There’s a new Mystery Box in our games and it’s jam packed with returning Characters & Costumes. Addicts let me introduce the Ultimate Nostalgia Mystery Box.Not going to deny it, this is my kind of Mystery Box,  packed full of characters and costumes with no materials.

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Peter’s Booty Haul Premium Character Questlines: Mermaid Bruce & The Captain

Can you hear the mermaids sing? No, me neither, not over all that Cranch Cranch that’s going on.

Anyhows I think there’s been a bit of a pirate switcheroo going on in our Quahog’s which has seen us drop some of our treasured clams to get some characters and costumes in return.

Yes our towns have seen some new premium characters and costumes who as always come with their own side Questlines and this post is going to cover two of these, Mermaid Bruce and The Captain.

I know many who have won Mermaid Bruce and have purchased The Captain will have them permanently on their material drop tasks but let’s still take a look at their Questlines, The Life Aquatic & Crunch Time, and all you will encounter along the way. Continue reading

Peter’s Booty Haul Premium Character Questlines: Captain Hook & Tinker Bell

I think there’s been a bit of a pirate switcheroo going on in our Quahog’s which has seen us drop some of our treasured clams to get some cursed treasure and event resources in return.

Yes our towns have seen some new premium characters who come with their own side Questlines and this post is going to cover two of these, Captain Hook and everyone’s favourite fairy, Tinker Bell.

I know many who have purchased these characters will have them permanently on their material drop tasks but let’s still take a look at their Questlines, Hooked on You & Flirty Behaviour, and all you will encounter along the way. Continue reading