Tag Archives: Death

Ultimate Nostalgia Mystery Box!!!

There’s a new Mystery Box in our games and it’s jam packed with returning Characters & Costumes. Addicts let me introduce the Ultimate Nostalgia Mystery Box.Not going to deny it, this is my kind of Mystery Box,  packed full of characters and costumes with no materials.

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Quahog’s Not So Silent Night Premium Character Profile: Angel of Death

Hey Addicts, let’s play with dead things… Or maybe let’s not.

Yes Death has a new premium character costume Angel of Death and I can assure you he’s not all glittery wings and fairy dust.

Angel of Death isn’t only a fun new premium character costume for Death, but he also has drops for a stocking stuffers, dream points and Care Packages, these, especially the latter will obviously help you in the event.

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Do I Want That? Death & Angel of Death Character Costume

So you think you’re as rich at Carter Pewterschmidt? Own a fancy house like Buzz Killington? You sure gotta lot of clams there, whatcha gonna do with them?



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The Hauntening – Death in the Family Mystery Box

It’s a mystery, oh it’s a mystery, and we’re still searching for the truth….

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any scarier in our Quahog’s, Case 3 has descended upon us like a vampire tapping at your window to be let in, bringing with it a heap of new content which includes the Death in the Family Mystery Box and it’s full to the brimstone with a new character, returning characters and event currency.

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Death At The Drive-In Walkthroughs: Mom Knows Best & Hooked On Thugs

Hey there Psychos!!

Do you know where your friends are? Parked at an overlook just looking for trouble? Lost in the middle of the woods in a run down cabin or shack? Got lost at an abandoned Asylum and don’t know what to do? WELL TOUGH!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH

Phase 6 is now in our games with an extra week of the Apocalypse! hack hack hack hack chop chop chop chop kill kill kill kill….

With New Stuff comes New Questlines. Like the Side Questline that come along with New Characters, like Death’s Mom & Hook Hand Albert.

Death's MomHookhand Albert

Let’s take a look at Mom Knows Best & Hooked On Thugs and all you will encounter along the way.  Continue reading

Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Addicts Asylum Patients!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Peter Selfie

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.


How was your week? Do anything fun?

I am craving some delicious Pumpkin Treats, how about you?

Any cool Movies out you are going to see? I saw Spectre the other night in IMAX!!


Wanna send us a cool pic of your country? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! 

Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

Where The Hell…? Death’s Mom

Note From Bunny: This post was brought to you by the generous help of one of our very own Addicts Readers bren1331! Thanks!!

In this lil game of ours, it is easy to get lost and so focused into collecting items or unlocking characters that we tend to forget the lil things that make the game what it is. Like Where the HELL did these items come from and why are they in our games?

Well I am here to do just that for you. Let’s take a look at the Family Guy Series and find out just Where The HELL Did That Come From?

Death's Mom

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Caption This Clammers!

As you are playing through quest lines, finishing up some tasks, or seeking to get those “rare” items for our characters… you may catch a glance at some of the funny moments that happen in our games. For those of you that are watching and are actually able capture these rather silly and strange things as they happen, we want to see them.

Now comes the fun part, once a week we will be posting these silly images here but want YOU, the readers, to caption them for us. So put on your silly thinking hats, let out that lil comedian inside, and have some fun! (Keep them PG please.)

This week’s Caption This was sent in by Addicts Reader Anonymous….




If you’ve got an image you’d like to submit for a “Caption This Clammers!” post, email it to us at familyguyaddicts@gmail.com or post it on the Family Guy Addicts Flickr page, you never know when yours might be next!

CAPTION THIS TIPS: Pictures that make the best “Caption This” are more than just the regular task the Characters perform. If you look at it and can tell a story or picture an entire movie scene… it is probably a good candidate. Things that not only make you laugh, but question all that is going on at that moment. What caused it? What happens after? The Characters expression. Multiple Characters involved. MORE than just a Character doing a task. Also wait a few seconds if you can for all the surrounding items to clear away so it does not cloud up the screen.  🙂

Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Addicts Asylum Patients!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Halloween Addicts Image Stuffed Bunny

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.


How was your week? Do anything fun?

I’m in a sugar coma from Halloween Treats, how about you?

Remember to roll your clocks back for Daylight Savings?

Any cool Movies out you are going to see? Already watched? 

Wanna send us a cool pic of your country? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! 

Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

Where The Hell…? Pinhead

Note From Bunny: This post was brought to you by the generous help of one of our very own Addicts Readers! Thanks!!

In this lil game of ours, it is easy to get lost and so focused into collecting items or unlocking characters that we tend to forget the lil things that make the game what it is. Like Where the HELL did these items come from and why are they in our games?

Well I am here to do just that for you. Let’s take a look at the Family Guy Series and find out just Where The HELL Did That Come From?

Pinhead 2

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