Tag Archives: Michael Myers

Caption This Clammers!

As you are playing through quest lines, finishing up some tasks, or seeking to get those “rare” items for our characters… you may catch a glance at some of the funny moments that happen in our games. For those of you that are watching and are actually able capture these rather silly and strange things as they happen, we want to see them.

Now comes the fun part, once a week we will be posting these silly images here but want YOU, the readers, to caption them for us. So put on your silly thinking hats, let out that lil comedian inside, and have some fun! (Keep them PG please.)

This week’s Caption This was sent in by Addicts Reader Anonymous….




If you’ve got an image you’d like to submit for a “Caption This Clammers!” post, email it to us at familyguyaddicts@gmail.com or post it on the Family Guy Addicts Flickr page, you never know when yours might be next!

CAPTION THIS TIPS: Pictures that make the best “Caption This” are more than just the regular task the Characters perform. If you look at it and can tell a story or picture an entire movie scene… it is probably a good candidate. Things that not only make you laugh, but question all that is going on at that moment. What caused it? What happens after? The Characters expression. Multiple Characters involved. MORE than just a Character doing a task. Also wait a few seconds if you can for all the surrounding items to clear away so it does not cloud up the screen.  🙂

Where The Hell…? Michael Myers

Note From Bunny: This post was brought to you by the generous help of one of our very own Addicts Readers ! Thanks!!

In this lil game of ours, it is easy to get lost and so focused into collecting items or unlocking characters that we tend to forget the lil things that make the game what it is. Like Where the HELL did these items come from and why are they in our games?

Well I am here to do just that for you. Let’s take a look at the Family Guy Series and find out just Where The HELL Did That Come From?

Mike Myers

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Death At The Drive-In Character Profile: Michael Myers

Note From Bunny: This post was brought to you by the generous help of one of our very own Addicts Readers wildthornberry88! Thanks Lotty!!

Greetings Van Helsing Wannabes!

The Popcorn has been popped. Death is in the game. A psychotic Slashing Cat is terrorizing our towns, so what do we need? MORE TERROR!!!

Phase 2 is now live in our games, and oh the HO HO HO Horror it is bringing in. Blood sucking. Moon Howling. MORE Creepy Characters. MORE Creepy items. MORE Creepy… ummm… CREEPS!! hack hack hack hack chop chop chop chop kill kill kill kill….

With this New Phase 2 for the Event, we also get some New Premium Characters for you to decide to add to your Quahogs. Like Michael Myers!

Michael Myers 2

Let’s take a look at what Michael Myers can do in our silly lil games.

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App Market Update Hit!

Hey there Halloweenies!

The Updates are starting to hit the App Markets. For right now, ONLY iOS has gone live. So make sure you journey on over to your App Store and download the 1.13.0 Version of the Family Guy Game from it.

UPDATE 9PM EST: Android Update is live now. Make sure you go and download it in prep for things coming soon! I had to use my “Update All” option in “My Apps” to get it to take as it just showed “Open” in the App Screen in Google Play.

Kindle Players, let me know when you see it too.

Downloading the latest Updates ensures you have any “glitch” patches installed into your game as well as any additional content or information that will be necessary for upcoming items.

iOS Update 10 1 15 1.13.0

Google & Kindle Players, hang in there. I will let you know when I see the Updates hit those App Markets too.

Side Note: Remember when you update on one device, it may prevent you from playing on another device from the other Market until that is fully up to date too.

Halloween 2015 Icon Halloween 2015 Splash Screen


What do you think of the new “Spoilers” listed in the Update info? See a few key names in there? Anyone you’re excited for? Let us know
