Family Guy Technical Help: How To Nuke Your Town

It looks like it is that time. Time for me to pull out my nerdy geek girl glasses, crack my knuckles, stretch out my typing fingers, put on my “thinking cap” (though I swear Alissa calls it my “dunce cap”)…it is time to get technical.

So pull up a comfy chair, grab some snacks, and your favorite beverage. You are about to go into the mind of Bunny as I show you some tips and tricks of the technical nature.

Consuela Technical Support 1

In this post, we are going to touch on How To Nuke Your Town.

At the tail end of the Ghostbusters Quahog Halloween Event, TinyCo decided to add a few cool new features we have been requesting to our games. One of those being the ability to have a single button you can press to store EVERYTHING away and start all over designing your Quahog.

So now where on earth do you find this cool new feature? In your “Deco” or “Movement” Screen. Just tap on those lil directional arrows in the lower left corner of your game.

Movement Menu


Now you are in the screen where you can move items, check your storage, change around roads, and now…NUKE YOUR TOWN!!

Nuke Screen

Now I know you will have some concerns about “accidentally” hitting that button. No worries at all there are built in safety features that TinyCo did put in place.

Once you tap on the lil Nuke Button…

Nuke Icon

You will see a pop up on the screen telling you the basics of what will happen if you continue on. Everything will be stored, minus buildings in use and ones that are not able to be…

Nuke Store Everything


So you decide you are ready and go ahead and tap that “NUKE” option. Again, just to make sure, TinyCo installed a second warning for you. Asking if you are REALLY SURE you want to be doing this…

Nuke Really Sure


If you are, go ahead and tap that “NUKE” option one more time. The “NUKE” option will then turn dark and you will need to wait while everything is removed.Nuke Waiting Period

Now this will depend on just how MUCH you have in your town, so wait and give it enough time to be able to get it all tucked away in Inventory for you. Once complete, the game will go back to your town screen. There you will see that pretty much everything (outside the few mentioned) is now gone. You now have a clean slate to work with and redesign your town. No more roads, decorations, and only a few scattered buildings. 

Nuke Town


A few of you are having troubles with this feature where tapping on the Nuke option freezes the game and kicks you out. Please report this to TinyCo if you are experiencing it. There is a slight wait while your game is being stored, but you shouldn’t be kicked out. 

There you go. The basics of another cool feature that TinyCo has added to the game. If you have any questions or problems feel free to leave them in the comment section below and we’ll answer them as best we can!

Until Next Time

Bunny Logan drawing wanderingcaveman








33 responses to “Family Guy Technical Help: How To Nuke Your Town

  1. Hi! I’m wondering if anybody can help me. I recently nuked my city which then made the game crash and now won’t load! I’ve emailed TinyCo yesterday but still haven’t gotten a response. I also deleted and reinstalled the app. I’m just wondering if this happened to anyone else or if there is anything else I can do! Thanks!


  2. My daughter, not yet 2 years old, nuked my town on accident. Is there anyway to restore a nuked town?


  3. Hi Clamers!
    I have a question: Will my characters be stored if my nuke my town? Actually, is a character stored if one stores his/her original building?
    Thank you and have a good weekend 🙂


    • Characters are not linked to their buildings… so no. All items minus Griffin House, Workers Shack, and anything a Character is currently inside doing a task for will be stored. Sidewalks all gone too… so … you get to see a blank town with Characters roaming with no where to go. It is quite amusing to watch.


  4. Well…this is an older post but maybe someone will still respond…
    I nuked my town and every thing was fine, except now Bitch Stewie is just standing around in the same spot & I can’t move him!
    I didn’t earn him, and even if I place cloning machine out he won’t return to its side (like he was during the time you could earn him).
    I don’t necessarily care he’s hanging around, just find it odd! Any one else experience this?


  5. So will I lose any of my special event characters/buildings/decorations? I am nervous about doing the nuke because I am afraid I will lose something. And where are the characters stores after the nuke? I currently have them all working on something. Is it best to do the nuke while all my characters are working or not?


  6. I made the mistake of nuking my town. Now I have a big problem in that many of my building DO NOT appear in my inventory as promised. Some of these buildings are now impeding my game play. E.g. The Founding Father is missing, which is required for one of the characters to progress. I used to own it before the nuke but now its gone, along with many other of my buildings. I also no longer seem to have buildings acquired during sepcial events (Comic Con, Egyptian event etc). I;ve contacted TinyCo about this but no response (maybe cos I havent paid for clams yet).


    • What day did you contact them? I only ask as the main tech is only open M-F and we just got out of a weekend.

      Also, how did you reach out to them? Through your game?


  7. I nuked everything and only have buildings out that are being used for this event. I don’t need the money or xp from other buildings so I said buh bye!


  8. I nuked it as soon as that little unusable patch of land opened up. I’ve only played since the last couple of days of the Comic Con event, but I’m super retentive about how TSTO is laid out and was so pleased I could start over here! I do wish we could do dirt or pavement, though. I like the game and the dialogue but it’s just not as pretty IMHO as TSTO yet.

    I also liked that I could send characters on jobs and it would sticky those buildings, and that character who came with a building didn’t get stored with the building. It’s nice in TSTO if you send someone on a long job right before you need them, since you can just store their building and bring them back out, but I liked how it was different here.

    The only real gripe I have is about the curve where the land meets water It’s been hard for me to make the shoreline look nice. Maybe I need to dig around and see how other people are making it work.


  9. I don’t plan in nuking my town anytime soon, but it’s nice to have the option. TinyCo deserves double kudos for not only putting in two confirmation prompts before the town is nuked, but for swapping the location of the “nuke” button. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spent currency/performed actions I didn’t mean to in other games, but the company running those games either don’t have a failsafe in place or have the failsafe set up so that you’re as likely to hit “confirm” by accident as you were to trigger the accidental action in the first place. Attention to detail – it matters!


  10. Question, is The Scary Guys (Jason, Freddy, Predator, Alien) collection missing from Facespace?

    Just checked both in iOs and Android, and not seeing it.


  11. I nuke my town all the time but none of my characters store away just Decorations and Buildings even when they aren’t doing anything please help Alissa or Bunny


    • Characters won’t. As they cause issues if you store main characters like Peter. Only store those extras like from events to avoid issues til they send a patch.


  12. Took me a couple days to completely rebuild. I’ve spaced my town out a bit in anticipation if the new land opening. Now if TinyCo would give us different ground cover (pavement, dirt) my town would be complete. Or at least for a while.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Will this affect my money and/or clams?


  14. tbh, ‘Nuke’ button much appreciated to start again, it’s so clean & fresh now, I feel even bare minimum. I’d like to post a link of how simple it is infact.


  15. Do not store Peter, do not store Peter, do not store Peter! See, I wanted to fully nuke my town while waiting for next event. Since it won’t let you nuke buildings that are in use, I had the “brilliant” idea to store all my characters while nuking and rebuilding. And I haven’t been able to load my game since.
    Learn from my mistake! 🙂 Now I sit weeping in a corner, missing out on the American Dad event I’ve been so excited for. (Bunny said to be patient for the AD event, but no, I just couldn’t listen…)


  16. It would be nice to have the option to leave the default placement of the building that were in easch district at the start of the game.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I did it already. But I’m a player who wants that my town looks awesome…so I have a lot of decorations in my town and I’m always looking that the buildings I put together are matching (look size and theme)….but I said…lets do it. Fcking mistake… It took me 8,5 (splitted on 3 days) hours to build my town up again 😀 (max level, all events done, all places opened…) Take it as a tip, its an awesome (and working) feature but use it wisely 😀


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