MORE Mobsters Week 2 Clarifications & Issues

6/18 4PM EST: iOS Patch Update has hit. Download it to ensure you have all the fixes in your game before today’s content goes live. 


6/17: See below for Updates on Cockroaches, Tubas, and others. 

UPDATE: See post sections below for new information on Gold Trucks and Gloves. 

Hey there Mafioso!

Bouncing by to focus on some more questions & concerns we are seeing from Players now that Week 2 is a few days into the Mobster Event content. Take a look at all the information and see if any of it applies to your concerns.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch

First things first, there are MANY posts up on the site already that can answer your questions. Our best suggestion is go to the Mobster Event Home page…

Tap HERE for the Mobster Event Home Page. 

There you will find individual links to specific content, so your answer may already be there. Just take a look.

For the previous Mobster Event Issues post, tap HERE.



For more information on How To Hire Wiseguy Goons and Copahavana Basics, tap HERE. 

This seems to be a reoccuring question, so I would like to Clarify it again. There are TWO separate things going on with all of the Goons causing a bit of confusion.

Goon Recruiting Queue

Goon Recruiting Queue MAX 6

The Copahavana Queue: This is essentially you tapping on a Goon to “HIRE” them and waiting the timer to process that “HIRE”. You can only “HIRE” 6 Goons total MAX. No matter what. This is only Processing “HIRE”, nothing more. If you want to “HIRE” more, you need to wait for one of the 6 to complete the Process.

GoonWiseguys: Take 30 mins to Process “HIRE”

LuchadorLuchadors: Take 1 hr to Process “HIRE”

Don's Nightclub Goons for Hire Capacity 9

YOUR Capacity: This is how many Goons (Luchador & Wiseguys) you can  have total MAX in your Quahog. This total is both those wandering your Streets of Quahog or those Processing for “HIRE” in the Copahavana. So if YOUR Capacity is 9, you could potentially have 3 Goons wandering the streets while 6 more are Processing to “HIRE”.

You can purchase RV’s to increase your Capacity, but that is ALL they will increase, the Capacity. The “HIRE” Queue MAX will still always be 6 at a time processing.


In other words, if you want MORE Goons to be able to wander your town… Increase your Capacity. But at the same time, also keep them processing for “HIRE” in the Copahavana so you can continually kick them out onto the streets and start another one up til you reach your Capacity.



Green Apple

Those that experienced the Crash Issue along with Android, you will have to wait until YOUR App Market pushes the patch to be able to load it. So keep checking your App Market and the Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff App Page to see when “UPDATE” shows so you can get the Patch into your device.

For more information on the Crash Issue, tap HERE. 

This is causing a 2nd point of confusion I want to clarify, if you are playing on two separate brand devices (or 3), you CAN’T update one and expect the game to work on the other NOT updated devices.

For instance, if you have an Android Device… Updated the Patch from Google Play… you will NOT be able to play the game on iOS too, as iOS does not have the patch and the game will not be able to recognize any of the new stuff Android has. It will just continually force you to the Apple Market trying to seek out the same Update Patch Android has.

So if you Updated on Android, you will now only be able to play on Android until the Other Markets push the patch. Same goes for neighbor visits. If your Neighbor is on a new version and you are not, visiting them will not be available for same reason. An old version not being able to recognize a new version.



Gold Cookie Delivery Truck

So still some questions on the Gold Cookie Trucks I want to touch on. I am seeing many Players state they are only seeing Coins, Cookies, and/or Mob Rep pop out as an option instead of the Glovs. I am also noticing this is happening to Players that are NOT into Week 2 Content. Gold Trucks are part of Week 2 Release (though Week 1 can still see them).

In other words, Players NOT seeing Gloves are still in the Mob Mentality questline and not the new Cookie Crumbles questline. Clarifying this with TinyCo, but that is what we are seeing on this end.

(Side Note: Yes, many of us are seeing them very plentiful today)

UPDATE 6/15: Per TinyCo Confirmation, you will now have up to THREE Gold Trucks in your town at a time. No timers at all on them. So no rush. Take your time to Clear them and more will come. 

Also ANY Player that gets Gold Trucks should now also get Boxing Gloves too. No Questline restrictions. 

Red Boxing Glove



As this still seems to be cause of concern, I will post on it again.

Many are stating they are not seeing progress in the game. Let’s take a look at the Basics of ensuring your are moving along in your Event.

WHAT tasks do you have open in your Task Menu?

1: If you have a LOT of them, clear some out. Your Task Menu can only hold so many tasks at a time before it gets too crowded. So clear some out to make room for some new ones or you may not see anything new trigger until you do.

2: Take a look at the Task Names & Part #. If you have NOT completed Questlines fully to a specific point, you will not see items in the Event unlock nor be able to Upgrade and move on to Week 2.

Week 2 Requires you to Complete Mob Mentality Part 9 (from Week 1)

Mob Mentality Pt 9

Many Items in Week 2 Require you to Start Cookie Crumbles Pt 1 (starts in Week 2 after Mob Mentality Pt. 9 Completed)Cookie Crumbles Pt 1

Additional Items Require you to Complete All In Pt 1 (Starts after Cookie Crumbles Pt 1 Completed).All In Pt 1



UPDATE 6/17: TinyCo stated they will be making a change to All In to be triggered as soon as Cookie Crumbles Part 1 Completing. This should help those Players that have not seen it yet. 

I am taking this one a step further. All In Pt. 1 seems to be causing many aggravation, so I am going to focus on some things I am seeing.

Cookie Crumbles Pt. 2

All In Pt 1  is not triggering by the end of Cookie Crumbles Pt. 2: Per TinyCo it should be triggered in your game by the Completion of Cookie Crumbles Pt. 2 (this means Pt. 2 Completed and you see the completion pop up), so if it is not… take a look at the steps just above this and see if clearing tasks helps it pop up, if not report it from your game to TinyCo.

All In Part 1 Completed

Buildings NOT unlocking from All In Pt. 1: There is a second concern I have seen. The Buildings that Completing All In Pt. 1 is supposed to unlock are not unlocking. What SHOULD happen is you should complete All In Pt. 1, see the completion screen with it showing the Icon it is unlocking the Buildings for you, then be able to go purchase them from your game menu. Instead Players are on All In Pt. 2 and the Buildings are still saying unlock Pt. 1. This does need to be reported to TinyCo right away.

All In Part 1 Locked BuildingsAll In Part 1 Locked Building

All In Part 1 Unlocked Building All In Part 1 Unlocked Buildings

Both Issues I already reported to TinyCo, so please do so as well if it impacts you.




UPDATE 6/17: TinyCo did look into the Tuba drops, stated they are looking into other options to help Players earn them due to the feedback everyone was sending in. 

I am seeing Players report concerns the Tuba drops are not Always with the Gurl Scouts. I have passed on those concerns to TinyCo, but if you’d like… please also report those concerns from your game.



Bad Roaches

UPDATE 6/17: TinyCo looked into many Players games that messaged in on this “issue”. What they have found is the majority of Players did have the Cockroaches in their Inventory.  So please make sure you are checking the Inventory Storage for them. This is NOT the same as the Shopping Cart Menu. There is even a separate Tab in Inventory now while Events are in place for the Event. This may apply to those stating same for Geronimo’s Palace too. 

For Information on how to find your Inventory, tap HERE.

(This information was also linked below, right under the Inventory Storage image.)

In Week 1, we had Consuela’s Safe House to complete. As it plays along with the Mob Mentality Questline. The last part of the Safehouse, Raid 3 of 3 and Mob Mentality Part 8 , you are supposed to complete the Final Raid and get the Cockroaches.

Mob Mentality Part 8

For me, that was finishing the final run, tapping on the Sparkling Lemon Crate on the Forklift at the end of the Safehouse, getting the pop of for the Raid Completed, and then the Cockroaches appeared in my town.

Bad Cockroaches in Inventory

Players are stating they are getting to this point but can’t find the Cockroaches. My suggestion is to first make sure they are not hanging out around town somewhere as they are kinda small (2×2). Check your Inventory Storage to make sure they aren’t hanging out there in the Event Icon Tab. If you still are unable to locate them anywhere, report it to TinyCo.

I have already also reported this issue to them and will update with any feedback .


As always, if you have an issue that is NOT covered in any of our posts here try some Basic Troubleshooting. If the issue is still not resolved, Contact TinyCo for further support.

There you have it. A few HIGHLIGHTED “Issues” we are seeing in the comments section. Did these help you out? Understand some things a lil better now? Let us know.


267 responses to “MORE Mobsters Week 2 Clarifications & Issues

  1. I’m supposed to be able to earn cookies attacking the purple cookie trucks with the gangsters but all I’m getting is 10 measly coins and some mob rep. Am I missing something? Are there other ways of getting cookies other than buildings and character missions? If not, how are we supposed to collect 20,000 to unlock Tricia?


  2. Help me please 😦 I had 6 capacity and I decided to spend clams for 9 I kept hiring goons and I had enough clams to rush them and I had enough clams to rush PETER with the GUN task and It says I reached 9/9 CAPACITY and whenever I try buying a new RV I have none 😦 I am screwed aren’t I?


    • Trying to understand what you are asking??

      WHO are you trying to hire? An Italian Assassin? Or another Goon? What do you need them for?

      If your queue is full AND your capacity, you need to wait for them to finish or spend Clams to speed some up and kick some out, use them, and make room for more.

      Or if you have some Goons wandering town, use them up to make room in your Capacity.


  3. As of yesterday no gold trucks are spawning, even if I clear some purple ones, so I can’t get the Cleveland outfit. Is this a known issue?


  4. I can’t open any of the building for the quest 1 I think I finished it. Also how do you get the mask to get the girl scout girls.


  5. So tinyco’s “solution” for the tuba drop rate is to add another drop item (shirts for Mr WashyWashy) on the same task? This is a common drop so surely makes the chance of a tuba dropping even lower!? Why do they hate us so??? (Tubas – 10 Attempts – at least 3 billion!)

    Liked by 2 people

    • wheelbarrowfairy

      I’m the same, mailed them from in game got told they’re looking into it. Given up trying, all I get is shirts, so I’m stuck going nowhere!


  6. This has happened to me twice now. A gold truck is patrolling my town and I click on it to see how many guys of the 6 I have/still net to get to clear it and I go hire what I need, finish them immediately so I have the 6 ready and when i go back to find Gold Cookie Truck it is not there. Now I can see once maybe that it’s timer has expired and t has disappeared, but it happened to me 2 times in a row. Anyone else have this happen?


  7. LaughingCheshire

    I’ve had better luck getting rare items then these tubas. Only have got 5 since it started. -_-


  8. My message won’t sent via the email part of the “contact” page on their website – my buildings won’t unlock what do I do ?


  9. On around 10 attempts with the Girl Scouts, I have two tubas to show for it. Only time I’ve had this kind of drop is when they’ve been ‘epic’.


  10. Is it possible to have a max capacity of 12 goons? I have at any given time X out of 12 goons walking the street but don’t have an option of buying more shady RV’s. Is this normal?


  11. Still having problems with tubas. Three attemps and nothing….worst….quest…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I completed “all in part 3” (or so I thought). The casino is gone, I have Trisha takanawa’s house now. But my task still says “all in part three” And tells me to get three stars. I also did not receive geronimo’s palace! Did the update yesterday and it all seems to have gone to heck since then. Any thoughts?


  13. Yeah I’m still having trouble with tubas…three attempts nothing to show….worst quest ever…

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Yeah I got my first tuba. So far I’m still waiting on all the common/uncommon stuff while I had all the rare Ritalin days ago!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I just tried the Girl Scouts again, got rid of three and actually got three tubas😜, I am still a long way from the 20 required as I only had 2 up until this point but it has given me some hope.


  16. I hope they fix the tuba issue cause I have been trying to unlock Cleveland jr for days now and the progress is slow like 1992 AOL Internet!!! Ugh I get the Girl Scouts and still no tuba. I have complained four times now about that and the golf balls. I’m still at zero for tubas.


  17. Hoping for a change of some kind to the tuba situation. Here on the 18th I have only 6 tubas and it’s looking grim if no change happens.


  18. So iOS upgraded and now android not working. Anyone else getting this problem

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Hey I reached out to Tinyco about the tuba drop rate. They said they pushed a fix to increase the drop rate. May have to restart device to make it take effect!


    • They had a fix yesterday, although drop rates still seem to be low. I’m guessing that’s what they were referring to.


  20. IOS update downloaded and working fine on ipad and iPhone. For those who hold off and let us guinea pigs update first. No difference to the tubas so far but got little production line of luchadors on the go for few more tries later.


  21. Yea I’m ready throw my phone. So tired the tubas not dropping. I have no problem if a character takes a while unlock but when the character is needed to progress the questline it’s a bit infuriating. I got 6 rare items in 2 days, but 7 of 20 uncommon in 7 days, with over 40 tries. I guess I should be lucky since it seems most have less tubas then I do. Thanks for letting me vent.


  22. Got an in game message that tuba rates have been increased. Tried. 0 out of 2 tries. What the deuce? ???

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Afternoon Bunny & Alissa, know your head is spinning with this event but is there something we have to do to get the new tuba drop rate, I’ve cleared 5 Girl Scouts today and not 1 tuba has dropped.


    • All we can suggest is to continue to message them on it. Their FB as well as response I noted here is that the drops should be getting better. If they are not, let them know.


      • I will message them just now Bunny and just keep at it. They will drop eventually, maybe I could use my Pawbucket brewery band to entice them out.


  24. So I’m still only on 8/20 tubas and the drop rate seems way lower than 20% or so.
    When will this be fixed?
    At this rate there’s no chance to unlock it. Or are we forced to spend clams again?


  25. Since the update status on fb I’ve cleared 3 girl scouts and still no tubas getting annoyed now


  26. Were the tubas supposed to change to common or always or just start dropping at the actual uncommon rate now? Tried 10 times and only got 1 tuba (which is actually better than before ha)


  27. Terresa Gregory

    Hi bunny,on my b game I finished 3rd raid on casino,game crashed,and when I got back in raid was done but I did not get Geronimo’s palace.It is not in my inventory(I’ve just checked again),I have messaged them twice from my game but got no response. I am on cookie crumbles part 7.Do you think i should email them?.Thanks for your time.How is your mum,well I hope. Teresa


    • If you messaged them from in game, that is better than from email. Messaging auto sends all your game details so when they get to you through the stack of messages, they can get right into your game to see what’s going on.

      If it has been more than 5 days, send them another in game message. If it has not… wait.


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