Mob Rep Prizes: Breaking Down the Chainsaw Henchman

Hello There Clammers!

How are my favorite mobsters doing today?  Everyone working on racking up as much Mob Rep as you can?  (amidst all the crashes..which hopefully will be ending VERY soon)  So as we finish out week 2, everyone should be earning Mob Rep at a decent rate.  So whatcha gonna do with all that Mob Rep you’re collecting?  Unlock really cool prizes of course!

While we’ve taken break in recent events from the prize chart, it’s nice to see TinyCo going back to it for the Mobster Event!  Of course it’ll take some work to unlock all of the prizes, but hey you have a month to do it!  So let’s take a look at the second “real” prize of the Mob Event…the Chainsaw Henchman…

Fedoras Mob RepFedoras Mob Rep

There are a total of 10 Mob Rep Prizes ranging in cost from 100 Fedora Mob Rep 1 up to 17,500 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  The Chainsaw Henchman is actually the 6th prize awarded, and you’ll earn it once you reach 7,500 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  We’ve broken down prizes 1 through 4 on our Gondola Ride post here, so before we break down the Chainsaw Henchman, let’s take a look at the fifth prize awarded…

Clams25 Clams is the fifth prize awarded at 5000 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  Who doesn’t love free clams?!  I think y’all know what to do with these guys!  Always a nice prize to win!

So now that we’ve given you the basics of the fifth prize…let’s talk about that sixth prize.  The second “real” prize for the event…the Chainsaw Henchman.  Not quite sure on this one..feels more like a Jason movie than a Mob Movie.  But nonetheless every god mob needs a henchman, so now you’ll have one…chainsaw and all!

Chainsaw Henchman

Prize: Chainsaw Henchman
Unlock Point: 6th Prize unlocked at 7,500 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Size: Requires a 3×3 square to place.
Does it Do Anything?: This is one of those stationary NPCs.  It’s always animated, chainsaw is running and every so often he’ll swipe it down like he’s going after you. 
Personal Thought:
Meh.  I’m never really a fan of these Stationary NPCs (or NPCs in general for that matter). For me, this one will probably end up in my inventory permanently.

When unlocking the prizes you’ll have to claim them from the prize group in order to get them in your Quahog.  Once you’ve earned enough Fedora Mob Rep 1 to unlock the prize you’ll see this popup:

2015-06-13 12.45.02

You’ll still have to go to the individual prize page and tap “Claim” in order to get it in your town (this goes for the Cookies and Clams too…if you don’t tap claim you won’t see them).

2015-06-13 12.45.05

And that my friends covers the details behind this Chainsaw wielding Henchman…

What are your thoughts on the Henchman?  How about the clam prize?  How much Mob Rep have you earned so far?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

72 responses to “Mob Rep Prizes: Breaking Down the Chainsaw Henchman

  1. Moises Argueta

    How to get more hats just got prize 5


  2. I got this prize yesterday and made the mistake of taking it out of inventory to check it out. I didn’t plan on keeping it around but now it says it’s too important to put away like the brewery. So I guess I have a chainsaw guy now, but I put him with the workers next to the square of land by the fine arts district. He looks really eager to help with some land clearing 🙂


  3. I, like many others, am having issues with the tuba’s. I have a few more golf balls to go but still need 13 tuba’s…back to the grind it seems.

    I have spent a few clams during this event and due to a slight logistical problem (left my tablet at work 😛 ) I had to have an involuntary 14 hour break…this cost me 21000 places on the leaderboard. From 8000th (ish) to 29000th (ish)…that hurt! So, you just have to keep grinding it out I guess.

    How people got so much rep amazes me…wish I knew their secrets! 😀


  4. Shoulda been a 🙂


  5. I’m really not that bothered with the Mob game – I’ll be playing every day, as I have other things I want to achieve, but the Mob aspects will be low priority.


  6. Tuesday my game reset and I lost an entire day of progress. The game made me redo the timed challenge. This was right after I spent $9.99 for clams. It was surprising that the progress reset however my clams didn’t magically reset? Contacted TC no answer no clams. Wonder if it’s worth contacting Apple for my money back?


    • Give them time to answer. Unlike our site… they can take a few days to get to you depending the backlog of messages from other players in front of you.


  7. I only wish I was this far in the game. And I play regular. Something feels “odd” with this event. And not like the StarTrek event. With this leaderboard added to this event, it just seems like there is something….. “not right”…hmmm 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Received the following from TinyCo regarding Tuba drops…

    “We checked the drop rates for Tubas and they are functioning correctly for uncommon rarity, but we’re taking a close look to make sure that players are where WE WANT THEM TO BE progression-wise. While we can’t promise anything right now we are looking at the Tuba situation.”


    • I’m getting uncommon drops as part of the normal game story, it’s about 90% success rate, but at 12+ gurl scouts and only 2 tubas that’s less than 90%


    • I think the problem is, that if they wanted industrious freemium players to be able to have enough Tubas to unlock Jr. by the time the next mansion level drops, (or a little thereafter, so that Premium players can buy the advantage of spamming the Casino), then they should have made the Tubas a Common drop. Without spending Clams, the most Masks you can get in a day is 19 (3 every 4 hours for the two buildings and Bonnie, and one a day…eventually…from Diabeto), meaning even if it were an Always drop, it would still take two days to get the 20 Tubas needed, and that’s if you completely ignore the Casino, seeing as that requires 18 Luchadores you can’t use to farm Scouts.

      As it is, I’ve been playing pretty regularly, at least approaching that 19 a day theoretical maximum (probably more like 16, since I usually miss a round of Mask grabbing to sleep), and I only have four Tubas to show for it. A reasonable drop rate would be getting *at least* that a day.


    • At least you are getting a response.
      I’m still waiting for one, been almost a week since i reported a problem

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Pretty sure the goon has a chainsaw as a reference to Scarface.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sent this to TC along with a list of complaints, but maybe better if it came from more people.. how about if instead of updating the leaderboards “live” with your personal tally, they just stay static and update once daily? What’s the point of my position being constantly updated and incorrect when I never even have a snapshot of where I actually am (unless I check exactly at 4PM)?

    Otherwise, I’ll celebrate getting my very first freaking tuba, and add it to the pile of things completely wrong with this entire event.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I just got the 25 clams, which is a real enough prize to me… Not so keen on the others remaining except Consuela if I should be so lucky. I’m not spending clams on this event and didn’t have enough time for the 24 hour challenge. Chainsaw wielding criminals don’t really attract me. Wish we could trade such things for a few clams!


  12. I think “meh” pretty much sums up how I feel about the henchman, as well. It would be nice if there was an option to accept or reject offered prizes. I sure would not have a shielded petercraft if that option was available! It would also be nice if there was an option to discard items out of your inventory, since the only current way is to sell them, and that option is not available for all items. *chuckle*

    Liked by 1 person

  13. zombiepanda2007

    I have posted several times about the fedora hats not registering for the most part, therefore making the count in accurate. When I raided the obstacles that gives 120 hats, the count didn’t register at all! I’ve contacted TinyCo several times, but they don’t answer for help! I’m getting more than frustrated now because it’s really getting bad!!


  14. Is anyone else’s leaderboard stuck? The 50,000 spot on mine was been in the 2800’s for over a day. Even though My count is above that number I’m still ranked well below. I though the boards are supposed to update 4pm pacific?


  15. Not so keen on the still NPC either. I’m with you on that one.

    I notice someone up farther asked about Kingpin Consuela coming with Consuela. On that note does Fight Promoter Cleveland come with Cleveland? I don’t have either base characters so it seems to me knocking over gold trucks would not be worth it if it doesn’t come with Cleveland and I want to go for that 17,500 mob pt Consuela prize. Not sure I’ll make it but I sure am trying!


    • No, he will not. We posted about it on the Main Rundown for week 2. Cleveland should be in your game as a Clam purchase.

      Mobster Event Week 2 LIVE!!


    • In the individual prize list, the info on Kingpin Consuela is:
      80 $ coins every 6 h
      50 XP every 6 h

      ??? Is she a building or what??? Are we sure she’s a playable character along with the outfit? Or is this just a glitch with the info? I don’t remember seeing this in the info before but haven’t checked in a while.


  16. As if all the other glitches weren’t enough, now my mob rep isn’t calculating properly. Only about 75% of my fedoras seem to be counting. I was really trying to be patient before that started happening but now it kind of defeats the purpose of this challenge when the one thing you need to stay on the boards is not working. Sigh. I have messaged them twice but of course no responses yet. They seriously need new programmers. I will never spend another dime on this game again. My hubby and I are daily players but I think that will be changing now. Too bad cuz we enjoyed it before now. Even stuck it through the Star Trek event, This one seems to top the cake with problems though.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Hey Ladies! I just saw that it seems like if we make it to Kingpin Conseula that we actually unlock her character. Does this mean that we get Conseula without spending clams on her?? This may change what I play for. Thanks in advance!


  18. I’m actually glad my android keeps crashing on startup and not letting me on. I’d be really upset if I couldn’t play on my iPad.


    • Oh, yah, I’ve got my henchman standing over the camping tent. I did have him menacing the guys sitting at the table at first, but he looks much better menacing the imaginary campers.


  19. Hey girls. Do you think we should save luchador goons until they fix this tuba issue or just dive and grind whatever we can get. It definitely seems like a bug that an uncommon item has lower drop chance than extra rare. It feels just wasteful.


    • Honestly… do not know. No Updates on it just yet outside of “looking into it”


    • I have been waiting but this morning I tried again and got 2 tubas out of 4 attempts (yay 2 out of 20 now lol). I’m not sure if I just got lucky so I’m still holding back some until we hear something.


      • I feel for you! I’ve cleared 8 girl scouts today and only received 1 tuba. Overall, I get about 2 tubas a day. So very frustrating. 😦


        • Seems like tinyco is in terrible need of a dictionary especially when it comes to the word “uncommon”. I shall alert oxford 😀


          • Actually, 1 out of 8 *does* meet the definition of “uncommon”, even if that’s something of an understatement… So would 1 out of 3 be uncommon, though I imagine we’d all be much happier with that probability…


  20. Still haven’t got Cleveland jr and it’s put me so far behind with the whole event, I’ve never had a problem with drops before it’s very disheartening 😦


  21. Is anyone else being prompted to update but there’s no update to update with?


  22. I love seeing animation so for me at least it’s better than a stationary deco like Meg’s boyfriend or the original Diabeto we got a while back. Does his chainsaw move so it looks like he is about to saw something or someone?


  23. Is the leaderboard working? According to mine, I’ve ranked up to around the 11,000’s today; however, I’ve also noticed that no-one else seems to be moving, as the rank 10,000 point has been stuck at 4,108 mob rep for approaching two days now, and the top ranked player hasn’t increased at all in the same period of time. I’d like to think I’m on track to get Don Corleone, but if I’m going to drop tens of thousands of places at random points, then how do we know what we’re actually likely to get?


  24. Hey! Is anyone else having a ton of trouble with the tuba Girl Scout drops? I have gone after about 40 of them? And only have 5 including I tried 3 this morning and got 0). I play this game a lot, and hAve never had a problem with the item dropping. I’m honestly worried I may be stuck in phase 2 for the rest of the event. Anyone else in this boat? Any advice?


  25. Bmonkeygurl244

    I haven’t earned him yet, but soon, very very soon. What does NPC stand for? The prize I’m really excited about (I have no idea why) is the octopus. I hope his arms move around in that tub lol


  26. i use android and my boyfriend uses ios. he went to log in to my family guy account on the ipad and its saying to update the app.. when he goes to update the app there is no update available.. now we cant use family guy on the ipad.. any ideas?


    • Because you played it on Android.

      Android and iOS are on two different versions right now. We’re all still waiting for the update to hit iOS. Tinyco Submitted the updates at the same time to both Apple and Android…Android approved it quickly, Apple likes to take it’s sweet time. So you’ve got to wait for Apple to release that update before you can play on the iPad (or any iOS device again)


  27. Probably the worst prize of the event only because I was dumb enough to believe it was a goon for hire. Very disappointed.


  28. I like him. Between him and the roaches, my cookie conveyor belts are well protected. Design-wise, it wouldn’t make sense to have those unattended with those nebulous Gurl Scouts about. Yeah I spend way too much thinking time on creating a construct for my silly lil town.


  29. Alissa did ya’ll do a mob rep earning calendar like you do for Tapped Out? If not, I think one would be super helpful. I see that people have already gotten Kingpin Consuela, and I’m not even to 5k yet…so I feel behind,obviously.


    • It isn’t as cut and dry here as it is there, so that is REALLY difficult. New things are added weekly and sometimes within that week too. Trying to come up with something helpful for this game, my first concern is all the players back in the game fully. But some tips are coming. 🙂


    • Don’t know about a calendar, but now that I’ve completed the Casino and don’t need to worry as much about farming Purple Trucks for quest progression, I’ve found that since you can get 3 Masks every 4 hours thanks to the two buildings and Bonnie, and thus every time I farm those three, I start 3 Luchadores (3hr) and 2 Goons (1hr). That way I can take out 3 Girl Scouts every 8 hours, and farm Purple Trucks for Cookies as well. I could alternately build up my Goons and drop a Gold Truck every 6 I can gather, (and indeed once a day I do hire a lot of extra Goons before I go to sleep, so I can pick up some Gloves as soon as I wake up or soon after) but the Fedora rate for Gurl Scouts is abysmal. 10 a pop every 2 or 3 hours, after spending 2 Masks each time, versus 5 a pop every half hour for a net -10 Cookies.


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