Monthly Archives: June 2015

Mobster Week 4 Is Here!

UPDATE BUNNY 6/26: In regards to Fry drops… 

This is the response and results I am getting… if you have leftover Couriers from LAST week… they were not coded to know to drop Fries. So they won’t. Also, the Fry option will ONLY trigger when the Fry Obstacle is Triggered.

This is what I did as it impacted me too. I tapped on any Couriers I had in my town, if it had a Cookie Icon showing… I passed it. If it had a Fry icon showing, I tapped it and got a Fry every time.


Hello There Clammers!

Well…week 4 is upon is here, so hurry into your Tiny Quahogs and load it up! It’s time to upgrade the Fatfather’s Compound and see what’s in store for us this week….


As always we’ll be back with more details as soon as we go through them…

For now know that you should have completed Good to Be A Gangster Pt. 8 in order to upgrade the Mansion (At least that’s how it should work, if you haven’t completed it and can still upgrade please let us know..)

You will need to go to your mansion and upgrade before you see anything else appear…

Details below the fold…

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Mob Rep Prizes: Breaking Down the Security Octopus

Hello There Clammers!

How are my favorite mobsters doing today?  Everyone working on racking up as much Mob Rep as you can?  (amidst all the crashes..which hopefully will be ending VERY soon)  So as we’re in the full swing of the event, everyone should be earning Mob Rep at a decent rate.  So whatcha gonna do with all that Mob Rep you’re collecting?  Unlock really cool prizes of course!

While we’ve taken break in recent events from the prize chart, it’s nice to see TinyCo going back to it for the Mobster Event!  Of course it’ll take some work to unlock all of the prizes, but hey you have a month to do it!  So let’s take a look at the third “real” prize of the Mob Event…the Security Octopus …

Fedoras Mob RepFedoras Mob Rep Continue reading

New Addicts Contest: Event Planner

Hello There Clammers!

Lately the tensions been a bit high around here and frustrations about TQFS are mounting.  I know the game can be a bit frustrating (and downright aggravating) at times, but it’s important to remember…It’s a game and games are supposed to be fun.  So with that in mind Bunny and I decided to bring back some fun around here…and nothing says fun more than giving away FREE STUFF!

With all the talk about this (and past) events, and with so many varying opinions we thought it would be fun to see how YOU would create an event for TQFS!  And that’s what this contest is all about…well that and free stuff!

FG Addicts

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Quahog Mob Walkthroughs: Destroy Fort Nox & Become the Best

Hello There Clammers!

TinyCo dropped a couple of new Mob Rep earning questlines on us well after week 3 hit our games.  So let’s take a look at the Destroy Fort Nox and Become the Best questlines now…

Fedoras Mob Rep

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Mobster Premium Character Profile: Mr. Miyagi

Hey there Mafioso!

With Men in Zoot Suits running round the game, Goons shooting up Cookie Trucks, and Offers you just can’t refuse… the Mobsters Event is live in our silly lil games.

With the Mobsters Event rounding in full swing it’s time to take a look at the characters/costumes you could unlock throughout the event….

Mr Miyagi

Mr. Miyagi is an optional Premium Character  you can purchase during the Mobsters Event (he arrives during week 3), so let’s take a look at this Karate Master and see if he can teach us to WAX OFF!! WAX ON!!

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Quahog Mob Premium Walkthroughs: Sweep The Leg

Hello There Clammers!

Quahog has gone gangster and brought us an offer we can’t refuse!  As Don Corleone has decided to setup shop for his counterfeit cookie operation right in Quahog…and he’s enlisted Peter’s help!

During the third week of the Quahog Mob Event you’ll unlock Mr. Washee Washee, hire Evil Showgirls to take down the Takanawa Estate, beat up on some bike riding cookie couriers..and collect lots and lots of cookies!

Of course you can’t have some Freemiums without tossing in some Premiums. Mr. Miyagi was also dropped into our games for a Clam Purchase option complete with a Questline, Sweep the Leg.

Mr. Miyagi

So let’s take a closer look at his Questline to see what it will involve…

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Tuba & Truck Changes!!

UPDATE 6/25: Got Clarification back from TinyCo on the Purple Trucks. The Purple Trucks will STOP showing up in your town once you trigger two specific spots. Good to be a Gangster Part 1 & COMPLETED Rise to the Top. (So the basically they will not go away until you don’t need them anymore… same for the Materials they drop.)

So if YOU stopped seeing them in your town, it is due to you completed the need for them. So use your Wiseguys for Fort Nox or Raids (if required) from now on. No worries on Cookies, they have already items in place that will still bring you Cookies to the game through OTHER methods. Ones already active now and coming soon. 🙂


Hey there Mafioso!

TinyCo has put in a change within the game to help everyone get Cleveland Jr and to correct those illusive Cookie Trucks that went missing. (I still think those Rogue Firetrucks ate them all. I mean they DO taste like Cookies. Om Nom Nom Nom.)

Cleveland Jr Practice Tuba Gold Cookie Delivery Truck Gurl Scout Cookie Truck



You will now find that the Tubas will ALWAYS drop for Cleveland Jr from the following actions.

Chris: Eat Cookies, 2hrs

Quagmire: Ogle Lois, 2hrs

Jerome: Distract Pit Boss, 2hrs


You should have no problem at all now getting those Tubas to drop.



Gold Cookie Delivery Truck Gurl Scout Cookie Truck

Maybe a inside job from the Twinkie Factory, maybe jealous Keebler Elves, either way those Cookie Trucks should be back up and running in your games now.


FYI: On the Purple Cookie Trucks, Changes dropped with the Tubas pulled. Coins, Cookies, Mob Rep, (and Materials if needed) will now alternate. So you will see a change in drops as they rotate around. 

On the Gold Trucks, they never spawned as Fast as the Purple Trucks so they may take a lil bit to return. If you do not see them within 24hrs of these changes going into effect, please report it to them. 


Two quick “fixes” to the game and you should be all set now. How are they working in your game? On easy street to get Jr now? Seeing those Cookie Trucks Again? Let us know.


Mobster Event 101: Takanawa Family Estate

Side Note: Seeing reports of Cookie Trucks stopped showing up. We already reported this and will Update when we hear word back. Feel free to report it to from your game or wait for an update. 

FYI: They have been working on locating the cause. 

Hey there Mafioso!

Week 3 is in full swing and there is a lot going on around the game. One of the new items introduced into the mix is the Event Area Changing again. First a Safehouse, then a Casino, now the Takanawa Family Estate.

With all this content, it helps to know what you are in for when it comes to these additional areas. We are here to help break it all down.

The Takanawa Family Estate Area

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2nd Challenge Live In Game: Enter the Dragon

Hey there Mafioso!

A bit behind as I was in traffic when it hit… but give me a minute to get all the details compiled for you and I will have all the specifics soon. 

The 2nd Challenge is in our games. ENTER THE DRAGON!! 

Enter the Dragon

Back with MORE details in a bit

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Mobster Character Profile: Cleveland Jr.

Hey there Mafioso!

With Men in Zoot Suits running round the game, Goons shooting up Cookie Trucks, and Offers you just can’t refuse… the Mobsters Event is live in our silly lil games.

With the Mobsters Event rounding in full swing it’s time to take a look at the characters/costumes you could unlock throughout the event….

Cleveland Jr

Cleveland Jr. is the second character you can unlock during the Mobsters Event (he arrives during week 2), so let’s take a look at this pint sized Cleveland and see just what he’s made of…

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