Daily Archives: September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day!

Hello There Clammers!

Well here in the US today marks the unofficial end of Summer….Labor Day.  Funny how here in America we don’t bother using calendars to mark the start and end of our summers…we know Memorial Day is the unofficial start and Labor Day is the unofficial end….sometimes I think we just like the excuse for a good Barbecue!

Of course Labor Day isn’t really about the end of summer…and it isn’t only celebrated in the US (our friends up in Canada are celebrating it today as well…).  No, Labor Day (or Labour Day) is a celebration of the workers movement.  It’s meant to honor those who contribute to the strength and prosperity of their country.   (you can read more about it here)

Anywho most Americans will spend today soaking up what’s left of their summer and spend time with their families and friends down the shore (can you tell I’m from Jersey?!), at parades, picnics and watching fireworks!  And since Bunny and I are all located in the US…you can throw us into that bunch!  But don’t worry, we’ll still be popping in and out of the comments throughout the day to help you with all of your Peter Palooza quetions.  Just keep in mind it might take us a little while to moderate through all the comments, so we thank you in advance for your patience!

Note: We’ve tried to take a little time this weekend to recharge and relax.  (or in my case putting together baby furniture) So thank you for your patience and baring with us while we’re not around as much.

We hope you all have a GREAT day!  Do YOU have any plans for today?  Did you enjoy your summer?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

And…as a bonus, just in case you need to burn off a little of that creative energy…Caption This!

Sent in by Reader Steve M
